-centered learning activities with formal mentorship, 2) help improve students’comprehension of the course material by increasing peer interaction and reflection in the classroom, and3) provide faculty with a low-effort way to incorporate more student-centered learning opportunities intothe lecture portions of engineering courses while introducing them to pedagogical tools and strategiessuch as backward design, writing and sharing learning objectives, promoting student interaction, andpromoting metacognition. MethodsProgram participants and course characteristicsEach of the participating four instructors taught a distinct, lecture-based engineering course in a distinctdepartment, ranging from first- to
yield what we think are the most interesting findings from the entire study.Question 1 asks students about the impacts of the course itself (ES220 or BR200); results areshown in Table 2. Student responses reveal three major findings. In both classes, a higherpercentage of females reported that their sense of belonging in engineering was positivelyimpacted by the class they were enrolled in compared to their male peers. In addition, a greaterpercentage of both male and female students in the sociotechnical class responded that theirsense of belonging had been positively affected by the class relative to males and females in thetechnical class, with the increase more pronounced for female students. Table 2. Breakdown of Student Responses to
report writing skills.Materials and MethodsThe experiment reported was performed by students in a 1st year undergraduate engineeringcourse entitled Introduction to Biomedical Engineering. This course is comprised of fourmodules covering key topics in Biomedical Engineering. Each module integrates lectures with alaboratory. The microfluidic lab described is in the Biofluids module. A class typically of 45students is divided into groups of 3 to 4 students, and the lab is taught in three sections with 4groups in each section. Prior to the lab, lectures on fluid flow in pipes, vascular flow andocclusion, and microfabrication were delivered to provide context. The lab was carried outduring a 3-hour class period and the students were given three weeks
Integrated(VIVID) Storytelling, that makes use of educational comics for teaching humanistic subjectmatters to engineering students. Over the past two years, we have applied this pedagogy tothe teaching of visual thinking, storytelling, ethics, teamwork, motivation, and otherhumanistic topics in various curricular and co-curricular settings in two universities, includingtwo courses taken by all engineering students, a peer mentorship program attended by allfirst-year engineering students, two bridge-programs for students entering university, aworkshop for graduate researchers, and a STEAM program for female high school students.Our initial experience applying this pedagogy shows that by combining the engagingness ofvisual storytelling with the
younger students. “It brings the project to life in a way that is better than writing it out.”Participants saw value in the range of lessons available to teachers, on topics that they might nototherwise be familiar with. They also noted that when given the chance, interactions between thecollege students and K-12 students provide an additional benefit for both groups, by adding a‘mentoring’ aspect to the whole experience.Moving ForwardSTEM QuESTS is now in the middle if its second year. With more time for preparations, andbased on our experiences in the first year of the competition, we have made a few changes. 4We’ve updated materials so students