Online Resources Supplemental Instruction Peer-assisted Labs Homework HelpStudy Groups Writing Assignments Recitation Course Material Comparison”. Some topics maynot be fully represented, as this review is not intended to be fully comprehensive but rather toprovide an overview of different intervention styles and their effectiveness. Articles wereselected for inclusion based on their relevance to the research question.General FindingsOverall, there are many effective ways to improve student success/outcomes in statics. Throughthis literature review, we found that there is no “perfect” solution, and that students and faculty atdifferent institutions respond differently to different interventions. Therefore, an idealintervention would involve
students in Lincoln felt more confident post-activities than Omahain general, possibly due in part to in-person interactions with these students. There was moredialogue between the Lincoln section and Omaha section due to the distance learning interactionpresent on the day of the dialogue, a factor which may have influenced the “confidence” answersto the post-survey questions. In addition, peer review sessions generated alternative solutionsthat a group may not have thought of initially. A previous study from quantum engineering sawa similar improvement in paper writing as a result of peer review activities, showing there areexamples of beneficial peer-review activities generating positive impacts in engineeringeducation[17] and more broadly in
focus fromoutcome to process was accomplished using in person grading where students were expected todescribe their code and any challenges they faced writing the code. Students were then askedquestions to help them reflect on their code and on their understanding of new concepts.Examination of midterm exam grades found a slight improve in scores with the implementation ofin person grading.KeywordsArtificial Intelligence, Assessment, ProgrammingIntroductionGenerative artificial intelligence (AI) has been the talk of the universities since the advent ofChatGPT in November 2022. The development of generative adversarial networks, transformers,and large language models in the last decade has allowed the creation of generative AI capable ofwriting
: thateveryone is treated with respect and not demeaned for their opinion. This class is considered a © American Society for Engineering Education, 2023 2023 ASEE Midwest Section Conferencesafe space where every student can freely voice their opinion. Hopefully, their future workplaceswill be held to the same standard.Students are also informed they will be expected to work with their teammates outside of classtime and that each of them must participate. Each group will do peer reviews to grade theinvolvement and effectiveness of each other. These peer reviews are used to help establish theoverall individual grades on the group project.Interpersonal SkillsENGR 100 topics • Diversity, Equity, and
-based projects. This peer-reviewed article focuses on a specific instance of PBL, which centers on aproject involving the reverse engineering and sustainable re-design of a common customerproduct, namely the ubiquitous powered hand tool, the drill. The project aimed to address themain body of the drill as well as components such as the hard carrying case and battery chargingstation. By including all the elements of the product as found in a commercial outlet, studentshad to ensure their designs worked seamlessly with the functionality and portability expected byconsumers. What sets this project apart is its adoption of an innovative educational model knownas "Integrated Projects." Integrated Projects represent an interdisciplinary
objectives. Students were organized into collaborative teams to work onthese projects, which encouraged teamwork and peer learning. During the implementation phase,the technical subject content was integrated with the three C's: Curiosity, Connection, and Creatingvalue, as defined by the Kern Entrepreneurial Engineering Network (KEEN) [13]. This approachenabled students to engage with the research process, understand its various phases andinteractions, and synthesize information from diverse sources to address both local community andglobal challenges. Additionally, they learned to formulate and effectively communicate designrequirements and solutions, focusing on their societal benefits and economic feasibility. Thesebehaviors were in line with the
students (small sample size) the difference betweenthe pre- and post-assessment scores suggests the effectiveness of the Integrated Project initiativein enhancing problem-solving skills. Furthermore, the qualitative data supported the quantitative findings, as studentsexpressed that the problem-based learning approach facilitated the development of systematicproblem-solving strategies. They reported using the structured Six Sigma DMAIC approach onother problems. These types of EM Connections mirrors other research, for example one studyasked students to write reflective analogies of how the skills learning in one course could berelated to other subjects[16]. Students also highlighted the importance of collaboration withinteams, as it