technical communication as social justice in the College of Engineering. ©American Society for Engineering Education, 2024 Integrating community-engaged research and energy justice in design pedagogy: Reflections on a first-year nuclear engineering undergraduate design course Aditi Verma and Katie SnyderIntroductionThe language of engineering is replete with ‘unintended consequences’ as amply illustratedacross a number of examples, ranging from the mundane to grave –left-handed individualsstruggle with most appliances (scissors, vacuum cleaners, can-openers); car crash fatality ratesfor women are higher than for men because crash-test dummies (until
shift towards renewable energy sources [1].This policy-driven shift necessitates a workforce adept in renewable energy integration.Consequently, a re-evaluation and subsequent update of engineering curricula and workforcedevelopment programs are imperative to align with these emerging demands [2]. However, anotable misalignment can be identified between current engineering curricula and the practicalneeds of the energy sector [3]. This discrepancy mainly arises from the lag in updatingeducational content to reflect rapidly evolving industry requirements [4]. Educators often findthemselves grappling with unclear guidelines on the factors influencing course redesign,leading to a slow renewal process, ineffective teaching strategies, and outdated
group due to the low materials cost of the activity. This meant building eight kits perclassroom set. The team at Southern Illinois University chose a group size of 5 middle or highschool students per group due to the larger physical dimensions of their activity, which meantthat 4 kits were constructed per classroom set with an expected enrollment of approximately 20students per class. The size of the classroom set also reflected the need for the kits to be portable.Both sets of kits were sized to fit neatly into one or two large plastic totes. Each team created two classroom sets of equipment necessary to perform the labs. In lateApril, three weeks before the end of the semester, the full group held a second in-personmeeting. At this
Science Foundation underGrant No. 2045519. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed inthis material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the NationalScience Foundation.The authors would like to thank Vincent Paglioni from the University of Maryland, JamesStemm from the National Museum of Nuclear Science and History, and Lauren Addario, RianneTrujillo, Jonathan Lee, Becca Sharp, and Dion Boyer from New Mexico Highlands Universityfor their work toward this project.References[1] S. Allen, “Designs for learning: Studying science museum exhibits that do more than entertain,” Sci. Educ., vol. 88, no. S1, pp. S17–S33, 2004, doi: 10.1002/sce.20016.[2] C. Tisdal, “Phase 2 Summative
4.33 I felt comfortable sharing my thoughts and questions during gameQ10 sessions. 4.09 4.07Q11 The game covered all necessary topics related to hydrogen production. 4.13 4.14 The topics covered in the game were relevant to my overall courseQ12 understanding. 4.30 3.71Q13 The assessments within the game were clear and fair. 4.21 4.14 My performance in the game accurately reflects understanding ofQ14 content. 4.09
inherent challenges must be explored. Meanwhile,renewable generation is typically placed in rural areas and the consumption, which is predictedto increase in the coming years, is concentrated in and around urban areas. The objective of thisproblem is to solve the challenges of renewables, namely the variability and their remotelocation. While improving the infrastructure might be necessary, it might not always beeconomically feasible or sufficient.Solution Requirements: • Safe and reliable • Economically feasible • Integrate an aggregation of distributed energy resources at a common coupling point in the transmission system • Reflect on the operation of a power system with high shares of variable and
selected topic can be challenging for the students. Thefollowing quote is directly from one of the student competition team members. “Reflecting on the event, the biggest benefit I realize by participating in the program isthat my work impacts those beyond homework, assignments, and projects. Working in the SDCcompetition for our capstone project adds an elevated challenge for me beyond data analysis andpaper writing. This environment is one where I may engage with individuals in a new sense:alongside classmates, academics at ISU, and professionals in the industry nationwide. Short ofvisiting the project site location, I recalled knowledge from previous extracurricular projects andprospecting and oratorical skills from over the years and