large mid-Atlantic institution. As described at 2023 ASEE Annual Meeting, we spentthe past few years increasing the response rate to the end-of-course survey and aim in the longerterm to increase the proportion of students who self-report their attainment of the course learningobjectives as either “Good” or “Excellent.” After reflecting upon these results and learning lessonsfrom previous course offerings, we are now introducing strategies to increase student engagementfurther and attain department metrics for the course. Starting in Fall 2023, 13 activities wereintroduced to improve the course. The activities can be grouped into three categories: (A)Demonstrating the worth of the course to the students; (B) Making class fun; and (C
paper is meant to provide adetailed account of the perceptions of five students in one course.Another limitation of this work is that terms such as “sense of community” and “trust” were notdefined for students, so their responses to the focus group questions reflect their ownunderstanding of what these terms mean. In future iterations of this work, we could ask studentsquestions such as: In your view, what does it look like to have a classroom community? Is havinga sense of community important to you in your graduate courses? Why or why not?It could also be helpful to explain to the students the purpose of the focus group beforehand.Students seemed to be expecting to give feedback in a manner similar to a course evaluation andanswer questions
three themes related to advisor-advisee communication: Mutual Trust, ClearExpectations, and Delivery of Feedback.Mutual TrustWhen asked if they would share information about their neurodiversity-related experiences,strengths, and challenges with their advisor, most participants expressed some hesitation aboutdoing so, suggesting that students may not have the necessary trust in their advisor-adviseerelationship to facilitate these types of discussions. Wendy, who later on in her programdeveloped open communication with her advisor about neurodiversity, reflected on her earlyperception that she was not safe discussing her experiences with ADHD, saying: I think it would be something that might be helpful to share with my advisor
personal life. Additionally, the experiential nature of PBL allows students toencounter challenges, problems, or conflicts like those they may face in the corporate world, allwithin the secure environment of the classroom. This experiential learning model enables themto solidify knowledge through real-world problem-solving. This sentiment is reflected in thestatement from interviewee 1: “The student connects the content given with a real problem that can be encountered in everyday life, which helps in the construction and retention of knowledge.” [interviewee 1] Also, in the statement of interviewee 5, there is: “The student himself will identify
Paper ID #42380The Effect of Ego Network Structure on Self-efficacy in Engineering StudentsDavid Myers, Rowan UniversityMatthew Currey, Rowan UniversityLuciano Miles Miletta, Rowan UniversityDarby Rose Riley, Rowan University Darby Riley is a doctoral student of engineering education at Rowan University. She has a special interest in issues of diversity and inclusion, especially as they relate to disability and accessibility of education. Her current research is focused on the adoption of pedagogy innovations by instructors, specifically the use of reflections and application of the entrepreneurial mindset. Her previous
reinforced skills including experimental design, developing experimental protocols,analyzing data, optimizing a process, and making decisions based on data on a 5-point scale fromstrongly agree (4) to strongly disagree (0).Qualitative Data AnalysisTo better understand the impact of the experiential learning activities, several free responsequestions were included in the surveys. In the survey after each simulated industry experience,students were asked to briefly reflect on the activity by sharing things like what they learnedfrom the activity, how this activity challenged them to think like an engineer in industry, or whatcould be improved about the activity. In addition, students were asked to identify the mainchallenges in the biopharmaceutical
. It represents a behavioral aspect of well-being and has beenrecognized as a significant predictor of various learning behaviors and achievement outcomes[11, 12]. According to Renshaw and Bolognino (2016) [6], academic efficacy encompasseselements of both cognitive and behavioral well-being. However, their analysis suggests that itpredominantly reflects behavioral well-being rather than cognitive well-being. This implies thatacademic efficacy is more closely associated with the persistent pursuit of goals anddetermination rather than solely cognitive abilities or beliefs about one's capabilities.3. METHODOLOGY3.1 Methods Both quantitative and qualitative data were collected concurrently for the concurrentmixed-methods study as
, M.S. Takriff, S.R.S. Abdullah, “Comparative study between open ended laboratory and traditional laboratory”, IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON), 2011.[18] K. Issen, “Open-Ended Design Problems”, Reflection in Engineering Education Workshop at University of Washington, 2017.[19] K.S. Cheruvelil, A.D. Palma-Dow, and K.A. Smith, “Strategies to promote effective student research teams in undergraduate biology labs”, The American Biology Teacher, vol. 82, no 1, pp. 18-27., 2020.[20] A.R. Emke, A.C. Butler, and D.P. Larsen, “Effects of team-based learning on short-term and long-term retention of factual knowledge”, Medical Teacher, vol. 38, pp. 306-311, 2016.[21] R. Ubell
influenceparticipants' responses. Third, the study included a mix of closed-ended and open-endedquestions, allowing participants to express their thoughts and experiences in their own words.However, despite these efforts, the possibility of response bias cannot be entirely eliminated,and the results should be interpreted with this limitation in mind.Finally, the rapidly evolving nature of AI technology presents another challenge. The study'sfindings are reflective of the current state of AI and may not remain relevant as newadvancements and shifts in the industry emerge.6.2 Future WorkTo build upon the findings of this study and address its limitations, future research couldexpand the scope to include a more diverse range of participants from various
experiences.Dr. Jennifer L. Cole, Northwestern University Jennifer L. Cole is the Assistant Chair in Chemical and Biological Engineering in the Robert R. McCormick School of Engineering and the Director of the Northwestern Center for Engineering Education Research at Northwestern University.Dr. Kevin D. Dahm, Rowan University Kevin Dahm is a Professor and Undergraduate Program Chair of Chemical Engineering at Rowan University. He earned his BS from Worcester Polytechnic Institute (92) and his PhD from Massachusetts Institute of Technology (98). He has published two books, ”Fundamentals of Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics” with Donald Visco and ”Interpreting Diffuse Reflectance and Transmittance” with his father Donald
all of the course’s challengeproblems). The grades are indicative of the correctness of the calculated and inferred solution as well as thedescription of the process to reach the solution. Though the student grade is more of a representation of thecognitive domain, it is a good measure of the student engagement level and, when compared to grades inother assignments, reflects the impact of the gamified problem on their learning.In order to separate the assessment of the data (including coding of the reports) from the evaluation ofgrades, the authors split these responsibilities. MG, who was the instructor in the course, assessed all reportswith the rubric. RVG, who did not meet the students and therefore held no biases towards any of them
student-to-instructor interaction has a significantimpact on students’ learning and engagement [31]. Similarly, studies also show that student-to-instructor interactions help the student create a sense of belongingness in the online courses [32].Limitations, Implications, and Future WorkSimilar to other research studies, this study also comes with limitations. The sample recruited forthis study includes participants from one university at undergraduate level and is not representativeof the broader online engineering programs/community. Additionally, the undergraduate studentsrecruited were from only three engineering majors: information technology, software engineering,and graphic information technology, which does not reflect the experiences of
performers. These entities are abstractmission participants who can perform activities in the scenario. Fig. 4 focuses on motivation forthe articulated mission (shown in the diagram) from research lab directors. Given this mission orenterprise vision, drivers are used to define factors or rationale that drive the articulated mission.Each driver can then be mapped to one or more challenges which reflect issues that need to beresolved to address the driver. This dependency is expressed using the PresentedBy relationship.The challenges identified are used to motivate a set of opportunities expressed by theMotivatedBy dependency. These opportunities can be further traced to the capabilities of the SoIto achieve the proposed mission
other available courses listed under course sets that interest students provides theopportunity to further customize the degree plan.It is worth noting that changing a major can be a normal part of the college experience, as itmay reflect a student’s growth, self-discovery, and a deeper understanding of their academic andprofessional desires. To demonstrate the efficacy of our algorithm that works in this scenario,another example is considered for creating a transfer plan from the Associate of Arts program atPima Community College to the Biochemistry program at the University of Arizona. The structureof the degree requirement tree is provided in Figure 5, and the descriptions of the requirements arelisted in Table 4. The two-year to four-year
cold-water flow rate on hot-water outlet temperature.These results lead to a significant improvement (p-value = 0.034) for Q6R with a moderate effectsize (ES = 0.54). With improvement in all questions, overall, the DLM implementation wasbeneficial for the students as there is > 10% improvement with a medium effect size.4. Motivational OutcomeIn addition to pre- and post-test, we also conducted motivational survey. Participant consists of 75students from 3 different universities in the United States. The participant responses are shown inFig. 6 from a survey assessing the Shell & Tube Heat Exchanger DLM features listed in table 2.The plot reflects a predominantly positive evaluation of the modules' features. Notably, featuresfacilitating
Fig. 11. Additionally,the 6V to 4V transition was not smooth, unlike the test case with 20kHz PWM and 1kHz sampling frequency. Similar resultsare reflected in the Simulink simulation from Fig. 12. This phenomenon was anticipated from the duty cycle resolution issuethat 80kHz PWM frequency creates. OCR1A = 0 ∼ 99 1 ResolutionDutyCycle = = 1% (10) (99 − 0) + 1 Thus, the duty cycle cannot be expressed in a decimal form with 1% duty cycle
tasks, etc.). This349 is reflected in high ra ngs both pre- and post- Team Challenge for Criterion “C”. The most significant350 change between pre- and post- self-assessment was observed for Criterion “D” (pre- and post-challenge351 averages of 3.1 and 4, respec vely). Anecdotal observa ons and student feedback suggest that this352 learning approach is novel to the majority of students, and they feel most capable of addressing these353 challenges once they have been exposed to them and ac vely engaged in the process.354 Finally, before introducing the Team Challenges to students, significant me is devoted to introducing355 engineering problem-solving, which involves applying STEM concepts to prac cal applica ons. However,356
engaged experiences that involve guided practice,opportunities for collaboration, and reflection on applying course content through real-world application [13,14, 15]. Active learning allows for engaging with higher-orderthinking tasks, such as analyzing, synthesizing, and evaluating applied course content[15]. This practice of high-order thinking tasks occurs in formal and non-formal STEMeducation environments and can incorporate self-regulated learning, self-monitoring,and self-evaluation [13,14, 15, 16, 17]. Professional organizations value active learning experiences in engineeringdegree programs, as evidenced by ABET accreditation criteria and industryrepresentatives Prados, Peterson, and Luttuca, 2005 statements of there being a
. It is noted that students will also have background and foundational literature they will discuss in the intro that will not show up in the Matrix. c. Students will use the research question skills learned in class to identify metadata they will collect from the studied papers and compare across the matrix. d. Finally, students will write a reflection on the process that includes their search strategies, experiences, and next steps. e. Timeliness is important. After a week, you will have both half-credit for the assignment and less time to develop your paper, so please chat with me early if you’re falling behind on this.7. Lit Review: Paper a. Students must follow
who changemajors, and students who are veterans (e.g., [7], [27]). Other work has indicated the importanceof factors such as motivation and belongingness [5], [28]. While those factors are not connectedto a students’ academic record, they are an important reminder of what academic records can andcannot reflect about students. MIDFIELD leaders point to the value of qualitative research tofurther explore the quantitative findings [9]. Similarly, this paper represents the early quantitativestrand of a larger mixed-method project seeking to identify opportunities to support ECEstudents.The past few years have seen the engineering education research community grapple with thepotential contributions of educational data mining students’ academic
Mean St. Dev Mean St. Dev Non-Traditionally Underrepresented Students 3.510 0.426 29.30 3.797 Traditionally Underrepresented Students 3.236** 0.717 28.20 5.448 PMP-Eligible Students 3.161** 0.813 28.02 5.255 PMP Participants 3.343 0.546 28.46 5.782Significance reflects results of an independent samples t-test between non-TU students and TU studentsubpopulations. * p ≤ 0.05, ** p < .01, *** p < .005.Since RQ2 seeks to understand the relationship between participation in the PMP and studentacademic
, the simplicity of the project naturally yields the project to be used in awide variety of learning environments and student learners. When implementation does occur, the generatedresults would need to be studied and further modifications would be made to the teaching approach.Eventually, the module and learning materials along with the project will be made highly accessible toeducators through a centralized soft robotic teaching website being developed at Rowan University.AcknowledgementsThis material is based upon work partially supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No.2235647. Any opinions, findings, conclusions, and recommendations expressed in this material are thoseof the authors(s) and do not necessarily reflect the
could be’, 2019, doi: 10.1007/s11186-019-09345-5.[26] S. Hunziker and M. Blankenagel, ‘Single Case Research Design’, Research Design in Business and Management, pp. 141–170, 2021, doi: 10.1007/978-3-658-34357-6_8.[27] R. H. Horner and J. Ferron, ‘Advancing the Application and Use of Single-Case Research Designs: Reflections on Articles from the Special Issue’, Perspectives on Behavior Science , vol. 45, pp. 5–12, 2021, doi: 10.1007/s40614-021-00322-x.[28] V. S. Athota and A. Malik, ‘Within-Case Qualitative Analysis’, Managing Employee Well-being and Resilience for Innovation, pp. 95–174, 2019, doi: 10.1007/978-3-030- 06188-3_5.[29] I. Halevi Hochwald, G. Green, Y. Sela, Z. Radomyslsky, R. Nissanholtz-Gannot, and O
lecture series program Q7. How did the [component] Mean 3.875 3.333 affect your sense of belonging in the research group? Std. dev. 0.696 0.471PALS surveyThe Patterns of Adaptive Learning Scales (PALS) survey is demonstrated in the literature toaccurately predict the motivation and persistence among students that engage in researchexperiences [15 ,11][19 ,18]. This instrument can assess the perceptions of student’s goals,which include orientations that are classified as mastery (or task), performance-approach, andperformance-avoidance. The revised scales were used in this study to reflect the adaptation of thePALS survey to measure goal
student engagement, critical thinkingskills, and overall learning outcomes. The current study contributed to the discourse on thetransformative potential of hands-on learning in the context of biology education.Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Digital Learning Lab, in one of their articles [26],conceptualized hands-on learning as a cyclical process that encompasses concrete experience,reflective observation, abstract conceptualization, and active experimentation. A few studieshave shown how hands-on learning improves student outcomes, including motivation andengagement, conceptual knowledge, critical thinking, and problem-solving development. Tofurther substantial the ongoing discussions, some studies [27], [28] have found that hands
activities of the course studied?” Our datasuggest that students’ learning of the literacies of HCD is reflected through the different stages oftheir capstone project. Moreover, they used the literacies as tools for honoring the voices andexperiences of the community where they implemented their project.Our study offers implications for engineering education. Foremost, although not directly theobject of this paper, it is impossible to understand learning without considering teaching. In aphenomenographic study, Zoltowski et al.[46] argue that students’ ways of understanding andexperiencing HCD have different degrees of comprehensiveness. Our data show that focalstudents seem to present a comprehensive perspective of HCD: The main issue with the
supported by the National Science Foundation under GrantNumbers 2346868 and 2144698. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendationsexpressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views ofthe National Science Foundation. We would like to express gratitude to Team Y for participatingin this study and for their willingness to open their meetings to us and provide feedback on theinitial drafts of this paper. We would also like to thank Dr. Nicola Sochacka for her insightfulfeedback and discussions as we analyzed our initial data. Finally, we would like to thank themembers of the ENLITE research team who gave feedback to the drafts of this paper.References[1] M. Borrego and L. K. Newswander
judgements), the appreciation of the idea (appreciatingfeedback) and managing the emotions associated with the idea (managing affect). Thus, anappropriate framework for idea acceptance would comprise of the same three areas, justworded to reflect their association to any idea as opposed to feedback literacy. This modelcan be seen in Figure 3. Apprecia�ng the Topic Evalua�ng the Idea Managing Affect Idea AcceptanceFigure 3: The Proposed Idea Acceptance Model. The model contains three dimensions: Appreciating the Topic, Evaluatingthe Idea and Managing Affect. All three dimensions are required to achieve Idea Acceptance.This model is also inspired by the
Communication 161 Total 962Also not reflected in these numbers is the use of our materials by our industrial stakeholders.After working with us as consultants, two of our industrial consultants requested access to thevideos for use in onboarding new employees. We gave them access to our videos, but we werenot able to give them access to our learning management system and the ability to earn badges,since Brightspace usage is restricted to Purdue affiliated users.Table 2 and Figures 1-3 contain selected comprehensive results of the feedback surveys fromstudents in the pilot courses. We chose to present comprehensive results (rather than results byclass, gender, etc.) since our aim for the pilot