consensus and how this is related to the background of themembers. I have collected data on the background of the members of groups and how itaffects the individual’s working within the group and the group’s overall effectiveness.Although our students are assigned to be in many types of groups, this paper will address agroup who researches and writes a paper together and then is required to communicate theirresults orally. I’ll comment on my feedback from students on how they feel about groupsand whether peer pressure plays a role. Lastly, this paper will draw some conclusions aboutwhy ABET requires group work.II. The GroupA group is two or more individuals, interacting and interdependent, who are workingtogether to achieve a particular objective
LabView or otherprogram to precisely control the heating and cooling cycle. This precision control will allowcadets to better coordinate the electric fields of the two crystals in order to increase the energy ofthe deuterium gas ions and increase the probability of D-D fusion. Copyright ASEE Middle Atlantic Regional Conference April 29-30, Farmingdale State College, SUNYAssessmentCadets are assessed on their experimental, research, and independent study effort through timeinvested, progress made, and the final product of the research. Typically, cadets must write apaper worthy of a peer-reviewed journal, construct and present a poster at a professionalconference and give a presentation to the
that identifiers could notinclude spaces, but novice programmers will have difficulty making a connection between theadmonition and the error message.Another issue here is that we don’t make mistakes on purpose. A student may write error-freeprograms 99% of the time, and encounter her first syntax error on a graded event. Because thestudent previously had no syntax errors, she had no motivation to learn how to correct syntaxerrors. Despite the traumatic effect errors have on students, they are ultimately beneficialbecause the process of correcting them helps students learn more about how the computer works.Typically, programming is taught to computer science majors. These students have chosecomputer science as their field of study and it is