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Conference Session
Ocean and Marine Division Technical Session 1
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Robert H. Mayer Jr., U.S. Naval Academy; Angela Schedel, U.S. Naval Academy
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Ocean and Marine
, Buoyancy Engineer, Foundation Engineer, Thermal Engineer, Project Manager or, inthe case of six-person teams, that of Assistant Project Manager. Once team member assignmentsare determined, each is provided their respective skill primer. Rather than a ‘guide book’, the‘primer’ is intended to reflect knowledge gained from many years of experience in the skilldiscipline. (As an example, a copy of the Project Manager’s primer is provided as an attachmentto this paper.) Since each primer is meant to represent undocumented knowledge, theinformation provided is to be revealed only through open discussion with other team members.Each team is then presented a site map of the approximate 3750 ft2 of marine space; the space isrepresented as a composite of