1 Session 3233 Curriculum Integration of Engineering Technology Courses with the Solar Car Project at Middle Tennessee State University B. S. Sridhara Middle Tennessee State University (MTSU) Abstract The US Department of Energy (DOE) organizes a solar car race called Sunrayce,once in every two years. The race is nationally sponsored by corporations such as GMand EDS. It is open for all colleges and universities in North America. As facultyadvisor for the solar car team at
Session 1526 The Development of Hands-on Fiber Optics Undergraduate Course ALFRED S. ANDRAWIS Electrical Engineering Department South Dakota State UniversityAbstract This paper outlines the development of a one credit undergraduate laboratory courseto be taught concurrent with a lecture course. Students in this laboratory course learn about avariety of subjects pertinent to fiber optics and contemporary design techniques forcommunication systems and sensing within electrical engineering curriculum.This laboratory
Session 2632 LEADERSHIP EDUCATION AT THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN ANDREW S. CRAWFORD University of Michigan I. INTRODUCTION The College of Engineering is making “team building” an instructional commitment as partof the revision for our Curriculum 2000. Students will have curricular instruction in aspects of teambuilding and the opportunity to practice these skills in significant team projects during each year oftheir education. Part of our goal is to meet the ABET requirement to demonstrate that our graduateshave “an ability to
Session 2478 A Material Processing Cell Utilizing Black-water Hydrostatic Pressure: A Student Project James S. Burns Department of Mechanical Engineering San Diego State UniversityAbstract:Autoclaves and hydroclaves are devices that contain and control moderate to largehydrostatic gas or fluid pressure. These devices are used with hot fluids (gas for autoclaves,water for hydroclaves) to heat and squeeze polymers, metals and/or ceramics during diffusionor pressure gradient controlled solid and liquid-phase materials processing. Autoclave andhydroclave
Session 3613 Process Simulation in Chemical Engineering Design: A Potential Impediment to, Instead of Catalyst for, Meeting Course Objectives Colin S. Howat Kurata Thermodynamics Laboratory Department of Chemical & Petroleum Engineering University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas 66045-2223 USA cshowat@ukans.edu Capstone Design is creativity -- synthesis and evaluation. It is focuses on developing the confidence to practice
Session 2660 Another Look At Engineering Education In China - Fuzhou University Revisited - Tian S. Lim United States Naval Academy AbstractIn 1983 I took a sabbatical leave from the United States Naval Academy and accepted aninvitation to go to China to teach for two semesters at Fuzhou University in the People sRepublic of China. Fuzhou University, located in Fuzhou city, capital of Fujian province, isrepresentative of engineering
Session 3215 The Civil Engineering Resource Library: Developing A Multimedia Education Resource Paul S. Chinowsky Georgia Institute of TechnologyAbstractThe delivery of civil engineering projects requires civil engineers to address a broad spectrum ofissues generated by both project participants and regulatory agencies. Providing tools that assistteam members in addressing these issues through the use of information and knowledge fromprevious projects may reduce project errors by creating informed decision-makers. Recentadvances in communications
Session 3532 Computer Aided Design of Digital Filters S. Hossein Mousavinezhad Professor and Chair Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Western Michigan University Kalamazoo, Michigan 49008 (616) 387-4057 FAX (616) 387-4024 h.mousavinezhad@wmich.eduI. INTRODUCTIONDigital Signal Processing (DSP) is an important and growing subject area in electricaland computer engineering (ECE) with applications in many
Session 3557 MSQA ON-LINE: AN INITIAL ASSESSMENT Lori S. Cook, Lawrence S. Aft Southern Polytechnic State University Department of Industrial Engineering Technology Marietta, GA 30060 ABSTRACTSouthern Polytechnic State University’s (SPSU) mission includes providing educationalexperiences to all of the citizens of Georgia. The Internet provides a mechanism for providingthese educational experiences to all qualified students regardless of geographic location andability to be in a
Session 1358 The Design of Material World, an Internet-Based Educational Environment Jed S. Lyons and Stephen R. McNeill Department of Mechanical Engineering University of South Carolina Columbia, SC 292081. ABSTRACTEngineers need a solid understanding of the relationships between material processing, propertiesand structures to make informed material selection decisions for design applications. Hands-onlaboratories help students develop this understanding. However, time constraints, equipment costsand safety concerns severely
directly to its A0 and A1. With A2-A4, and /Read heldat binary 1’s and /Write and /Chip Select held at binary 0’s, the only control of the 8255A is by Page 3.205.3the state of the address lines A0 and A1. Thus address bits were 11111 (1F H), in the order of A4, 3A3, A2, A1, and A0 respectively. Address lines A5 -A7 were not used. The memory expansion of the system board required the DSPLINK initialization at80,0000 H. Any peripheral device configuration must take this address into account. In order todirect the control word of 80,0000 H to the 8255A, the control mode obtained above with A1A2
Session 1358 Experiences with Academic Publishing on the Internet: A Look at the Technology Interface Jeffrey S. Beasley, Charles T. Townley New Mexico State University AbstractThis paper discusses the experiences of publishing academic papers through Internet journalssuch as the Technology Interface. While Internet publishing creates many opportunities forexchanging information, this can also cause concern for ownership, proper cataloging, citing,and archiving. Also, the Internet is a dynamic environment. Many questions
Session 2555 A Graduate Engineering Program at a Liberal Arts College Bernard J. Weigman, Glenn S. Kohne Loyola College, Baltimore, MDIntroductionLoyola College in Maryland is a small liberal arts college. In 1977, Loyola, then predominantlyan undergraduate college, started a graduate program in Engineering. There existed at that timean undergraduate department in Engineering Science, Computer Science and Physics(ENSCAP). The goal of the undergraduate department was to provide a rigorous engineeringprogram for students who also wanted to
Session 3615 HANDS-ON GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING AT THE UNDERGRADUATE LEVEL Gregg L. Fiegel, Jay S. DeNatale Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering California Polytechnic State University San Luis Obispo, CA 93407INTRODUCTIONDefining the characteristics of a subsurface profile is a challenge that is unique to geotechnicalengineering. It is important, therefore, that aspiring geotechnical engineers have knowledge ofsite exploration strategies and sampling techniques before entering professional practice
Session 1664 Materials Matter in Mechanical Engineering at RIT S. K. Gupta and M. R. Scanlon Department of Mechanical EngineeringSuccess in design and manufacture of a product depends critically on the properties of materialsselected. For a given material, the set of properties desired during processing may be quitedifferent from that needed in service. Thus, a mechanical engineer needs to know about theproperties, performance and processing of a wide range of materials, and be able to use thisknowledge in designing a product. Eight years ago, our department initiated major laboratorydevelopment and curricular
3548 TS/2 RECONFIGURABLE LOGIC IN LABORATORY INSTRUCTION Shelton L. Houston and Kamal S. Ali School of Engineering Technology University of Southern Mississippi Box 5137, Hattiesburg MS 39406ABSTRACT:Traditionally, laboratory instruction in computer and electronics engineering technologyhas relied mainly on SSI and MSI integrated circuits. This placed a limitation on thenumber of components per lab experiment, and hence, a limitation on the complexity ofthe laboratory tasks presented to students. Exasperated by the
Session 2525 Re-Engineering Open-ended Problems & Computer Simulations For Effective Development of Student Design Skills R. J. Eggert and S. A. Tennyson Boise State University Boise, Idaho 83725ABSTRACTConsidering the broad philosophy of Design Across the Curriculum (DAC), a variety ofstrategies can be employed to integrate engineering design coursework during the four-yearcurriculum using just-in-time learning, an increasing breadth-then-depth approach. Thesophomore and junior years, in particular, can be used to reinforce
Session 2251 Role Models and Environmental Education: The Good, The Bad, and the MIA Fiona S. Crofton, The ORCAD Group Inc., Vancouver, Canada Cynthia A. Mitchell, The University of Queensland, Brisbane, AustraliaStudents 'know' that learning about communication, sustainability, social issues, evenenvironmental issues, is "not very important." They know this because many, perhaps even most,of their engineering professors do not pay much attention to these things; they know becauselearning about such things means picking up a couple of courses outside of the engineeringfaculty as part of
Session 1547 THE SMARTE ENRICHMENT PROGRAMS: PERCEPTIONS OF MIDDLE SCHOOL STUDENTS ABOUT SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Mulchand S. Rathod, Joella H. Gipson Division of Engineering Technology College of Education Wayne State University Detroit, MI 48202SUMMARY women, are depicted to comprise about 70% of the new entrants into the labor force by the year 2000
Session 3226 A Student Controlled Two-Degree of Freedom Vibration Laboratory S. D’Souza, N.W. Scott & B.J. Stone The University of Western Australia Abstract student controlled, safe and may be done at any time. LyonsIn recent years there has been a significant increase in the use [2] concluded that “a laboratory designed with this in mindof
Session 3151 Teaching the Business of Engineering Harriet S. Cornachione, Michael A. Cornachione Oregon Institute of TechnologyIntroductionTypical of most civil engineering programs, the Civil Engineering and Surveying Department atOregon Institute of Technology (OIT) requires civil engineering majors to take senior-design, orcapstone courses. These courses are intended to expose students to engineering problems similarto those they will encounter when they begin their careers. In keeping with traditionaleducational methodology, the classes generally become part lecture, part
Session 3413 An Alumni Survey as an Assessment Tool for New Mexico Tech’s B.S. Environmental Engineering Curriculum Randal S. Martin and Clinton P. Richardson Dept. of Mineral & Environmental Engineering New Mexico Tech Socorro, NM 87801INTRODUCTIONAccording to the 1996 report by the Engineering Workforce Commission (EWC) of the AmericanAssociation of Engineering Societies, Inc.1, there are 3376 full-time and 319 part-timeundergraduate students enrolled in environmental engineering-related curriculums
Session 3522 BUILDING AN INDUSTRY - ACADEMIC ENGINEERING EDUCATION CONSORTIA: SOME MYTHS AND REALITIES Albert Winn Boeing Company Charles S. Elliott Arizona State UniversityOver the past four years, the three state universities in Arizona (Arizona State University,University of Arizona, Northern Arizona University) and six of the largest, high tech companies(AlliedSignal, Boeing, Hughes Missile Systems, IBM, Intel and Motorola) have completed aTechnology Reinvestment Program (NSF Award
2566 Designing Across the Curriculum: Linking Sophomores to Mechanical Engineering R. Eggert, D. Bunnell, and S. Tennyson Boise State University Boise, Idaho 83725AbstractThe sophomore year in traditional engineering programs rarely includes formal course work inengineering design. Considering the broader philosophy of Design Across the Curriculum(DAC), the sophomore year, however, can be used to reinforce meaningful design activitiesexperienced as a freshman, and to prepare students for upper level design
Session 1692 Internet Explorers: An NSF Sponsored Internship Lawrence J. Genalo, Krishna S. Athreya, Ann K. Dieterich Iowa State University1. Introduction Summer research internships were extended to twenty high school girls who hadcompleted their junior year with the primary goal of increasing middle school girls' participationin science, engineering, and mathematics (SEM). The interns spent eight weeks during thesummer of 1997 on the Iowa State University campus where they researched science andengineering topics, learned programming methods and developed SEM units for the Internet. The
Session 3615 Introducing Civil Engineering Measurements through Bridges Kauser Jahan, Ralph A. Dusseau and John S. Schmalzel Rowan UniversityABSTRACTFreshman engineering students at Rowan University are introduced to engineering measurementsthrough a series of hands-on laboratories emphasizing teamwork, computer utilization, oral andwritten communication skills and professional ethics. The major focus of the freshman clinicclass for a full semester is engineering measurements and design. Problems are drawn from thefour disciplines to introduce students to laboratory and field measurements