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Displaying all 3 results
2010 Public Policy Colloquium
Thomas W Peterson
ERC Strategic Framework: Proposal #, PI Name, ERC Name, Lead University Name Barriers Testbed(s) Systems Research QoLT 3-plane chart Requirements Testbed(s) Stakeholders Systems Research
2010 Public Policy Colloquium
Gerald Holder
  research facilities available to accredited biofuel  engineering programs. Pending in House subcommittee on Energy and the  Environment. Community College Energy Training  Act H.R.3731 •  Provides grants to  community colleges for  workforce training and  education in sustainable  energy industries and  practices. (Pending in House Subcommittee  on Higher Education, Lifelong  Learning, and Competitiveness.) •  Related Senate legislation  S.1097  is before the  Committee on Energy and  Natural Resources. NASA Re‐Authorization Issues: •  Human space exploration—how  •  Keep using International Space  far; at what cost?  Station after 2015? •  Augustine estimate: $3 billion  •  Growing
2010 Public Policy Colloquium
Patrick Clemins
6.8% DOE Defense 5.0% EPA 4.7% USGS 4.3% DOE Science 3.8% NIH 3.1% VA 1.5% DOT 0.6% DOD -4.4% USDA -5.5% DHS -9.0% -15% -10% -5% 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% DOD "S&T" = DOD R&D in "6.1" through "6.3