and for those of one’s group, team, or department. Demonstrate global, social, intellectual, and technological responsibility.1.2.2 Behaving ethically Encourage others to behave ethically. Understand that behaving ethically goes beyond what the law requires. Respect the need for confidentiality, when appropriate.Employment and Training AdministrationUnited States Department of Laborwww.doleta.govEngineering Competency Model – May 2015 61.2.3 Acting fairly Treat others with honesty, fairness, and respect. Make decisions that are objective and reflect the just
, stipends, when coming, more touch base with mentors ahead of time… • Use the companion course as a big stick… (Extrinsic motivation) for kids to perform while they are up there. Written explanations, experience, etc.According to the weekly journals and summative reflections from the Canvas course, theparticipating Native American students, said:Student 1: “I was apprehensive and had shaky confidence in my skill set to participate in thisprogram.” “Within these four short weeks I feel that I have grown much more than the person Iwas when we first started the program.”Student 4: “I do feel that I gained more confidence to compete in a global economy.” “The factthat they (mentors & facilitators) have confidence that we can make it