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Conference Session
Make It!
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Yalcin Ertekin, Drexel University; Michael G. Mauk, Drexel University
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: a plan for developing, launching, and managing on-campus MakerSpaces,” ASEE Fall 2015 Mid-Atlantic Section Conference, Lewisburg, PA, September 18-19, 2015.26. Tan, E., Calabrese Barton, A., Kang, H., & O'Neill, T. (2013), “Desiring a career in stem-related fields: How middle school girls articulate and negotiate identities-in-practice in science,” Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 50(10), 1143- 1179.27. Calabrese Barton, A. & Tan. E. (2010), “We be burnin: Agency, identity and learning in a green energy program,” Journal of the Learning Sciences, 19(2): 187-229.28. Bevan, B., Gutwill, J. P., Petrich, M., & Wilkinson, K. (2015), “Learning through stem-rich tinkering: Findings from a jointly
Conference Session
Design & Development Projects and Practices
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Mingshao Zhang, Southern Illinois University, Edwardsville; Zhou Zhang, Stevens Institute of Technology (School of Engineering and Science); Nima Lotfi, Southern Illinois University, Edwardsville; Sven K. Esche, Stevens Institute of Technology (School of Engineering and Science)
Tagged Divisions
System Instruction to Improve Undergraduate Education.” In Proceedings of ASEE Mid-Atlantic Section Spring 2016 Conference, Washington, DC, USA.[17] Teichman, A., Levinson, J., and Thrun, S. 2011. “Towards 3D Object Recognition Via Classification of Arbitrary Object Tracks.” In Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, pp. 4034-4041.[18] Janoch, A., Karayev, S., Jia, Y., Barron, J. T., Fritz, M., Saenko, K., and Darrell, T. 2013. “A Category-Level 3d Object Dataset: Putting the Kinect to Work.” In Consumer Depth Cameras for Computer Vision, pp. 141-165. 10[19] Socher, R., Huval, B., Bath, B., Manning, C. D., and Ng, A. Y. 2012