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Conference Session
Minorities in Engineering Division Technical Session 2
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Mohsen Mosleh, Howard University; Claudia Marin-Artieda, Howard University
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Minorities in Engineering
Education: Innovations andResearch, Public Knowledge, Vol. 15, No 3, 2014, 14-20.[6] C. Marin C., M. Mosleh, “Stimulation of Scientific Interest and Higher Confidence Throughthe Engineering Ambassador Programs Experience”, ASEE Mid-Atlantic Conference, Ney YorkNY, October 21-22, 2016.[7] H.A. Aglan, and S.F. Ali, “Hands-On Experiences: An Integral Part of EngineeringCurriculum Reform”, Journal of Engineering Education, 1996 - Wiley Online Library[8] D.W. Knight, L.E. Carlson, J.F. Sullivan, “Improving Engineering Student Retention throughHands-On, Team Based, First-Year Design Projects”, 31st International Conference on Researchin Engineering Education, June 22 – 24, 2007, Honolulu, HI[9]- Ailes, C. P., Coward, H. R., McCollough, J., Roessner, J. D