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2018 ASEE Mid-Atlantic Section Spring Conference
Rocio Alba-Flores, Georgia Southern University
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Paper ID #243602018 ASEE Mid-Atlantic Section Spring Conference: Washington, District ofColumbia Apr 6Enhancing Engineering Lab Report Writing Using Peer Review AssessmentDr. Rocio Alba-Flores, Georgia Southern University Rocio Alba-Flores received her M.S. and Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from Tulane University. She is an Associate Professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Georgia Southern University. Her main areas of interest include control systems, robotics, embedded systems, signal and image processing, and engineering education. c American Society for Engineering
2018 ASEE Mid-Atlantic Section Spring Conference
David Timothy Lee, George Washington University; Carl E. Wick Sr., George Washington University; Hernan Figueroa
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with their mentors, or scrum master manager, weekly.ECE students and their mentor agreed on a set of features (from the product backlog) thatshould be demonstrated at the end of a Sprint. Similarly, BME students and their mentorsselected tasks from an informal scrum backlog that were necessary for successful completionof the scrum product.At the end of each sprint, each team was expected to have completed some tangible portion oftheir project. They were then required to present what they had accomplished to the largergroup and to faculty advisors and clients. In the BME course, product demonstrations weredone during class time in a conference exhibit hall format. Feedback from both peers andinstructors was provided to teams in both ECE and BME