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Conference Session
Race/Ethnicity Track - Technical Session I
2018 CoNECD - The Collaborative Network for Engineering and Computing Diversity Conference
Karis Boyd-Sinkler, Virginia Tech; Amy L. Hermundstad, Virginia Tech; Mayra S. Artiles , Virginia Tech Department of Engineering Education; Canek Moises Luna Phillips, Rice University; Benjamin David Lutz, Oregon State University; Walter C. Lee, Virginia Tech
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discussed in the following sections.3.1. Data CollectionT he data analyzed in this paper was collected at a large, predominantly white research institutionin the mid-Atlantic U.S. Participants were recruited from a survey that was distributed toundergraduate students in a living-learning community (LLC) and graduate students, both enrolledin the same college of engineering. T his sampling approach was purposive (Creswell & PlanoClark (2007) as diversity-related initiatives were ongoing at the institution and we aimed toleverage these efforts to facilitate discussion. Data was collected using semi-structured interviews,conducted by six different researchers. Though no attempts were made to match the race or genderof the participant with the