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Displaying all 3 results
Conference Session
Undergraduate Track - Technical Session VI
2018 CoNECD - The Collaborative Network for Engineering and Computing Diversity Conference
Ashley R. Taylor, Virginia Tech; Karis Boyd-Sinkler, Virginia Tech; Susan Arnold-Christian, Virginia Tech; Walter C. Lee, Virginia Tech; Bevlee A. Watford, Virginia Tech; Christian Matheis, Virginia Tech; Kim Lester, Virginia Tech
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Undergraduate Education
Conference Session
Undergraduate Track - Technical Session VI
2018 CoNECD - The Collaborative Network for Engineering and Computing Diversity Conference
Bruk T. Berhane, University of Maryland, College Park
Tagged Topics
Undergraduate Education
Conference Session
Undergraduate Track - Technical Session VI
2018 CoNECD - The Collaborative Network for Engineering and Computing Diversity Conference
Najmah Thomas, University of South Carolina, Beaufort; Ronald Erdei, University of South Carolina, Beaufort
Tagged Topics
Diversity, Undergraduate Education