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Conference Session
Works-in-Progress Postcard Session
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Tracy L. Carter, Northeastern University; Samira M. Azarin, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities; Janie Brennan, Washington University in St. Louis; Elizabeth Hill, University of Minnesota Duluth; Amy J. Karlsson, University of Maryland - College Park
Tagged Divisions
Chemical Engineering
total). One mid-sized private Midwesterninstitution only enrolls around 8 students per section with a total of 5 sections.  In terms of safety, the institutions show a wide variety of course outcomes and teachingpractices. A summary is shown in Table 1. Focusing on course outcomes, it is notable thatseveral institutions’ outcomes are vague regarding safety, while at least one institution onlymentions lab safety (vs. process safety), and one institution does not mention safety at all. As faras teaching practices, all the courses involve teaching safety to some extent, but the practicesvary from lab safety certifications to single lectures on process safety to qualitative risk analysisof the specific experiments being performed with no wider