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Conference Session
Technical Session IX
2018 FYEE Conference
Kathryn Schulte Grahame, Northeastern University; Leila Keyvani Someh, Northeastern University
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FYEE Conference Sessions
programming.A series of biweekly group assignments are woven into the project-based curriculum, culminating with afinal project exhibition and written reflection. These assignments, called Milestones, assess thepresentation, graphical communication and writing skills of the teams as well as their individualleadership skills. The written reports are collected during “Town-hall Meetings” associated with eachMilestone. During the Town-hall Meetings the project manager, a role that rotates between the groupmembers during the semester, presents the progress of the project to the class using appropriate visualsand drawings (graphics) prepared in sketching software such as AutoCAD or SolidWorks. At the end ofthe presentation, the project manager is required
Conference Session
Technical Session V
2018 FYEE Conference
Aubrey Wigner, Michigan State University; Megan K Halpern, Michigan State University; Isaac Record, Michigan State University
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Diversity, FYEE Conference Sessions
students to improvisation through a series of warm-ups and games.Facilitators then lead a discussion of how science and technology have changed in the past 100years, followed by a group activity in which they build an artifact from 100 years in the future.The workshop culminates with a performance during which the students work with theperformers to envision the ways their designed artifacts might impact future societies.One of workshops primary learning goals is to help students develop a growth mindset, thus,potentially enhancing retention in STEM. Part and parcel to building a growth mindset isenabling students to confidently and effectively communicate with their peers and instructors.This is accomplished by providing an environment where
Conference Session
Technical Session V
2018 FYEE Conference
Lunal Khuon, Drexel University; M. Eric Carr, Drexel University (Eng. & Eng. Tech.); Yalcin Ertekin, Drexel University (Tech.) (MERGED)
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FYEE Conference Sessions
through creating self-playing musical instruments -- opportunity for students to evaluate their peers. While thea concept based upon integrating the arts in engineering [6], surveys, teamwork assessments, and weeks 1-3 are commonwhile Heat Engine provided an in-depth study of gas laws and for all pilot sections including Robot Instruments, Heatthe Supercap Car Challenge presented an engineering design Engine, Supercap Car Challenge, and Constructionchallenge to achieve the greatest travel distance possible for Management’s Bridge, the individual section instructors arecars powered by supercapacitors. These mini-projects were responsible for all eleven weeks of ENGR 101
Conference Session
Technical Session I
2018 FYEE Conference
Aysa Galbraith, University of Arkansas; Heath Aren Schluterman, University of Arkansas; Leslie Bartsch Massey, University of Arkansas; Brandon Crisel, University of Arkansas
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FYEE Conference Sessions
determine any intervention for creating student success inlevels in science and math differ, the persistence in, perception of engineering, study and social I. Course Descriptionsskills did not show significant difference between studentsof varied backgrounds. All FEP students are required to participate in the FEP peer mentoring program and in the weekly drill sessions whichIndex Terms –Freshman attitudes, honors, math placement, include information about the different engineering majorsPFEAS, retention
Conference Session
Technical Session IV
2018 FYEE Conference
Christopher McComb, Pennsylvania State University, University Park; Catherine G.P. Berdanier, Pennsylvania State University, University Park; Jessica Dolores Menold, Pennsylvania State University, University Park
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Diversity, FYEE Conference Sessions
professional expectations of engineering as a career and discipline [9], [10]. Someprograms also use these courses to foster engineering ethics, writing and communication skills,teamwork competencies, and to develop community and engineering identity within students toaid in retention of engineering students [11], [12]. In other words, first-year engineering designstudents are typically gaining other competencies beside academic objectives (the what part ofengineering) in addition to learning how competencies are enacted within the engineeringdiscipline.While all engineering programs may structure their first year and design experiences differently[11], engineering education and design literature concurs that the emphasis on authentic andexperiential