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Displaying all 10 results
2018 Engineering Research Council (ERC)
Joan Cleveland
The Office of Naval Research - Science and Technology in Support of the US Navy and Marine Corps Dr. Joan S. Cleveland Deputy Chief Scientist Distribution Statement A: Approved for public releaseThe Naval Research Enterprise ONR HQ ONR Global NRL 4,000+ People 23 Locations $2.1B / year >1,000 Partners Distribution Statement A: Approved for public release 2 Partnering with the S&T Community Government Academia Industry1000 Universities
2018 Engineering Research Council (ERC)
Kathie Olsen
Credit Synapse The Synapse Revealed Graham Johnson 2005 S&E Visualization Challenge Winner Timeline of Budget Preparation• OMB sends guidance letter in Spring• OSTP/OMB sends priority memo for R&D in Spring• Agencies prepare budget submissions-Aug/Sept » EMBARGOED DISCUSSIONS• Agencies submit budgets to OMB/EOP (OSTP) in Sept• Thanksgiving OMB letter to agencies• Rebuttal• Christmas final numbers are locked• Preparation of budget justifications, et al.• President’s budget submitted in February – Agency required to support in public• Congress holds hearings and passes authorization bill by Sept 30!• Agencies began new budget process gathering ideas in March and April
2018 Engineering Research Council (ERC)
Matt Hourihan
Survey 0% NASA DOD S&T-10% NSF-20% DOE Science USDA R&D DHS S&T NIH NIST-30% NOAA Research-40% EPA S&
2018 Engineering Research Council (ERC)
Peg AtKisson
Research Development Where do you start? M. S. AtKisson, PhD AtKisson Training Group, LLCSources• Research Development: Where to Begin?NCURA magazine, March/April 2014, page 8• Growing and integrating Research Development Functions ‒ Eva Allen, M. S. AtKisson, Joanna Downer, Susan Grimes9th Annual NORDP meeting is Research Development?“Research Development encompasses a set of strategic, proactive,catalytic, and capacity-building activities designed to facilitate attractingindividual faculty extramural members, teams research funding
2018 Engineering Research Council (ERC)
Tilbury Tornow Kurose
fundamental S&E research. ” PROCESS IDEAS Mid-scale Research NSF 2026Infrastructure Growing NSF INCLUDES: Convergence Enhancing STEM Research at NSF through Diversity and Inclusion FY 2018 Budget NSF FY18 Budget Proposals (% change from FY17 Enacted) Under the new budget caps, on February 12th
2018 Engineering Research Council (ERC)
Rosemarie Hunziker
descriptions Director Review Specialist ( OfficerNIH Program Officials: your primary contactPre-Application During the Award Assess the “fit” to the IC, Program(s)  Discuss problems in execution Start the conversation early: develop (rebudgeting, re-scoping, your ideas together extensions…) Choose the right activity/mechanism  Find an administrator to address Brief on Review Issues: Dos/Don’ts unusual issues
2018 Engineering Research Council (ERC)
Doug Backman
representative.The Impact of Federal Protected InformationRegulations on Higher Education InstitutionsAdequate Security Cyber incident reporting requirement  Conduct a review for evidence of compromise of CDI  Identify compromised computers  Identify compromised servers  Identify compromised data and user accounts  Identify contractor network(s)  Cyber incident report  Medium assurance certificate Subcontract flow down requirementsThe Impact of Federal Protected InformationRegulations on Higher Education InstitutionsSummary Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI) requires strict information technology guidelines and controls that may be in effect under fundamental research projectsNIST SP 800-171 outlines 110
2018 Engineering Research Council (ERC)
Kristen Jordan
individual andfrom massive, noisy data insights into groups and group level organizations INTELLIGENCE ADVANCED RESEARCH PROJECTS ACTIVITY (IARPA) 6 Anticipatory Intelligence R&D “Detect and forecast significant events” S&T INDICATIONS & STRATEGIC INTELLIGENCE WARNINGS FORECASTINGDetect and forecast the Provide early warning of Forecast majoremergence of new societal crises, disease geopolitical trends andtechnical capabilities outbreaks, insider rare events
2018 Engineering Research Council (ERC)
Christian Schreiber
: Additional economies of scale •CON: Individual researchers and institutions may lose flexibility services across institutions •CAVEAT: Understand institution roles and responsibilities for shared governance, compliance, and cybersecurity processes Commercial hosting & •PRO: Allow s some risk transference to third party •PRO/CON: M ay be higher or lower cost, depending on vendor compliance services
2018 Engineering Research Council (ERC)
Andrew Singer
Innovation Award • Cozad Agriculture Startup Award • I-Start Award • Accepted into HAX, the world’s largest hardware acceleratorHOW DID THEY PARTICIPATE WITH TEC? • Silicon Valley Workshop, 2016 Cozad winner, SocialFuse, Founders Programming, Ag I-CorpsSIX MILLION AMERICANS WEAR A CAST EACH YEAR.Medical casts trap heat, sweat, and moisture against thepatients skin, causing itchiness, skin breakdown, andeven infection. Cast21’s waterproof, lightweight castsovercomes these issues and seamlessly integrates withelectrical therapy systems to reduce the overall healingtime by 1-4 weeks. www.cast21.comHIGHLIGHTS • 2017 Raised $800,000 • 2016 Cozad New Venture Competition Finalist • Zeroto510 Accelerator • 2015 St. Louis University