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2018 Gulf Southwest Section Conference
Roman Taraban; William M. Marcy
and Impact on Society.” The purpose of this sensibilities in is to develop students’ awareness of cultural The Texas Tech course ENGR 2392 Engineeringdifferences in engineers’ approaches to ethical practice, and Ethics & Impact on Society, led by Dr. Wi lliamto develop students’ abilities to communicate in a global Marcy, and the websiteworkplace. These goals are being pursued through a are the primarywebsite that is publicly available, titled Reflective Choices channels through which this project is being We describe the developed and implemented. The project combinesdevelopment of the website
2018 Gulf Southwest Section Conference
Roman Taraban; William M. Marcy; Mark S. LaCour; Dashiell Pashley; Klara Keim
the LIWC 2.3 LDA (Latent Dirichlet Allocation)Manual [4]: LDA is a software program for statistical text analysis.  Analytical Thinking - A high number reflects LDA is based on the assumption that a set of documents formal, logical, and hierarchical thinking; lower have a latent semantic structure that can be statistically numbers reflect more informal, personal, here- inferred from correlations between words, across a sample and-now, and narrative thinking. of documents. LDA uses output from MEH in order to  Clout - A high number suggests that the author is identify topics across a sample of
2018 Gulf Southwest Section Conference
Julia N. Savoy; Mia K. Markey; H. Grady Rylander III
mentoring (measured on a scale from 1 to 5, with 1 beingand allow either partner in the mentoring relation to initiate not at all satisfied and 5 being extremely satisfied; mean =questions about the topic. Developmentally, the faculty 3.4, SD = 1.3), but desired greater support in careerquestions support student reflection and the skill of development. Few (21%) students had the goal of obtainingidentifying strategies in themselves, while leaving the door a faculty position, and desired guidance in pursuing pathsopen for support if the student is struggling. into other sectors. Some interview participants did not feel The TPT is available as supplemental material. they could
2018 Gulf Southwest Section Conference
P.L.Stephan Thamban; Dani Fadda P.E.
. of students could agree but only 30% and 15% could agreeHowever, when used intentionally, the pause helps to strongly to our statements. This survey was taken about aestablish a break from the voice of the professor, which can week after the last lecture session in the semester andbe monotonous in a long lecture regardless of the students had to rhetorically reflect back on the lectureprofessor’s enthusiasm and interest in the engineering portion of the course and comment on these
2018 Gulf Southwest Section Conference
Mia K. Markey; JoÜo Carlos Monteiro; Julie Stewart
-actionable problem statement that summarizes the needs centered design and readings on topics such theand insights identified through interviews with healthcare development of medical expertise, types of cognitive bias,professionals. Methods recommended for formulating and clinical decision-support systems. Through individualactionable problem statements include creating a Madlib or reflection and class discussion of the interviews withwant ad. However, such approaches did not resonate with healthcare professionals, the students identify actionableour student group. In this presentation, we describe our problem statements pertinent to health informationexperiences using Twitter as a method for students to
2018 Gulf Southwest Section Conference
Hai-Chao Han; Hung-da Wan; Xiaodu Wang
system.were calculated as the weighted total of scores on the key In conclusion, a personalized quantitative facultymeasures. Overall evaluation score was then calculated evaluation metrics and score system is developed andbased the scores in the 3 areas weighted by faculty member’s successfully implemented in our department. It is anefforts distribution in the 3 areas. objective, consistent, quantitative, flexible, transparent, and dynamic scoring system that reflects faculty performance in3. Results three areas (i.e., teaching, research and service). This To
2018 Gulf Southwest Section Conference
Sreedevi Ande P.E.
in-1. Introduction class discussions which helped students overcome their Students, who are actively engaged in learning, learn confusion or misconceptions on the topic(s) learned. Theymore [1, 2]. The purpose of a think-pair-share activity is to eventually were able to successfully solve the problem(s)put the teaching and learning into the hands of the students. by taking turns in explaining the concepts and problemResearch has shown that student-led reflection and solving techniques.organized discussion will lead to greater learning outcomes 3.1 Evaluation Results and Conclusionsthan simply
2018 Gulf Southwest Section Conference
Sarah Seraj; June Young Park; Michael Pieratt
. future industry engineers. However, the students in the two rival politician groups, regardless of their assigned party2.2 Post-activity feedback affiliation, were also very engrossed in their roles. The same After the final vote, we had a 15-20 minutes debriefing applied to students assigned as voters, whose ‘identities’session to discuss the results of the activity and give students such as fisherman, tourist guide, or local business owner dida chance to share any insights they had gleaned from the not necessarily reflect the students’ own experiences.experience. This gave everyone an opportunity to understand
2018 Gulf Southwest Section Conference
Jafar F. Al-Sharab; Curtis Desselles; Robert Dalling; Mauricio Escobar; Ariell Shield; Hoa Nguyen; McKenzie Cutrer; Will Heitman
person and is related toSTEM makers club, which combines Northwestern State the change and growth of that person. However KolbUniversity (NSU) and The Louisiana School for Math, (1984) thinks that experiential learning is like a four-stageScience, and the Arts (LSMSA). The main objective of this process. The four-stages of experiential learning is:Makers Club is to make students excited about STEM and Concrete Experience (Doing), Reflection (Observing),to increase the number of students who are interested in Abstract Conceptualization (Thinking), and ActiveSTEM related careers. The newly founded club (NSU- Experiment (Planning). Some of the key principles ofLSMSA Makers Club) emphasizes
2018 Gulf Southwest Section Conference
Mena Souliman
Implementation of a Hybrid Teaching Environment for a Traffic Engineering Course Mena Souliman, Ph.D. Assistant Professor University of Texas at Tyler Department of Civil Engineering, 3900 University Blvd. RBS 1008, Tyler, TX 75799 E-mail: Abstract students, especially dependent learners, are less self- Students learn in different styles. They learn via hearing regulated and need persistent direction and guidance fromand visualizing. They can also reflect and act
2018 Gulf Southwest Section Conference
Noe Vargas Hernandez; Arturo Fuentes; Stephen Crown
. Preliminarily, thestrategy may be to provide students with simple design, Table 1. Survey of Innovation and Entrepreneurialinnovation and entrepreneurship educational experiences to Skills*learn about the technical aspects of the product Personal Characteristicsdevelopment process, and adding one layer of reflection to Optimism, Enthusiasm, Confidence, Positive Attitude,help students abstract and learn practical lessons for self- Enjoymenttransformation. For example, Controlled failure is a must
2018 Gulf Southwest Section Conference
Jorge Leon; Angie Hill Price; Mathew Kuttolamadom
for their programare currently offered in the nation and particularly in the objectives, structure and impact.state of Texas, and to reflect on their core learning Purdue University Northwest has offered a Master ofobjectives, structure, demand, demographics, and impact. Science in Technology since 2008 [1]. The program hasThe trends identified were discussed in light of assembling sub-disciplines including Mechanical Engineeringa Master of Science in Engineering Technology (MSET) Technology as an option for students. In a study reviewingdegree with a concentration in Manufacturing and the strengths of the program, Zahraee and Latif [2] notedMechanical Engineering Technology (MMET) within the
2018 Gulf Southwest Section Conference
Nisha Abraham; Nina Telang
between non-SI and SI attendees. As seen in Table 3,“Which of the following support services are you aware four of the five groups showed higher course GPAs for SIof?” and in comparison, their answers to the question, attendees vs non-SI attendees. These results more“Which of these support services do you plan on using this accurately reflect our predictions of the impact of SI whensemester for EE 302?”. A significant decrease is shown comparing similar students. About twenty percent of thebetween their awareness of one-on-one tutoring and SI student population did not have recorded SAT scores, sosessions and their intention to use either or both of these were not included in this These
2018 Gulf Southwest Section Conference
Joseph A. Donndelinger
in Baylor’s Hankamer School of Business. However,1. Introduction engineering students may also satisfy this requirement byInstilling an Entrepreneurial Mindset in undergraduate taking Global Business Economics and Communicationstudents is a foundational goal of the Engineering programs (GBEC), an elective course offered by Baylor’s School ofat Baylor University, as reflected in the mission statement of Engineering and Computer Science. This course is intendedthe Mechanical Engineering Department: for engineering students with deeper interests in exploring value creation opportunities from
2018 Gulf Southwest Section Conference
Viktor N_ssi; Ana Goulart
laboratory experiments that will be described in Section 4. We adopted a combination of the aforementioned laboratory experiments in our study abroad course at Aalto University. The radio link lab, in particular, was a good example of hands-on experiment to understand microwave point-to-point links at 58 GHz. In that experiment, students used the reflection of a nearby building
2018 Gulf Southwest Section Conference
Yu-Fang Jin
. training design was illustrated in Figure 1.1. Introduction Critical thinking is defined as “the intellectuallydisciplined process of actively and skillfullyconceptualizing, applying, analyzing, synthesizing, and/orevaluating information gathered from, or generated by,observation, experience, reflection, reasoning, orcommunication, as a guide to belief and action.[1, 2]Different practice guidelines and resources have beenestablished and available for instructors to follow forcourse design and instruction.[3] However, recent reportshave illustrated the failure of improving critical thinking inhigher education.[4, 5] Such failure is partially due to themissing training modules specifically for critical thinkingskills in our higher education
2018 Gulf Southwest Section Conference
Alireza Yazdanshenas; Joseph Oyedele; Emilli Morrison; Chung Hyun Goh
their Acknowledgementdesign and implement system integration, they hadto use more techniques of new product This work was performed as a part of an ABET-development to turn their theoretical design into a accredited engineering program in the form ofphysical working prototype. Through the “Independent Study” at UT Tyler.transition from theoretical to physical model,students were expected to reflect back to their Referencestheoretical design and better understand the [1] Pressure Switches in Combined Cycle Powerpurpose of computer-aided simulation. This Plant Switches, Custom Control Sensorsshould have given students a better appreciation
2018 Gulf Southwest Section Conference
Christine Julien
failures [12], and then discuss the • A smart light application (controlled via Android) wherefundamentals of testing (from black box testing [7] to white the hue of the light reflects the sensed temperature; andbox testing [16] and why both are important; unit testing to another project where the hue of the light changes inregression testing) and discuss important concepts related to response to detected motion.testing (e.g., test suites and coverage). To make these concepts • An Android application that pulled data from a weathermore concrete, we then walk through specific tools for testing website and adjusted the hue of a smart light based on
2018 Gulf Southwest Section Conference
Timothy Urban; Margaret Baguio
creativity,Iammotivatedtopursueengineering.• A program emphasis should be on team-building activities A video assessment was assembled by a former intern about the• Field investigations can be program highlights 2017 program:• Let students jump right in to the research and they will Year-end evaluation results show that SEES is on track to flourish. achieving its stated objectives for:4.3.3 Evidence of Impacts • Increasing students’ knowledge; Before each program year, self-reflection from the • Promoting students’ pursuit of STEM careers; andmajority of student
2018 Gulf Southwest Section Conference
Chaoyi Wang; Michael Frye; Sreerenjini Nair
school students have abilitiesstudents can interact creatively with others and reflect on to get logic reasoning and hypothesize about something thattheir learning rather than being lectured by teachers. they haven’t learned specifically.20 Middle school students’ Participants in the miniGEMS construct their learning starts with the whole concepts rather than concreteexperiences and knowledge through meaningful problem- forms. In this period, sciences teaching should focus on thebased and hands-on activities. Learning starts with the significance of research and discovery rather thanstudents’ desire and continues in an active interaction memorization and repetition.21environment. Teachers
2018 Gulf Southwest Section Conference
Steve E. Watkins; Nancy M. Ostin
reflected in the following quotes: and significant activities of our Eta Kappa Nu chapter. “HKN was the first organization I joined where the Their contributions absolutely impact every ECE student.focus was not on what we could get out of membership, but It is an important element of ECE student experience aton what we could give. Those opportunities to serve turned Georgia Tech. I am happy to add a strong Dean-levelinto opportunities to learn and demonstrate leadership, endorsement of their activities, They represent a model forwhich were instrumental to finding and succeeding at my other honor societies in the College of Engineering and onfirst job
2018 Gulf Southwest Section Conference
Kenneth Van Treuren
to modify thisturbine engines from a design perspective. This past fall course project to reflect the company setting for the gassemester additional active learning modules were turbine engine design process.introduced to make the course more interactive. Students This course, Analysis and Design of Propulsionformed teams of four and each team was designated a Systems, is an elective for the B.S. in Mechanicalcompany. The task was to design a replacement engine for Engineering degree. Typically taught in the fall semester,the B-52H which served as the basis for learning about gas the course is for seniors who have previously takenturbine engine design. The companies picked a name
2018 Gulf Southwest Section Conference
John R. Clegg; Kenneth R. Diller
superior transfer and retention of the GIM framework forStudents’ performance on challenge-based assessments solving open-ended challenges (Figure 5). Illustratively, whenincreased linearly with respect to assessment number asked to reflect on the biotransport learning experience, one(r2=0.927) while having minimal correlation with routine student explained,knowledge performance (r2=0.338). (Figure 2). Performance “[Now] I don’t immediately jump to solving [a problem],on routine assessments had no correlation with time (r2=0.07, but think about how to approach it and often find severaldata not shown). Students’ familiarity and confidence toward ways to [solve] it. If one
2018 Gulf Southwest Section Conference
Julio Alonso; Jesus Vargas; Daniel Li; Abraham Elizarraras; Tony Hoang; Khanh Vu; J. Patterson; Mohammad Palwala; Marco Maldonado; Masaki Isago; Mark Aranda; Lan Trinh; Tu Huynh; Tie Nguyen; Bao Ly; Jiao Huang; Heidar Malki; Xiaojing Yuan
campus that we selected at the beginning. After collectingoptions, as reflected in survey responses described above, feedback, analyzing survey results, and scouting eachneed to be designed and implemented at both hardware and location several times through the day and the week, thesoftware level to meet the anticipated quality of service. final set of five BSS location recommendation are marked by red triangle outlined with black. The two green3.2 Factors and Process of BSS Station Location