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Displaying all 6 results
Conference Session
Track: Collegiate - Technical Session 3
2019 CoNECD - The Collaborative Network for Engineering and Computing Diversity
Stephen Secules, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Walter C. Lee, Virginia Tech; Karis Boyd-Sinkler, Virginia Tech; Adam Stark Masters, Virginia Tech; Cynthia Hampton, Virginia Tech; Ashley R. Taylor, Virginia Tech; Dustin M. Grote, Virginia Tech
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Collegiate, Diversity
Conference Session
Track: Faculty - Technical Session 3
2019 CoNECD - The Collaborative Network for Engineering and Computing Diversity
Robyn Sandekian, University of Colorado, Boulder; Karen G. Braun, University of Colorado, Boulder; Sarah Miller, University of Colorado, Boulder
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Diversity, Faculty
Conference Session
Track: Pre-college - Technical Session 3
2019 CoNECD - The Collaborative Network for Engineering and Computing Diversity
Whitney Gaskins, University of Cincinnati; Darryl Dickerson, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Virginia Lynn Booth-Womack, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Delano White, The Gaskins Foundation
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Diversity, Pre-College
Conference Session
Track: Special Topic - Computing & Technology Technical Session 3
2019 CoNECD - The Collaborative Network for Engineering and Computing Diversity
Elsa Q. Villa, University of Texas, El Paso; Sarah Hug, Colorado Evaluation & Research Consulting; Heather Thiry, Golden Evaluation ; David S. Knight, The University of Texas, El Paso; Elizabeth Fomby Hall, The University of Texas, El Paso; Andrea Tirres, University of Texas, El Paso
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Diversity, Special Topic: Computing & Technology
Conference Session
Track: Learning Spaces, Pedagogy, and Curriculum Design Technical Session 3
2019 CoNECD - The Collaborative Network for Engineering and Computing Diversity
Elizabeth Hane, Rochester Institute of Technology; Scott Franklin, Rochester Institute of Technology
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Diversity, Learning Spaces, Pedagogy & Curriculum Design
Conference Session
Track: Special Topic - Social Justice & Reform Technical Session 3
2019 CoNECD - The Collaborative Network for Engineering and Computing Diversity
Rachel M. Johnson, University of Minnesota; Michelle Kay Bothwell, Oregon State University; Devlin Montfort, Oregon State University; Kali Furman, Oregon State University
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Diversity, Special Topic: Social Justice & Reform