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2019 ASEE PNW Section Conference
Natasha Mallette P.E., Oregon State University; Jennifer C Mallette, Boise State University
2019 ASEE PNW Section Conference
Michael Lawrence Anderson P.E., United States Air Force; Traci A. Sarmiento, United States Air Force Academy; Cory Cooper, U.S. Air Force Academy; Donald William Rhymer, United States Air Force
Definition X X 4: Design X X X 5: Decision Making X X X X X 6: Prototype, Test, X X X X Iterate 7: Results, X X X Conclusions 8: Reflection X X Table 1: Application of Engineering Methods Outcome Curriculum MapExisting core courses were not required to map to a minimum number of proficiencies, orallocate a certain percentage of earned points to assessment of this outcome. Instead, the goalwas to
2019 ASEE PNW Section Conference
Samantha Schauer, Boise State University; Krishna Pakala, Boise State University; Kim MB Tucker
: 10.1007/s11162-008-9087-6 [Accessed 28 December 2018].[13] K. Buell, V. Love and C. Yao, "Living-Learning Programs Through the Years: A Reflection on Partnerships Between Students, Faculty, and Student Affairs", The Journal of College and University Student Housing, vol. 44, no. 1, pp. 86-100, 2017. [Accessed 29 December 2018].[14] W. Palm and C. Thomas, "Livin Learning Communities Improve First-Year Engineering Student Academic Performance and Retention at a Small Private University", in 122nd ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Seattle, WA, 2015.[15] T. Vasko and P. Baumann, "Comparison of a First-Year Experience Course With and Without a Living", ASEE, 2012.[16] P. Smith, E. Kurban and C. Amelink, "A