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Well-matched quotation marks can be used to demarcate phrases, and the + and - operators can be used to require or exclude words respectively
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2019 Fall Mid Atlantic States Conference
Basak Taylan, Graduate Center of City University of New York; Ashwin Satyanarayana, New York City College of Technology; Sawdiatou Samb, New York City College of Technology
tool does not correct the sentence for the student, buthighlights incorrectly structured sentences, thereby allowing students to correct it themselves. Us-ing this active learning approach with feedback, students learn by reflecting on their writing andcorrecting sentences on their own. Our tool identifies incorrect sentences with an accuracy of 80%.We applied our tool on student essays and showed that our tool aids students in better understandingof English grammar rules.1 IntroductionOne of the biggest challenges that engineering students experience at City University of New York(CUNY), is writing in English. Over 70% of New York City high school graduates attend CUNYaccording to estimates, and anywhere between 53%-80% of these students
2019 Fall Mid Atlantic States Conference
Hui-Ching Kayla Hsu, New York University
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female student is having issues with her onlinestatistics instructor (See Figure 1). Figure 1: A screenshot taken from the scenario portion of the moduleThe GTAs are asked to jot down their thoughts on what they think the cause of the problemsmight be after reading this student’s experience.2.2 Activity: ReflectionIn the follow-up activity, several statements are presented to GTAs with which they can comparetheir answers. These statements are carefully crafted as they reflect different assumptions. GTAscan tick off the statements that are similar to their thoughts. Figure 2: A screenshot taken from the activity portion of the module2.3 Common assumptionsWhen encountering a different culture group (e.g., gender