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2017 Gulf Southwest Section Conference
Ilse Nava-Medina; Angie Hill Price; Mathew Kuttolamadom
., “Person Orientation and Encouragement: Predicting Interest in Engineering Research”, Journal of Engineering Education, 104 (2), pp. 119-138.6. Altruger-Genc, G., Issapour, M., Zoghi, B., Radu, M., Hung, J., Islam, N., Ghadyahi, H., “Learning by Research: A Review of Undergraduate Research Experience in the School of Engineering Technology”, Proceeding of the 2016 ASEE Mid-Atlantic Annual Conference.7. Okhio, C., Misoc, F, Asgill, A., “Incorporating Training In Research & Research Methods into the Undergraduate Curriculum in Engineering and Engineering Technology-(E&ET)”, Proceedings of the 2015 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition.8. Foroudastan, S., Posey, J