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2020 St.Lawrence Section Meeting
Douglas Bohl
Mechanical and Aeronautical, Civil andEnvironmental, and Engineering and Management departments. Engaging students by makingthe subject personally relevant is challenging given these boundary conditions. Personalconnection is needed to actively engage the students in their learning. This paper describes aflow visualization project that is designed to personalize fluid mechanics by having students takeand reflect on a picture of a flow field that they find “interesting”. The results of this project isassessed and the outcomes described based on four criteria: 1. Originality of the picture; 2:aesthetic Quality of the picture; 3. Clarity of the flow visualization; 4. seriousness of theReflection. The Navier-Stokes Equations are the fundamental
2020 St.Lawrence Section Meeting
Kyle Trenshaw; Emily Weber; Rachel Monfredo
evolved over the semesters. The course was first offered in the F2015 semester fora total enrollment of 59 students; it included bi-weekly course meetings and most of thereflective assignments, team projects, guest speakers, and final oral presentations discussedabove. Unfortunately, many of the students taking CHE 150 in the F2015 semester were alsoenrolled in organic chemistry together, and this course conflicted with the academic successworkshop, so only 28 students attended the in-person component. The 31 students concurrentlyenrolled in organic chemistry wrote reflective essays instead to replace those in-personexperiences. In the F2016 semester, the academic success workshops moved to being offeredweekly, and students received additional
2020 St.Lawrence Section Meeting
Joel Abreu; Chris Cassidy; Jamie Kubeck; Jon Laos; Matthew McGarvey; Alexander Loui; Raymond Ptucha
of error. This device operates byutilizing a combination of magnetometers, accelerometers, and gyroscopes to independently calculate thelinear and rotational acceleration of an entity in relation to known heading. These positional changes arebest used when other sensors are incapacitated or deemed unreliable. The shortfall of solely using an IMUis that the calculated positional changes are only relative to its previous state at an earlier time. Withoutinformation relative to its environment, it is incapable of identifying changes occurring in the outsideenvironment.LiDAR: LiDAR is short for light detection and ranging. These sensor units function by emitting pulses oflight, in the form of lasers and measuring the return of the reflected
2020 St.Lawrence Section Meeting
Katherine Gascon; Steven Weinstein; Michael G. Antoniades
lectures in achieving the learning objectives ofthe Surface Science portion of the lab course was assessed by three criteria: 1) the accuracy ofthe reported values of the CMC, the maximum surface excess just below the CMC, and the areaper molecule of the adsorbed surfactant at this bulk surfactant concentration; 2) theunderstanding of the concepts of surfactant adsorption, micelle formation, surface excess, andadsorption isotherms as reflected by the submitted technical reports; and 3) the level ofunderstanding of these same concepts as reflected by the answers to three quizzes related to theseconcepts.Student performance indicated that the learning objectives were achieved based on both the finalgrade for the lab as well as the individual