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Conference Session
Mathematics Division Technical Session 3: Diversity in Mathematics Education
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
John Kerrigan, Rutgers University; Lydia Prendergast, Rutgers University; Jillian A.S. Mellen, Rutgers University; Geraldine L. Cochran; Antonio D. Silva
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Calculus II course? To answer this research question, twelve semi-structuredinterviews [22] were conducted during the last week of class with a focus on gaining a deeperunderstanding of students’ experiences in the flipped classroom. The research team adaptedquestions from a previous study on students’ self-efficacy in calculus [23]. Students names wereneither provided nor were known to the interviewer. Each interview was 10-20 minutes long andallowed students to reflect on their self-efficacy in mathematics (see Appendix B). Examples ofinterview questions included, “How do you rate your confidence in math now? Why?” and“What could make you feel more comfortable about math?” [23]. All interviews were audiorecorded using a digital recorder
Conference Session
Mathematics Division Technical Session 4: Assessing Success in Mathematics Education
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Danielle Marie Fredette, Cedarville University
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can to encourage students to become more independent learners.4.2 Independent learners and homeschooling practiceThere is evidence to suggest that the homeschooling lifestyle tends to impart independent learningskills to its students [9, 10], and that engineering freshmen coming from a homeschoolbackground are therefore more likely to take responsibility for their own learning [8]. This is onepossible reason why the homeschooled students from this study succeeded in engineering schoolat a higher rate than their equally mathematically equipped non-homeschooled peers.According to [8] and [11], some important characteristics of an independent learner are: • Critical reflection • Self-awareness (especially related to own learning