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Conference Session
Design in the BME curriculum
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Eileen Haase PhD, Johns Hopkins University
Tagged Divisions
Biomedical Engineering
 sin The freshmen can experimentally test their model in lab by lifting different weights (Fload) andcomparing the calculated deltoid force, Fdeltoid, with an estimate based on the cross-sectional areaof their deltoid muscle. Although there is some variation in published values, a reasonable valueof maximum muscle force per unit area is 30-40N/cm2. A cross-sectional picture of the armthrough the deltoid, something many of the students get to see in an imaging lab, can provide anestimate of the cross-sectional area of the deltoid, and consequently maximum deltoid force [15].The arm model demonstrates that based on the free-body diagram, the deltoid muscle force issignificantly greater than the load that can be lifted. For a cylindrical model