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Conference Session
Investigating Student Pathways to and through Undergraduate and Graduate Programs
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Collette Patricia Higgins; Melissa Wood Aleman, James Madison University; Robert L. Nagel, James Madison University & Carthage College
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Educational Research and Methods Division (ERM)
options forexposure and involvement [4].Two types of learning arrangements, structured and unstructured, as well as two forms ofcuriosity, specific and diversive, have been previously identified and expressed as a matrix [5].Students’ pathways provide insight into the overlapping experiences of learning in formaleducational settings as well informal settings such as the home. Towards the exploration of thecomplex definition and validation of this model, seven targeted interviews were conducted withstudents enrolled in a non-disciplinary engineering program at a mid-Atlantic, primarilyundergraduate, comprehensive, public university. Exploring in detail the unique livedexperiences of each of these students gives insight into the development of