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Conference Session
Engineering Ethics Division Technical Session 4
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jonathan Beever, University of Central Florida; Laurie A. Pinkert, University of Central Florida
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Engineering Ethics
arise in usfeelings of disgust or distain.This approach to understanding the foundational value orientations that individuals bring to ethical issueshas had little reception within engineering. One exception was Harold Walker’s essay for the 2016 ASEEMid-Atlantic Section conference, in which he argues that some of Haidt’s “elements of morality” but notothers are privileged in “a number of engineering texts” [31]. Thus, this distinction between frameworksand foundations remains grossly understudied in the context of engineering ethics.Of course, the importing of moral foundations theory into engineering ethics brings with it somecompelling critical questions. Thinking back to what we identified above as the lines of inquiry a focus onfoundations