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Conference Session
Track: Collegiate - Technical Session 9
2019 CoNECD - The Collaborative Network for Engineering and Computing Diversity
Dustin M. Grote, Virginia Tech; Walter C. Lee, Virginia Tech; David B. Knight, Virginia Tech; Abbey Rowe Erwin, Virginia Tech; Bevlee A. Watford P.E., Virginia Tech
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Collegiate, Diversity
on the transfer of coursework through semi-structured interviews with faculty and academic advisors at a mid-Atlantic research universityand two community college partner institutions. Leveraging the strengths of a case studyapproach, we are able to examine the types of information sources students utilize whenattempting to transfer courses from the community college to a university while understandinghow those sources, individually and collectively, support or inhibit transfer of courses.Data CollectionWe invited faculty and academic advisors within the College of Engineering at the four-yearuniversity who engage with transfer students to participate in this study. These individuals hadpositions within a general engineering program (to