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1997 Annual Conference
Roger A. Messenger
Session 3233 Photovoltaic Power Systems An Undergraduate Electrical Engineering Senior Elective Course Roger A. Messenger Florida Atlantic UniversityABSTRACT A 3-credit, undergraduate elective course in photovoltaic power systems was developedand taught during the spring, 1995, semester. A revised version was then offered during summer,1996, and the third offering was during spring, 1997. The objective was to create a course whichwould stimulate the interest of electrical engineering students in photovoltaic power production,while
1997 Annual Conference
Clifford R. Mirman
", Proceedings of the ASEE Mid-Atlantic Conference, Wilkes-Barre, PA, 11/96, Pgs. 104-107.2. Uhran, J.J., "A Model for the Engineering Laboratory of the Future", Proceedings of the Fourth World Conference on Engineering Education, Saint Paul, MN, 10/95, Pgs. 112-116.3. Ratcliffe, M., Parker, G., and King,C., "Meeting the Needs of the Employer: An Innovative Course in Software Engineering", Proceedings of the Fourth World Conference on Engineering Education, Saint Paul, MN, 10/95, Pgs. 39-42.4. Condoor, S.S., Suh, S., and Burger,C.P., " Creating an Innovative Design Program at Texas A&M University", Proceedings of the Fourth World Conference on Engineering Education, Saint Paul, MN, 10/95, Pgs. 137-139.Dr. Mirman received his Ph.D