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Conference Session
Writing and Communication I
2005 Annual Conference
Elisa Linsky; Gunter Georgi
1004, Introduction to Engineering and Design, is Polytechnic University's introduction toselected aspects of the history, philosophy, methodology, tools, and contemporary topics inengineering. It includes a weekly lab component that introduces basic engineeringexperimentation and data analysis. The course is composed of a weekly three hour lab, a twohour recitation and a one hour lecture.In the spring of 1998, with Gateway Coalition support, an applied writing component was addedto the existing EG program to help students develop the writing skills needed in the technicalprofessions. A writing consultant is assigned to each section. They design the writing curriculum,provide weekly instruction in a selected writing topic, and grade student
Conference Session
MIND Education Trends
2005 Annual Conference
Maria M. Larrondo Petrie
Session 2005-2282 MIND Links: Resources for Minority Students and Minority Faculty María M. Larrondo Petrie College of Engineering, Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton, Florida USAAbstract. MIND is the acronym for the American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE)MINorities in Engineering Division. One of its latest initiatives is the MIND Links project togather useful web links and information on resources that would allow minority students andminority faculty to find and take full advantage of the myriad of programs and informationdesigned to promote their participation in the engineering and
Conference Session
Women in IT Fields
2005 Annual Conference
Ken Yasuhara
comprehensive discussion of the underrepresentation of womenin CS, see G¨urer and Camp. 13 ) At the undergraduate level in the U.S., CS is the only science,technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) field whose gender gap has widened duringthe last two decades. 11 In the U.S., only 28% of Bachelor’s degrees in computer and informationsciences went to women in 2002, down from a high of nearly 40% in the mid 1980s (Figure 1).As in past years, research departments are faring worse; in U.S. and Canadian Ph.D.-grantingdepartments, 18% of Bachelor’s degrees in computer science and engineering went to women in2003. 25This paper reports early results of a survey- and interview-based study focusing on the beginningof the undergraduate pipeline in CS
Conference Session
New Trends in Graduate Education
2005 Annual Conference
Robert Stiegler; Ernest McDuffie; Robert Kavetsky; Eugene Brown
to work at a Navycenter for two years upon their graduation.The late official notification (mid-fall of 2004) of these awards to the winning universitiesresulted in some difficulty on the part of the university PIs in recruiting the promised number ofstudents. Because of this, at the time of this writing only three student slots of the thirteenpossible openings have been filled. It is expected that all of the remaining slots will be filledduring the spring of 2005.As these students move through their programs they will be tracked and evaluated, and theoverall program will be assessed. The information on student progress and program operationwill be evaluated by appropriate NSF and ONR personnel. With this information in hand,recommendations
Conference Session
College Engineering K-12 Outreach III
2005 Annual Conference
Sarah Nation; Leah Jamieson; Jill Heinzen; Carla Zoltowski; William Oakes; Joy Krueger
., Jamieson, Leah H., Oakes, William C, “EPICS: Engineering Projects in Community Service”, International Journal of Engineering Education Vol 21, No. 1, Feb. 2005, pp. 139-150 “Proceedings of the 2005 American Society for Engineering Education Conference and Exposition Copyright c 2005, American Society for Engineering Education” 9. Beane, D.B. (1988). Mathematics and science: Critical filters for the future of minority students. Washington DC: The American University, The Mid-Atlantic Equity Center. 10. Kahle, J.B. & Lakes, M.K. (1983). The myth of equality in science classrooms. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 20, 131-140. 11. Frye, S. (1991). Communicating the