the HODA and practice the systems tools they learn from CST course byexplaining their experience and observations. The original debriefing has four steps [10]: “tellthe story; graph the variables; make the system visible; and identify the lessons” (pp.7-9). Anadditional step, which is to explore the connection between the HODA and the aviation industry,is included in the CST course by the instructor. In the CST course, the debriefing includes in-class debriefing and an after-class full report.In-class debriefingThe in-class debriefing led by the team leaders is conducted immediately after the HODA. Theleaders guide students to discuss their observations and reflections on the system structureexisting in the HODA using a series of steps.Step 1
' proactivity in socialization (e.g., [20], [23]), theresearch in the context of engineering organizations was largely untouched. Morespecifically, there is rare research about newly hired engineers' proactivity in the aerospace &defense (A&D) industry. A&D organizations employ engineering graduates from multipleengineering majors and offer a wide variety of positions [20]. In particular, A&Dorganizations recruit electrical, mechanical, manufacturing, computer-related engineers,along with recruiting graduates with explicit aerospace engineering degrees. Therefore,organizations in the A&D industry reflect the features that many organizations may haveacross different engineering disciplines. Hence, to address the above-mentioned gaps
on the quality of the work they produce and the actual project product itself. Inaddition, students also receive a number of reflection assignments so that the instructor main gaininsight into how the students are viewing the course and their performance (positives and areas forimprovement) as students/employees [22]. In a corporate environment, such information can begleaned by a supervisor with an employee during a yearly performance appraisal discussion. Theseitems provide some insight into student readiness to work in industry through how the studentdiscusses the experience and through the choice of subjects the student chooses to discuss in someassignments.Pilot runs of the courseThe course was piloted in 2018, 2019 and 2020. The 2018
topic of interest tothe student. The use of problems framed as technical challenges to report to a supervisor ortechnical peers provides context to inspire students to recognize the independent learning skillsthey will need to be successful engineers.Alignment to Workplace CompetenciesIn addition to the seven defined ABET student learning outcomes, there have been numerousworks to define additional workplace competencies that would be expected by the modern globalengineer [17,24,25]. The National Academy of Engineering (2004) [17] notes that an engineerworking in an interdisciplinary global workforce requires leadership, teamwork, communication,reflective behavior practice, interdisciplinary skills, disciplinary perspective, contextualawareness
approaches related to airport challenges. The design competitionrequires student teams to interact with airport operators and industry experts to get input on theirdesign ideas and solution [2]. This paper explores the number and value of these interactions byevaluating the winning design proposals.Statistics are used to analyze trends in the winning design proposals which may reflect theimportance of number of the experts contacted by student teams and their demographics. Thewinning design proposals contain written sections that discuss the team’s reported benefits oftheir interactions with industry experts. Thematic analysis is used to identify themes for designproposals from first, second, and third place teams. The paper presents a study of