aerospace engineering.The following examples illustrate some of the active and cooperative learning techniques [15]. 1. Affective Response - provides an emotional or evaluative response to material. Students look at works of art and note the reaction/response they have to the image/artwork. They reflect on what they see and what has been discussed regarding the components of a work of art the Elements of Art and the Principles of Design. They consider other information such as how colors have symbolic meaning as well as have psychological effects on individuals. In arts, students consider the work of art in the context of the time it was made vs. how it may be perceived today. Discussions in class consider
today’s world, the Capstone Design experience must, asaccurately as possible, reflect the environment the students will encounter when they report forwork. Through the application of systems engineering processes to guide the utilization of thetechnical skills they spent the first three years of their undergraduate life learning, the studentswill gain a much better appreciation for the design process and its interdependencies, as well asthe strengths, and limitations, of teamwork. In addition, this approach allows the students withtrue leadership capability to rise to the surface. In many cases, these students may have noteven realized they had leadership potential.IntroductionWhile most Capstone Design courses necessarily follow standard
analysis ofthe exam results shows that there is no significant distinction between hybrid learning andtraditional study. The survey results reflected the growth of students’ computer knowledge andthe acceptance of new technology application to today’s classes.It is believed that with continuously improving instructional videos, assessment methods, use ofup-to-date technology, hybrid design in the course will be accepted by more students, andprovide a more effective way of self-learning and interactive laboratory practice experience ascompared to traditional classroom style.References[1] A. Azemi, L.L. Pauley, "Teaching the Introductory Computer-Programming Course for Engineering Using Matlab and Some Exposure to C," 2006 ASEE Annual
calibrate the different sensors that come with the robot. Theseinclude: 1. The light sensor to quantify what percentage of reflected light from a color of tape, table, or floor corresponds to a color; 2. The motor rotation angle turned to the distance traveled by the robot based on the chosen wheels and configuration; 3. The ultrasound sensor to measure distance to an object; 4. The sound sensor to gauge response to sounds; 5. The touch sensor to show “true” if touched vs. “false” if not.The next two weeks are spent by students programming the robot to follow a line of blue tapeusing the light sensors without straying. The robot must do this without being confused when itgoes through a tunnel where the light changes.In
classes. The presence ofMET students in participants reflects those students taking classes outside their major. No. of Participants by Major 40 35 30 No. of Students 25 20 15 10 5 0 EE ME MET Mechatronics Civil Engr
. Page 25.862.9 Vassiliadis et al., Rocket Payload Development Fig. 9. Cosmic-ray experiment measurements with flight stages indicated (2010). Fig. 10. Radio sounding of ionospheric plasma (2011). Left: transmission of a MHz pulse andrecording of the reflected pulse amplitude (active sounding). Right: fluctuations of the undisturbed plasma(passive). The amplitude of the recorded pulse is plotted versus time from launch. A third mode (not Page 25.862.10shown) used two GHz frequencies tuned so that their beat frequency of a few MHz resonated with theplasma
. This has two effects. First, if you participate poorly, your team’s overalldesign effort will be of lower quality and the team’s overall grade will be lower. Second, yourteammates will be painfully aware of your level of participation and this will be reflected in thepeer evaluations at mid-semester and at the end of the semester.Homework Policy: This is a projects course and the “homework” will be project reports,briefings, analyses, trade studies, etc., as are appropriate for each specific project. Reports andprojects are listed below under Deliverables.Peer Evaluation: You will be required to evaluate each member of your design team (includingyourself) twice during the semester. The evaluation form will be similar to that attached to