, reflective observation,abstract conceptualization, and active experimentation framework of Kolb’s experiential learningparadigm. It is anticipated the paper will serve as a reference document for those experiencingsimilar issues with small UAV based aerial imaging efforts.Project based Interactive and Experiential LearningIn order to aid in the differentiation of learning activities Chi [1] proposed a taxonomy forclassification of active, constructive, interactive. Active learning activities have been defined asdoing something physically. Constructive learning activities include the overt actions ofhypothesis generation, explanation and elaboration, planning and prediction of outcomes, as wellas integration and synthesis of concepts. Cognitively
26.840.2The content reflects the commonly held understandings that multiple leading universitiesdocument in their course descriptions. The assessment strategies reflect the varied results thatstudents may generate with higher level thinking. The pedagogy reflects the established trend ofcooperative learning as the “best” form of active, student-centered learning, where the instructorscaffolds the student’s learning process and develops the student’s ability to pursue self-guidedinquiry, which is the highest goal of teaching.It is expected that the institutional setting will be an ABET-accredited engineering college thatoffers aerospace engineering at the bachelors level. For example, the rotorcraft centers ofexcellence are Georgia Tech, University of
information sharing has demonstrated a need to examine theeffects of the relevancy and newness of the information exchanged among teams and teammembers to support group decision-making and overall performance of the team.32Beyond formal meetings and tag-ups, continuous, informal communications across immediateworking groups increase design team effectiveness and synchronous reflection on goalaccomplishment.3,24 Unprompted design discussions stimulate peer review opportunities andcontemporaneous sharing of design tasks.24 Moreover, these informal gatherings promotecontinuous awareness of and reflection on design issues, increasing response time to addressingand solving these challenges.24Previous research has investigated the exchange of information
ThreeAbstractThree years ago, Texas A&M University held a summer camp to improve outreach to highschools and encourage interest in aerospace engineering. A critical evaluation three years laterevaluates the successes and revisions by the department. In an effort to improve the studentexperience, each subsequent camp reflects on lessons learned from previous camps, and thelatest camp is no different.In early years, additions included having practicing engineers participate in camp and integratingdifferent design tracks using a systems approach. In the most recent version of the camp, thestructure was modified significantly to accommodate additional students and provide anadditional field of interest. In addition to the previous aircraft and rocket tracks
other; here, we focus onlearning outcomes, since they are better suited for our goals of supporting curricular design.6Learning outcomes defined in this project take many of the properties defined in Harden et al.1999 while also drawing substantially from the CDIO framework.3,4,7 In particular, theseoutcomes match all seven criteria of the framework in Harden et al.: they reflect the mission ofthe department, they are clear and unambiguous, they are specific, generalizable andmanageable, and they are designed in such a way that their interrelationships are clear. However,these outcomes are designed to match a level of specificity beyond what is described in Harden;per the CDIO framework, the space of competencies in engineering and design can
480 0.206 0.405 0-1 Ethnicity 476 0.264 0.441 0-1 Family/Friends Engineers. 561 0.597 0.491 0-1 First Interest in Aerospace 551 0.080 0.271 0-1 Co-op Internship 520 0.325 0.469 0-1 Page 26.114.6 Table 2 shows the means and standard deviations for the variables used in this study.Since all respondents did not answer all items, the number of responses for each item varies andthe statistics reflect those varying sample sizes
internally on a more efficient level. To map the FAAlearning levels to Bloom’s Taxonomy the flying qualities phase created learning objective verbsfound in Table 1. Page 26.193.5The new learning objectives are designed to reflect increased student learning as students progressthroughout the flying qualities phase . As new topics and concepts are introduced in academics ')* (&!""#&!(#"&%)& ###"(&- -"(''$)(("$&('(#(& &('"$ "#&". "&(&($("(!$&()&'#& (##&