student assessment and reflective data, this paper takes a deep dive into lessonslearned, work required, comparisons of didactic approaches, and how students’ assessmentschanged. The first author relates how he, as an old dog and set in using his unlearned teachingmethods, had to learn new tricks in order to survive as an effective instructor during a pandemic.The Quality Matters and the RISE courses prepared the instructor for better online course man-agement, especially for the hybrid fall 2020 term. But the hours required for course managementincreased >10-fold for the fall term over the course as it was previously offered.BR200 used a highly effective interactive synchronous exercise to get naive students fired upabout the biomedical
twoundergraduate student developers of this curriculum participated in the honors program,so they were familiar with the rigors and expectations of honors coursework. Finally, thehonors program awards funding for a student teaching assistant for each course selectedthrough the competitive process.Course Topics and ThemesThroughout the course, students are asked to reflect on who gets to be a scientist orengineer, who defines which questions researchers ask and which problems engineerssolve, who benefits from these solutions, and what role social justice plays in science andengineering practice.Through a social justice lens, we explore the ethical implications involved in howtechnologies impact underrepresented people with specific focus on race, gender
. Theauthor will not remain onsite during the entire 10-week program, so the initial on-site meetingswill be replaced with one-on-one video conference mentorship meetings that occur weekly forthe remainder of the summer. Prior to each of these meetings, the student will send an emaildetailing their accomplishments for that week and experimental plans for the upcoming week.Additionally, the student will be asked to share a personal reflection about their time abroad inthis weekly email update.Additional personalized training It is recognized that even with this training program, some students may still strugglewith aspects of their research projects. As such, additional one-on-one training will take place onan individual basis as needed. This