Paper ID #43179Effectiveness of Inclusive, Reflective Teaching Practices on Problem SolvingProficiencyDr. Casey Jane Ankeny, Northwestern University Casey J. Ankeny, PhD is an Associate Professor of Instruction and Director of MS Program at Northwestern University.Prof. David P O’Neill, Northwestern University David O’Neill is an Associate Professor of Instruction and the Michael Jaharis Director of Experiential Learning for the Biomedical Engineering Department at Northwestern University. David read Engineering Science at University College, Oxford, receiving his M.Eng. and D.Phil. before undertaking a post-doc in the
Paper ID #43911Take this Job and Love It: Identity-Conscious Self-Reflection as a Tool toSupport Individualized Career Exploration for Graduating Biomedical EngineeringStudentsDr. Uri Feldman, Wentworth Institute of Technology Uri Feldman is an Associate Professor of Biomedical Engineering in the School of Engineering at Wentworth Institute of Technology in Boston. He received a Ph.D. from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s Media Lab, a B.S. in Electrical Engineering from Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, and an M.S. in Electrical Engineering from University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign. As a
of factors, andthe new curriculum launches fall of 2023 [1-3]. All core and elective courses were assessed forgaps, redundancies, and bottlenecks, and the curriculum was redesigned – except one non-lecture-based or lab-based course, namely the high-impact engineering course required byTAMU’s College of Engineering. The learning outcomes are stated as: “Upon successfulcompletion of this course, students will be able to (a) reflect on professional outcomes from theengineering body of knowledge and (b) assess learning experiences.” The intent of high-impactcourses is to ensure that students have the opportunity outside the formal classroom setting todevelop essential and professional skills such as communication, problem-solving, organization
Concept MapsAbstractThis paper describes a work-in-progress study investigating the use of concept mapping forassessing students’ conceptual knowledge over a semester in a biomedical engineering modelingcourse. The concept maps are used to evaluate the evolution of students’ skills in developingmathematical models that describing biological systems and students’ specific contentknowledge as they complete problem-based learning projects. As students gain experiencedeveloping mathematical models to answer open-ended problem-based learning questions, wehypothesize that their conceptual understanding of mathematical modeling and of the biologicalsystems studied will increase. This improved conceptual understanding is reflected by conceptmaps with
experience. To assess student perceptions of thenew curriculum intervention, reflections were collected and qualitatively analyzed resulting in 3overarching themes, including creativity in user-centered design, time management, andcommunication/collaboration. These themes demonstrate that students felt they acquired orexpanded skills that are considered vital in a work environment. Therefore, applying this projectexperience on a larger scale can alleviate some of the unpreparedness that engineering studentsfeel as they leave school and enter the workforce. The intervention details will be provided toencourage other engineering instructors to implement similar real-world learning strategies in thehigher education classroom.IntroductionMany
maycapture and analyze one of their own physiological signals. Flash-labs are designed to takebetween 20-30 minutes in class, with about 60 minutes of follow up work to be completedoutside of class. Students execute the activities, then report on and discuss their findings withtheir classmates in small groups and through reports and reflective posts in their DSP-Portfolio.DSP-PortfolioOriginally, after completing each Flash-lab, students submitted their findings and observations asassignments onto the learning management system (LMS). However, this was limiting becauseonly the instructor got to review the assignments. To further enhance in-class collaboration andengagement, in the spring of 2022, DSP-portfolios were added for students to share their
,” Commun. Teach., vol. 22, no. 4, pp. 116–129, Oct. 2008, doi: 10.1080/17404620802382680.[10] J. Gilmore, M. A. Maher, D. F. Feldon, and B. Timmerman, “Exploration of factors related to the development of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics graduate teaching assistants’ teaching orientations,” Stud. High. Educ., vol. 39, no. 10, pp. 1910–1928, Nov. 2014, doi: 10.1080/03075079.2013.806459.[11] M. Di Benedetti, S. Plumb, and S. B. M. Beck, “Effective use of peer teaching and self-reflection for the pedagogical training of graduate teaching assistants in engineering,” Eur. J. Eng. Educ., pp. 1–16, Apr. 2022, doi: 10.1080/03043797.2022.2054313.[12] J. Agarwal, G. Bucks, and T. J. Murphy, “A Literature
to performtwo interviews with stakeholders or individuals integral to the business. The experienceculminated with a project that required students to create a solution related to disabilitypolicy, workforce management, health/behavioral safety, or technology in the company. Inthe classroom, students were assigned complementary readings on the design process,completed weekly reflections on their learning experiences and weekly readings, anddiscussed the project, the progress, and the resources they required from either faculty orindustry mentors.Being a pilot program, a few challenges were identified. The challenges include framing anadequate assessment framework and balancing the synergy between the work studentsperform inside and outside
, charge andmomentum balance in biological systems. A total of 41 undergraduates were enrolled in the courseconsisting of 20 students who identified as female and 21 students who identified as male. Ofthese, all participants completed the team assignment and 39 completed the individual reflections(19 females, 20 males).3.2 Study DesignStudents had two weeks to complete the ’Music of the Heart’ assignment [30]. The assignmentwas timed with the heart sound related lectures to ensure students had adequate backgroundphysiologically to complete the assignment. The learning objectives of the assignment were to 1)articulate the differences between a normal and diseased heart sound 2) connect differences inheart sounds to physiological causes and 3
intervention implemented in the course is a case study based on athoughtful 2009 article by Jerome Gropman, entitled Robots that Care [3]. In this activity, allstudents read and discuss not only the technical challenges involved in creating assistive robots,but also explore and reflect on how to implement and regulate the temperament of the robots.From discussion in class, the topic of temperament seemed to engage students, and that is whatprompted this investigation.The activity was delivered in two parts. In the first part, the entire cohort of nineteen studentsenrolled in the Summer of 2023 semester read and reflected on the article. In the second part, thestudents responded to a questionnaire posted on the learning management system. Many of
supporting STEM faculty on STEM education research projects.Dr. Sharon Miller, Purdue University Sharon Miller, PhD, is an Associate Professor of Practice in the Weldon School of Biomedical Engineering at Purdue University. She received a BS degree in Materials Science and Engineering from Purdue University and MS and PhD degrees in Biomedical Engineering from the University of Michigan. Her educational efforts focus on biomedical engineering discipline-based educational research, including design self-efficacy, project-based learning, critical reflection in ethics, and high-impact practices. ©American Society for Engineering Education, 2024Work in Progress: A Multi-level Undergraduate Curricular
to make proposals for changes in the curriculum: How could gaps or deficienciesbe addressed? What other data are needed before making changes? (Principles 1, 2, 3, 4, & 5).Again, faculty were highly engaged at each step: 100% of faculty teaching an undergraduatecourse were interviewed, and at the second department retreat, ~70% of faculty participated,including 18 tenure-track faculty (10 full, 4 associate, and 4 assistant), 2 teaching-track faculty,and 1 lecturer. At the conclusion of this retreat, attendees were asked to complete an exit survey.Responses showed clear appreciation for our approach, as well as an acknowledgement that weas a department have work to do together on the curriculum to better reflect our new objectives.Future
• How does vascular stiffness • Calculate wave speed using propagation and affect wave propagation? multiple pressure waveforms. reflections Sarcomere force- • What are the mechanisms of the • Simulate sarcomere experiments tension Frank-Starling relationship? using the Hill model [7]. relationships Ventricular • What are end-systolic and end- • Simulate pathologies using elastance diastolic elastance? pressure-volume relationships. • Use a lumped parameter model to Systems-level • What are the physiological simulate an
, sophomore laboratory course?IntroductionThis work-in-progress study assesses the impact of reflective practices, including peer reviewusing a co-created rubric, on written assignments in a sophomore-level, biomedical engineeringlaboratory course. As an introduction to experimentation, the course covers the statistical designof experiments and the quantification of measurement data quality. Topics include problem-solving skills, scientific writing, and hypothesis generation amongst other research-related topics.Evidence-based pedagogy used in the course includes standards-based grading and reflection.This study is motivated by work demonstrating the inclusive and effective nature of peer review,co-created rubrics, and standards-based grading. An
the first chapter and reinforced in eachfollowing chapter [3]. When teaching a course that fosters both process and content mastery, carefulattention must be paid to problem-solving processes, which require a conceptual understanding. Previousstudies have shown that several factors lead to success in problem-solving such as student interest in theprompts, clear explanations, and engaging in reflective practices [1].In order to measure students’ attitudes toward a course, we leveraged findings from two related studies,where students were asked to answer a questionnaire with 60 questions related to disposition that was takenfrom the following validated instruments: the Index of Learning Styles[4], the Growth Mindset Scale[6],and sense of
lacking.The goal of this work-in-progress is to establish methods that foster the development of effectiveteaching teams through the creation of upper-level senior/graduate BME courses. The authorsdeveloped a series of six virtual workshops to facilitate collaborative design of five BME coursesand the co-creation of team competencies and values, with the goal of fostering effectivelearning and team teaching outcomes. By the end of the collaborative course design program,teaching teams submitted their course syllabi for college approval, drafted an orientation for newteam members, and added a reflection of the team teaching to the post-delivery course evaluationprocess. The aim of sharing the process as well as the results of the workshop series
groups from countries where travel outof the country may be difficult, mean that virtual conferences and presentations are goingto continue to happen in some capacity[4]. In the post-pandemic age, pre-recordedscientific presentations have become more commonplace, including at biomedicalengineering related conferences, including the Biomedical Engineering Society AnnualConference. Presenting virtually and preparing pre-recoded presentations requires adifferent skill set than in-person presentations, and therefore educators should considerimplementing them in the classroom to help students develop these skills early on. Additionally, pre-recorded presentations allow the student to reflect on and self-assess their presentation skills by
’ learning capability throughindividual development and peer engagement. The course design allows students to activelyparticipate in learning as a “resident” living in a “neighborhood”. Besides the traditionalindividual work, various group activities are performed inside one group and among multiplegroups, or the “households”. Students feel more obligated to better performance and high-qualitylearning outcomes. Another focal point of this study is the assessment of student learning underthe proposed course frame, where tailored tutorials and guidance are vital. Although supportfrom the teaching team is essential in this “neighborhood”, we still want to put students in thecenter as the leader of their study. The ongoing data collection reflects the
approaches to meet the needs of diverse sets ofstakeholders [1, 2]. Although the value of empathy is clear, how it can be attained or strengthenedis less well-defined. The learning activities that educators in STEM fields may employ vary fromapproaches utilizing role playing to offering service-learning experiences [3]. One potential wayto cultivate empathy is the use of story-driven learning (SDL), defined as the intellectual processof creating, telling, and listening to reflective, evidence-based stories [4].Storytelling is beneficial for inquiry and knowledge construction and is key to promotingcommunication, psychosocial development, and a humanistic approach to others [5–8]. Beyondpersonal narratives and relaying events, storytelling has been
toincorporate the IDEO model of innovation, wherein projects were validated according to theirdesirability, feasibility, and viability. Desirability considers the users’ needs, where feasibilityand viability reflect the technical ability to develop a solution and marketability potential,respectively. Teams are expected to propose a single unmet clinical need at the conclusion ofCIP and validate it as a potential project according to IDEO model. Here we report on two yearsof our revised CIP, using data from pre- and post-program surveys. Surveys assessed studentexperience, confidence, and perceived necessity of interdisciplinary teaming, primaryethnographic research, and secondary research. Paired data from 28 students was available (14BME, 14 IMED
approach to a technique, new technologies or new treatment.During the Spring of the third year, medical students research the problem identified during theirclinical rotations, propose a solution, and then recruit and lead a cross-disciplinary team thatincludes bioengineering students and business student consultants, to develop a new prototype orprocess with the goal of changing the practice of medicine and improving patient outcomes. In thefollowing Fall semester, medical students deliver 5-minute pitches to recruit engineering MEngand undergraduate students to the project.Formation of Engineering Capstone ExperienceThe MEng and undergraduate capstone courses meet together to facilitate teamwork during openlab times and reflection on lecture
summer of2022, we revised CIP to better validate the needs identified in CIP according to the IDEO modelfor innovation, which examines project desirability, feasibility, and viability [16, 17].Desirability reflects real-world user needs as assessed by primary observation, synthesis, andstakeholder analysis culminating in needs statements similar to our previous versions of CIP.Feasibility assesses the ability of a team to create a solution, including the availability oftechnology and the evaluation of prior art. Viability leverages market analysis and valueproposition to determine the potential of a solution to make a long-term market impact. Themost compelling needs, being validated by this model, were submitted to BME SD fordevelopment. The
only presented in English [7] and inaccurate assessment results that may artificiallylower GPAs [7], these factors generate a potential hardship and disadvantage in any STEM internshipapplication process.In attempts to remove these barriers, the traditional cover letter and resume application format were substitutedwith visual application requirements designed to reflect a candidates’ enthusiasm for STEM topics and aninsight into persistence and problem-solving abilities. Additionally, the PROPEL team created 1-2 min. videoswith host labs that relate the lab focus and the summer internship project. Applicants were asked to write a brief,250-word essay reflecting on a personal or academic challenge. This enabled the PROPEL applicationcommittee
of a shortanswer question in which students succinctly describe their post-graduation plans, a freeresponse question which asks students to reflect on their personal strategic focus as a member ofthe BME community, and a copy of their professional résumé at the time they were enrolled inthe course.To date, we have collected over 1000 individual student assignments between both courses andare currently in the process of pairing them so the same students can be tracked across the twotime points. In addition to the students’ assignments, we are also collecting information about thefirst position students attained post-graduation, if available, from public sources such asLinkedIn or the alumni directory. Once data from all three time points is
reflections areshown in Figure 5 with the list of questions in the table below. Based on the survey students'confidence in being a tissue engineer averaged 4.15 ± 0.38. Also, students’ confidence in designinga tissue engineering bioreactor averaged 4.15 ± 0.80. Students' confidence in using the maker spaceand their tools in other projects, like a capstone or senior design project, averaged 4.77 ± 0.44. Thenext question surveyed students' opinions about themselves being good at engineering andaveraged 4.0 ± 0.82. When we asked students about their confidence in applying their theoreticalknowledge in tissue engineering the responses averaged 4.23 ± 0.44. Next, we asked about theirability to work in a team to accomplish a goal, the results averaged 4.77
methods to diverse learning needs, as reflected in varying ratiosof correctness in pre-/post-lecture tests [15]. Collectively, these studies underscore the importanceof recognizing each class as a unique entity, catering to the diverse learning styles and backgroundsof students.In this research, we aim to broaden the application of pre-post lecture assessments, elevating themfrom feedback tools to more refined instruments that measure learning at different cognitive levels,as defined by Bloom's Taxonomy (Figure 1b). Our strategy involves aligning key lecture learningoutcomes with pre/post assessment questions, crafted to probe varying cognitive depths. Thismethod will provide instructors with a more nuanced understanding of student
on active learning in smallgroups solving similar types of problems. 0.2The high percentage of students scoring inthe advanced and proficient ranges of all 0elements within the Engineering Habits of 1 2 Score 3 4Mind may also be contributed to the Figure 3. Breakdown of student scores from BEN 401involvement of metacognition reflection habits aspart of the course curriculum following a class-wide poor performance on a low-stakes quiz earlierin the semester. After the poor performance, the instructor streamed the Skillful Learning,“Reflecting on Our Thinking” YouTube video [5
biomedical engineering curricula in universities across the UnitedStates [5]. For example, programs like Johns Hopkins University’s two week long clinicalobservation program for undergraduates [6] and the authors’ institution’s unique two semesterlong Engineering in Surgery and Intervention Course for graduate students [7] attempt toincorporate a clinically immersive aspect to the traditional biomedical engineering corecurriculum. Through the use of grades, survey data, reflections and other measures, theseprograms show promising improvements to students’ abilities to understand and identify clinicaland surgical needs as biomedical engineers. However, few testable instruments exist that can beused across different programs to assess their efficacy
first-year gateway courses beforereaching technical proficiency in biomedical engineering. Another strategy toincorporate ethics into the curriculum focuses on senior capstone courses with anemphasis on designing for clients and diverse stakeholders, but this approach lacksthe appropriate scaffolding of ethical principles applied to engineering problemsthat mirrors scaffolded technical content. Accepting the broad nature of abiomedical engineering degree, we aim to engage undergraduate students ingaining proficiency and efficacy in incorporating ethical inquiry into technicalknowledge that improves student engagement with course content and allowscritical reflection on technical challenges for their future careers. We believe thatan iterative
settings [7]. This work-in-progresspaper will outline our strategies for transforming the MCTE track at Duke University, includingthe needs identification, initial findings of student and curricular success, infrastructure changesto support our enhanced tract, and future directions to iterate on our courses. We also present thefirst iteration of our improved MCTE track courses, learning objectives for lecture and student-centered laboratories, and feedback on further improving these core courses to reflect the dynamicchange in the biomedical engineering space.From traditional engineering courses to an enhanced MCTE track Our BME curriculum requires students to take Bio201L: Molecular Biology as aprerequisite for their initial required BME