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Conference Session
Outreach and Beyond in the Chemical Engineering Classroom
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Byron Hempel, University of Arizona; Paul Blowers, University of Arizona; Kasi M. Kiehlbaugh, University of Arizona
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Chemical Engineering
an online class. The implementation of the interventions may look different in each of those venues or20 have different levels of effectiveness because every classroom environment differs and faculty21 deployment of instructional practices varies. The strongest recommendation of the authors is to deploy a22 reflective process throughout implementation of some of the different teaching practices. This will allow23 for personal and professional growth in deploying the techniques while improving their use in their local24 teaching context over time.25 Introduction26 Statistics about Why Students Leave College and STEM Fields27 The current state of higher education is tragic. The U.S. Department of Education reported in 2015
Conference Session
Chemical Engineering Division Poster Session
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Robert Gammon-Pitman, Ohio State University; Paul E. Post, Ohio State University; Lin Ding, The Ohio State University
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Chemical Engineering
discouraging motivations are competitive classroom environments andgrades [14]. While grades are an evaluation of student learning inferred by the instructor,students’ grades have been interpreted by students as a measure of success and achievement.Students with lower performance or grades, therefore, become less motivated and doubt theirabilities to be successful in the engineering program. Other educational factors reported asdiscouraging to students’ motivation were time commitment on course tasks and the quality ofteaching with large effects for female than male students [14]. Although grades reflect students’competence and indicate growing opportunities, how students interpret the grades to impact theirmotivation and persistence in
Conference Session
Chemical Engineering Division Poster Session
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Matthew Lucian Alexander P.E., Texas A&M University, Kingsville; Joseph Amaya
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Chemical Engineering
intensive course for our discipline, and the students satisfy this requirementby writing ten 500-word essays on a variety of design-related topics, including the ancillarytopics listed above. The student increase in understanding and incorporation of these ancillarytopics into their design is partially reflected in the upward-trending average score for the writingintensive assignments, which went from a mid-B (86) in the 2016 course offering to a high-B(89) or low-A (91) in the 2017 and 2018 course offerings.Figure 1. Enhanced Structure and Functionality of TAMUK Chemical Engineering CapstoneDesign ExperiencePerformance of Student Teams in Capstone DesignTable 1 presents some of the factors that may be unique to Hispanics or other
Conference Session
Computer-Based Learning in Chemical Engineering Courses
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jamie Gomez, University of New Mexico; Vanessa Svihla, University of New Mexico
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Chemical Engineering
also note that we did not assess student perceptions of techno-economic modeling. Researchsuggests that student perceptions are not reliable indicators of whether an intervention supportslearning [28]. However, we do note that students engaged deeply with the assignments, whichsuggests that students found them valuable. However, future studies can investigate specificaspects students found worthy to invest time. As a fairly authentic task, exploring how techno-economic modeling might support professional identity development would be of interest.We conclude with implications for other chemical engineering faculty by reflecting on classroomexperiences in this study. We have dived deeper in this challenge every year and students areengaged but