reflection component on personal development, social impact, academic enhancement,university mission, and ethics. A mixed-methods approach was used to examine differencesbetween first-year engineering students who participated in service-learning projects during thefall semester of 2014 and those who did not. Students participating in service-learning projectsshowed significantly higher gains in confidence in both technical and professional engineeringskills. Female students in particular showed the most dramatic gains, with an average increase of81.6% in technical engineering confidence as a result of their service-learning course. The highergains in confidence can be attributed to the students learning more about how to identify andunderstand
. Inaddition, a subset of the students in the course present their own experiences with the course andhow their participation has affected their view of engineering and their future careers. Thesestudents first reflected on their own unique experiences with the course, specifically focusing onworking in a multidisciplinary and vertically-integrated team, the development of teamwork andtechnical skills, and the impact of the course on their view of engineering. After reflecting, eachstudent analyzed the reflections of the other participating students and the commonalities anddifferences in the experiences were identified and are presented, with implications for similarcourses/programs.Background:One of the significant issues facing engineering over the
technical and club advisors forthe EWB-USA. The local club already had professional mentors who travelled in-country theprevious summer on an assessment trip with a team of students. These mentors continued withthe class and supported the faculty for EPICS who was an added advisor and managed the courseand assessments along with a graduate teaching assistant. He was also added as an advisor for theclub to keep him informed about activities and also to make it easier on the student members toobtain required signatures within the university system. A second club advisor was kept from theprogram that had overseen EWB-USA previously and still had responsibility for the organization.This shared ownership has worked well.Student Reflections and
involved in the experience. 2. Reflective Observation: The student groups meet with the faculty advisor every other week to provide an update on what they have done so far. One of the topics during discussion is what topics that they learnt in class used and how that is impacting the social issue. 3. Abstract Conceptualization: The students are collecting data from the agency and also making templates to get already existing data. They are using this data to apply models that they have learnt in various classes. Coming up the right data to use in itself is a great learning experience. 4. Active Experimentation: The students are able to put two different methodologies together to come up with a solution to
system in order to provide the village of Vuelta Grande withpotable water. The two-week abroad experience in Guatemala, between the fall and springsemesters, consisted of working with the adult leaders of the village to design, procure material,build, and test the rainwater catchment-filter system. During the Spring 2014 semester followingthe experience weekly culmination meetings allowed the students to reflect and document theirexperience in a series of presentations to the college and the local professional community. Thestudent delegates conducted a self-assessment survey in which they rated their growth beforeand after the abroad experience in six relevant constructs related to their professional andpersonal growth. The instrument was based
learning/project-based learning experience. Thus, thedecision was made to focus assessment on utilizing a combination of attitudinal as well asreflective student pieces. In fact, many aspects of Problem Based Learning (PBL) are inherent inthis type of project. “While each PBL instructional environment is unique, and therefore merits itsown unique assessment strategy, several alternative assessment techniques seem particularlyappropriate for the PBL learning environment.” 2 Page 26.1758.4 The common assessment pieces of service-based learning and PBL (Problem Based Learning)are specifically structured around the personal reflection pieces
: ❏ It involves the management of natural resources ❏ It directly impacts energy use ❏ It directly impacts land use ❏ It directly impacts water use ❏ It has social impacts ❏ It has economic impacts ❏ It is related to urban planning ❏ Other:Learning Reflections – First Response In order to understand participants’ first reactions to each of the learning activities theywere involved in, we asked them to complete a “quick and dirty” written response sheet whichasked them to rate the primary learning activity of the day (on a scale of 1 – 5 with 5 being thebest) and to record something they thought they had learned and would “take away” from theactivity. Respondents
questions are critical to understand if theavailability of LTS opportunities to engineering students are to continue to grow and flourish. Page 26.1078.16AcknowledgmentsThis material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under DUEGrant Nos. 1022927, 1022883, 1022738, 1023022, and 1022831. Any opinions, findings, andconclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do notnecessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.References1. Pew Research Center. 2010. Millennials: A Portrait of Generation Next. Accessed 1/23/2015.2
could examine other ways to view studentvolunteerism and the potential effects that those experiences have on the attitudes of personaland professional social responsibility in engineering students.AcknowledgementsThis material is based on work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant#1158863. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in thismaterial are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the NationalScience Foundation.Bibliography1 A. W. Astin, L. J. Vogelgesang, E. K. Ikeda and J. A. Yee, How Service Learning Affects Students, Los Angeles: Higher Education Research Institute, 2000.2 J. S. Eyler, D. E. Giles, C. M. Stenson and C. J. Gray, "At a Glace: What We
a lab-styleenvironment. Students were expected to learn the design process as part of their service/designexperience under the guidance of a faculty member and professionals.Assessment of the course was provided via open-ended written reflections. Students indicatedthat the documentation requirements were overwhelming the service and design aspects of thecourse. In spite of their frustration with the documentation, students indicated that they valuedthe service aspect of the course.The instructors’ assessment mirrored that of the students. The focus of the course was incorrect.In the pursuit of providing resources to help students not waste time, the instructors felt studentsspent an exorbitant amount of time documenting rather than
% 23% 26 *Central tendency (Mode) is highlightedThe participants’ beliefs about whether volunteerism can contribute to career advancement weremore mixed with most participants reporting neutral responses. While it is possible that thevolunteer engineers may be coming from a place of genuine altruism rather than self-interest asthey concentrated time and effort to volunteering with underserved students, it might also be thecase that corporate culture does not actively promote or demonstrate the value of volunteerism tothe workforce. These beliefs may be reflected in the results. Page 26.1508.16Table 3b. Agreement with statements related