and Employers (NACE) [6]Future Skills Framework DevelopmentActua developed the Future Skills Framework to capture and articulate the instructor experience,and to provide a foundation for additional support to member programs and their instructors. Inaddition, a strengthened instructor experience framework is seen to have potential for improvedrecruitment, training and retention of future instructors, increased transferability of the instructorexperience to future career opportunities, and increased quality and consistency in youthengagement by the network. The potential to shape a national, post-secondary work integratedlearning experience reflects activity by universities and affiliated organizations to betterdocument the contribution of
education. This DBR approach also reflects Kolb’s [5] four stages of experientiallearning (experience, reflection, conceptualize, and test) as the program developers, faculty, andstudents learn together through each cycle of development. Design & Planning Problem Ideation/ Refined Learning (ProjectStatement Selection Model Objectives mgmt) Data CollectionProgram Design Design
engineeringdisciplines, and the context of their research varied considerably. Some students were part oflarge, established experimental laboratories while other students worked individually or in smallgroups on computational or theoretical projects. As this course was launched in Fall 2020,students in this class experienced the additional challenge of starting college (and undergraduateresearch) remotely during a global pandemic. The design and content of this course wereevaluated using anonymous feedback and a review of reflective discussion posts in order todetermine whether the course supported the stated learning goals. This evaluation indicates thatstudents found the course material helpful in understanding their role as undergraduate researchassistants
virtual internship intervention and technology, described in detail byJames, Humez and Laufenburg [12], leverages a purpose built technology platform to supportemployer partner feedback [15], structure student's reflection and metacognition [16], [17], andprovides educators with real-time learning analytics to support students and employer partnerswhen required [18], [12].To better address the needs of non-traditional and traditionally underserved minority students,the research team developed a set of design principles that attend to these students' particularneeds. The design principles include: • The ability of a student to participate in the intervention without leaving existing full- time work • The ability to complete work
safely and competentlyassist in the work, and then properly describe the activity and its importance.The RS staff concentrates on a reflective write-up of the experiential experience during thefollowing term in the manditory seminar course. Four of the Fall 17 cohort have completed theirLSAMP project write-ups for publication in an undergraduate journal [41] [42] [43] [44]. One ofthe six member Fall 17 cohort dropped from the program due to incompatibilities with her majorand the summer RS programming, prior to the LSAMP experience. A second member of the Fall17 cohort changed degree objective into a non-STEM major during the following fall and did notcomplete the write-up portion of her RS commitement. One of the non-residential students in
as enablers in thereinterpretation of cognitive theories and teaching techniques for the development ofcriticality. Our challenge as educators is how to employ innovative, virtual and technologicaltools that boost creativity and challenge students to solve complex problems usingunexpected solutions; appealing to the extensive use of their digital literacy skills [16]:Photo-visual; Reproduction; Branching; Information; Socio-emotional; and Real-time.The incorporation of reflective practices through spaces for dialogue in fully onlineenvironments should be carried out throughout the engineering program as an example ofcognitive and metacognitive tools using the technological platforms that are best adapted toeach subject. The objective of this
adopted [10,11]. The study abroad literature supports theintegration of experiential learning as a key medium for promoting higher-impact learning.Lutterman-Aguilar and Gingerich [10] argued that for an effective study abroad experiencestudents should be prepared as responsible global citizens and in order to do that the programsneed to incorporate the principles of experiential education that encourage reflection, criticalanalysis, and synthesis. A similar model was presented by McLaughlin and Johnson [12] forshort-term study abroad programs.Empirical studies have conducted to measure the personal and professional development ofstudents who participated in study abroad programs and evaluated factors such as civiccommitments (locally and