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Displaying results 1 - 30 of 64 in total
Conference Session
Industrial Engineering Division Tech Session 1: IE-ing a Broader Perspective
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Cristina D. Pomales-Garcia, University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez campus; Christopher Papadopoulos, University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez campus
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Economy, Engineering Management, Industrial Engineering
Paper ID #17820An Industrial Engineering Design Experience Reflecting upon Moral Devel-opment and WellbeingDr. Cristina D. Pomales-Garcia, University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez campus Dr. Cristina Pomales is Professor at the Department of Industrial Engineering at the University of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez (UPRM). She has a Bachelors in Psychology from the University of Puerto Rico at Mayag¨uez (2001) and a Ph.D. in Industrial and Operations Engineering from the University of Michigan (2006). Her research areas of interest are the study of Work Systems Design in Agriculture, Human Fac- tors, Occupational Safety Web-based
Conference Session
Engineering Economy -- The Introductory Course
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Joseph Hartman, University of Florida
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Economy
AC 2008-267: DOES CLASS SIZE MATTER? REFLECTIONS ON TEACHINGENGINEERING ECONOMY TO SMALL AND LARGE CLASSESJoseph Hartman, University of Florida Joseph Hartman received his PhD in Industrial and Systems Engineering from Georgia Tech in 1996. He has served as Director of the Engineering Economy Division of ASEE and is currently Editor of The Engineering Economist. Page 13.449.1© American Society for Engineering Education, 2008 Does Class Size Matter? Reflections on Teaching Engineering Economy to Small and Large ClassesAbstractHaving recently transitioned from a small, private university
Conference Session
Innovations in the IE Curriculum
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Ana Vila-Parrish, North Carolina State University; Dianne Raubenheimer, Meredith College
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Economy, Engineering Management, Industrial Engineering, Systems Engineering
approach that integrates project management methods andtools with Lean-Six Sigma methods. An additional objective of this research is to develop abetter understanding of the unique aspects of the engineering problem solving process. Weassessed the student’s problem solving strategies, products, and design process reflections usingWolcott’s “Steps for Better Thinking” rubric 1.IntroductionCapstone courses give students the opportunity to solve large, unstructured problems in aclassroom setting. These team-based projects mimic the industrial setting that most students willenter upon graduation. Throughout the capstone experience students find themselves faced withcomplexities not found in a traditional course, especially when the projects are
Conference Session
Engineering Management Applications
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Gene Dixon, East Carolina University
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Economy, Engineering Management, Industrial Engineering
projects, teams and teamwork and reflective writing, this university will teachleadership identity development along with the knowledge, skills and abilities required of thenext generation of engineering leaders.IntroductionKouzes and Posner1 suggest that leadership is “everyone’s business”. East Carolina University(ECU) has committed to distinguishing itself by taking a unified institutional approach topreparing leaders. The ECU has identified itself as “The Leadership University” in its strategicposition and its marketing. As part of this position, the university seeks to define studentlearning outcomes related to leadership development in a way that is straightforward andadaptive while allowing academic units the flexibility to identify and
Conference Session
Innovative IE Course Content
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Justin W. Kile, Quinnipiac University
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Economy, Engineering Management, Industrial Engineering
responding to others verbal and nonverbalcommunication. These aspects were identified, by the author, through conversations withemployers, practicing engineers, and recent graduates. Although the key areas are easily agreedupon, how best to satisfy them during a conversation is open to some interpretation by theindividuals involved in the conversation. Therefore, the goal of the activities is to get students tothink and reflect on how they communicate, how others communicate, successfulcommunication, poor communication and goals of professional communication. Hopefully,through this thought and reflection, the students will become aware of their communicationstyles and can become better communicators
Conference Session
Engineering Economy Division Technical Session 1
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
James Burns, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Bob E. White P.E., Western Michigan University; Azim Houshyar, Western Michigan University
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Economy
incentivized the development of modules, lessons, or class projects that have a clearhumanities-based learning objective and have the potential to reach many students. The moduledescribed here was funded for development through an internal grant, and this paper presents asummary of the module’s content, the rationale for its approach, reflections on some of the keyassumptions of the rationale, and recommendations for others wanting to implement a similarly-styled ethics assignment.Most Engineering Economy instructors would probably agree that these courses are well-suitedfor reaching large numbers of students due to their cross-disciplinary nature and are also well-suited to discussing professional ethics because of their connection to the world of
Conference Session
Methods, Cases, and Directions
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Pil-Won On, University of Missouri, Columbia; Luis Occena, University of Missouri
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Economy, Engineering Management, Industrial Engineering, Systems Engineering
experienced a dramaticdifference from receiving appropriate instructional design and development support. Table 1summarizes the path of transformation reflected on the instructor’s perspectives. It highlights 10key features which demonstrate significant difference that the instructor perceived during the Page 25.787.2transformation. Key Features Before Receiving After Working with Instructional Support Instructional Designer 1 Course layout Unit based (6 units) Weekly topic based (15 main
Conference Session
Student Development and Assessment in IE Programs
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Terri M. Lynch-Caris, Kettering University; Jonathan Weaver, University of Detroit Mercy; Darrell K. Kleinke, University of Detroit Mercy
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Economy, Engineering Management, Industrial Engineering, Systems Engineering
. Share your scenario with a classmate (next student alphabetically on roster) and receive scenario from another classmate (prior student alphabetically on roster.) Page 25.265.6 3. Follow “The Steps” provided in Figure 2 and prepare a 10 minute presentation. 4. After presenting and submitting the presentation, peer- and self-assessment will enable a reflective summary of the entire activity.The peer assessment portion of the plan engages the audience and provides other students theopportunity to contribute to the learning experience. The presenter will receive more than just agrade as feedback. They will receive both
Conference Session
Innovative IE Course Content
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Douglas H Timmer, University of Texas, Pan American; Miguel Gonzalez, University of Texas, Pan American
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Economy, Engineering Management, Industrial Engineering
information sheet and student survey after submitting the project butbefore receiving feedback reflecting their performance as defined by the rubric. The surveyfocused on the students’ perceived understanding of the project learning goals and confidence inability to implement the learning goals in real life.ResultsThe Gauge R&R Project was implemented at the University of Texas – Pan American (UTPA)in MANE 4311 – Quality Control during the Fall 2012 semester. Eleven students were enrolledin the course and eight submitted the (voluntary) demographic and survey sheets. The assessmentresults are provided in Tables 1 – 3.Table 1 contains the student demographic information. Participation in the demographic surveywas voluntary. The demographic
Conference Session
Engineering Economics New Frontiers
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Simon Thomas Ghanat P.E., The Citadel; Kenneth Brannan, The Citadel; Ronald W. Welch, The Citadel; Kevin C Bower P.E., The Citadel
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Economy
essential to incorporate teaching and learningmethods that adequately address the different learning styles in the classroom, and to developways to promote student motivation6 and engagement. As stated in the literature, engineeringstudents are predominantly active, visual, and sensing learner types 6- 9. However, most teachingmethods in engineering are geared toward reflective, verbal, and intuitive learner types6. This isthe exact opposite of the suggestions made from multiple learning style studies stated in theliterature 6-9. Teaching in engineering is generally more focused on theory, verbal, and passivelearning, as opposed to deductive learning supported by Felder as the preferred learning methodusing practical applications, visual
Conference Session
Engineering Economy Division Technical Session 2
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Kate D. Abel, Stevens Institute of Technology (School of Engineering and Science)
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Economy
comparing the final exam and course scores of the Fall 2015students (those who were just told that electronics were not allowed in the classroom) tothe final exam and course scores (respectively) of students from the Fall of 2016 (thosewho were told electronics were not allowed since studies show use of electronics in theclassroom negatively impacts grades). These two grades were chosen intentionally. Thefinal exam score was chosen since it reflects how well students understand the materialfrom the entire course (but does not include the grades from the lab portion of the course).The course score was chosen for contrast since this score reflects both the course portion(where the study took place) and the lab portion of the course.Data AnalysisThe
Conference Session
Engineering Economy Division Technical Session 1
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Bradley James Schmid, University of Saskatchewan
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Economy, Engineering Management, Industrial Engineering, Systems Engineering
Canadian tax system but modifying this section to reflect the U.S. tax system (orany country’s system) should not be an onerous endeavor for a course instructor familiar withtheir local tax structure. Many of the examples used in the textbook relate to Canadian industriesand businesses. While there is nothing wrong with keeping these Canadian examples, it mayengage students more if the examples reflect the important industries or businesses of theirgeographic region.The authors of this current version of the open textbook would like to encourage others to adoptthe textbook and may provide some assistance with modifications to help suit the needs of otherinstructors.Future work also includes studies to determine the effectiveness of this open
Conference Session
Methods, Cases, and Directions
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Joseph C. Hartman, University of Florida
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Economy, Engineering Management, Industrial Engineering, Systems Engineering
common assumption of a positive interest rate,money grows to a larger value as it moves forward in time and shrinks as it moves back in time.This is reflected in the (P/F,i,N) and (F/P,i,N) factors which are generally introduced when discussingthe notion of interest. As these serve as the basis for all other factors, they are the only factorsthat need to be explicitly covered in classroom material. Once understood, the mechanics ofmoving money through time can be easily illustrated on a spreadsheet, without the use of factors.Furthermore, this author would argue that one can build intuition merely by working lots ofproblems – even if the actual calculations are performed on a spreadsheet. In terms of intuition,an engineer that can build
Conference Session
Engineering Economy Division Technical Session 3
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Corey Kiassat, PhD, MBA, PE P.E., Quinnipiac University; Xiaoyue Jiang, Quinnipiac University
Tagged Topics
ASEE Diversity Committee
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Economy
adopt in this studynaturally reflects outcome (g), we explicitly structure the team formation according to outcome(d), i.e. enforcing a multidisciplinary team composition.1.2. Team-Based LearningIt becomes clearer based on the previous discussion that leadership skills (traits) are presented invarious forms of teamwork skills. It is thus no coincidence that we observe a growing practice andresearch on team-based pedagogy in engineering education. As suggested in Michaelsen et al.(2014)11, Team-Based Learning (TBL) 12-16 has proven to be a practical and effective strategy foraddressing these challenges and transforming our classrooms into a more enjoyable experience forteachers and students alike.Four foundational practices were also identified
Conference Session
Improving IE Course Content
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Hung-da Wan, University of Texas, San Antonio; Yi-Ching Liao, University of Texas, San Antonio; Glenn Kuriger, University of Texas, San Antonio
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Economy, Engineering Management, Industrial Engineering
impact the lean tools can bring about. Consequently, lean simulation games havegained a special role in training workshops and educational programs of lean manufacturing.A lean simulation game typically contains a series of operations that reflect real-world tasks ofwork. In a simulation, several phases of lean implementation are carried out step by step todemonstrate the impact of lean. The simplified tasks allow the participants to learn the leanconcepts and skills in a reasonably short time. Many lean simulation games have been developedin the past. Verma5 reviewed 17 popular lean simulation games, such as the TimeWiseSimulation of the Lean 101 training program, Aircraft Simulation developed by Lean AerospaceInitiative (LAI), and some games
Conference Session
Innovations in the IE Curriculum
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Denise H. Bauer, University of Idaho, Moscow; Jessica L. Heier Stamm, Kansas State University; Lesley Strawderman, Mississippi State University
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Economy, Engineering Management, Industrial Engineering, Systems Engineering
%), developing/writingfunctional specifications (56%), safety in product design (52%), and leadership (50%).Course design has been linked to student self-efficacy.7 In capstone design courses, problembased learning and reflective journaling have been shown to improve self-efficacy.2 By exposingstudents to the need for technical and professional skills, introducing them to the proper problemsolving approach, and allowing the course to support student development, students are morelikely to report high confidence in their own abilities.2This paper will build upon the previous literature and examine Industrial Engineering capstonecourses from across the nation. The researchers hope to identify characteristics of capstonecourses that positively affect
Conference Session
Engineering Management Applications
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Craig G. Downing, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Economy, Engineering Management, Industrial Engineering
Managers, and Campus Recruiters charged withsourcing and acquiring baccalaureate-level technical talent and the potential role of EngineeringTechnologists in meeting this need.IntroductionDuring the 2010/2011 academic year, the author participated in a collaborative project betweenRose-Hulman Institute of Technology and Ivy Tech Community College, Terre Haute campus.The opportunity sought to provide engineering and technology students with project experiencefocused on a new product development process that is truly reflective of the 21st centuryworkplace. A primary goal of the project was to provide students with an educational experiencethat mirrored their potential work environment in terms of technical rigor, managerialresponsibility, and
Conference Session
Integrating Engineering Economy into Curricula
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Heath J. LeBlanc, Ohio Northern University; Bryan O'Neil Boulanger, Ohio Northern University
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Economy
project setup. Section 4 describes the request forproposal (RFP) with the details of what the CE students were expected to produce and how theECE students contributed in the proposal development process. Section 5 provides a descriptionof the engineering economic analysis performed on the proposals upon submission. Section 6outlines the methods of communication used throughout the semester along with the overallschedule of the project assignment. Section 7 takes a step back and examines the overall courseoutcomes with respect to the engineering economy course and relates how the project assignmentcovered a subset of those outcomes. Finally, Section 8 gives an overall reflection on the cross-disciplinary, project-based approach employed by the
Conference Session
Applications of Engineering Economy
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
John Robertson, Arizona State University; Michael Kozicki, Arizona State University; Slobodan Petrovic, Arizona State University
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Economy
capability of a technology is usuallyeasier to define in terms of the products it can deliver so many parameters have product-related metrics.Most development work on the assessment tool has been applied to nano-electronicfunctions. The consumer market gives a good demonstration of how products movethrough their life cycle in a year or less showing the familiar bell-shaped revenue curve.However, the underlying components and technologies can last for many productgenerations. They show the classical S-curve but there is an additional feature that makesprediction difficult. As one technology matures, it is replaced by a more advancedversion. Thus there are many generations of maturity for the same basic technology.This is reflected in different
Conference Session
Engineering Economy Division Technical Session
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Lizabeth T Schlemer, California Polytechnic State University
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Economy
addresses many of the topics covered in the tradition financeclass in business school, but also discusses methods of project evaluation. The fundamentals oftime value of money and project evaluation were taught in the undergraduate course. Theadvanced course attempts to illustrate the process of investment in engineering projects as it fits Page 23.991.3into the company as a whole and how that investment strategy can have an influence on theoverall performance of a firm as reflected in the stock price. One of the features in the model thathelps students understand the relationship between project investment strategy and companystock price
Conference Session
Engineering Economy -- Outside the Introductory Course
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
William Peterson, Arizona State University
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Economy
of this paper was asked toreview for IIE Transactions on Operations Engineering a few years ago. The book is anexcellent presentation of cost estimating principles however its treatment of engineeringeconomy is problematic in several regards.One fault which the author of this paper has is with the depreciation section which does not seemto use the current MACRS but the older ACRS. While the text does suggest that interestedreaders go to the relevant IRS documents, it seems that even a hypothetical example in a text soclosely related to engineering economics would reflect current practice. This seems problematic.Additionally, in the chapter on engineering economy it presents return on investment first. ROI ispresented without the strongest of
Conference Session
Applications of Engineering Economy
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Donald Merino, Stevens Institute of Technology; Jakob Carnemark, SKANSKA
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Economy
ofthe analysis or be an independent attribute. These are real differences which reflect actualindustry practice.However, this insight reveals two problems in engineering economics education. The first is thatATA is not part of the Fundamentals of Engineering (FE) exam (see reference7 page 551) and thesecond is that CEA and MAA are generally not taught in undergraduate engineering economicscourses.A trend in engineering economics education is to teach undergraduates Fundamentals. A reviewof typical fundamental engineering economic texts7 and widely used engineering texts6 indicatesthat topics like Cost Effectiveness Analysis (CEA) and Multi-Attribute Analysis (MAA) are notincluded. Also not included are realistic examples or cases which
Conference Session
New Topics in Engineering Economics
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Charles Nippert, Widener University
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Economy
differences between spreadsheet solutions and calculator solutions to engineering economicproblems. Begin by noting that student errors can be grouped into two broad classes.Class 1. Errors that depend on the computational tool the students use. These errors can be further broken down into: 1.1 Mechanical errors that do not reflect errors in understanding but are merely calculation errors or errors related to the usability of the interest tables (e.g. reading the wrong line on an interest table) 1.2 Programming errors including the wrong cell or group of cells in the argument list of a functionClass 2. Major conceptual errors: those mistakes which reflect faulty understanding of
Conference Session
Engineering Economy Division Technical Session 1
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Ted Eschenbach P.E., TGE Consulting; Jerome P. Lavelle, North Carolina State University; Neal A. Lewis, Fairfield University
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Economy
. Those texts completed before the TCJA arelikely to be revised in their next edition. It is hoped that this paper might influence the coveragein those future editions.ResultsDepreciation methods for valuation and taxesAccording to the U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP), there are only fourdepreciation methods that are permitted for asset valuation: straight-line, declining balance, unitsof production, and sum-of-years’-digits. Straight-line is the most commonly used. Decliningbalance may be chosen because a constant rate of decline in the assets’ book value may moreaccurately reflect true market values. Declining balance with a switch to straight-line is part ofthe basis for MACRS, and is covered in some textbooks.Beginning in
Conference Session
Engineering Economics New Frontiers
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Zia A. Yamayee, University of Portland; Mojtaba B. Takallou P.E., University of Portland; Robert J. Albright P.E., University of Portland
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Economy
StudentOutcomes7,8,9Student Outcomes are closely tied to the PEOs. In a general sense,students who achieve the abilities in the 11 ABET Engineeringoutcomes should be prepared to attain the PEOs a few years aftergraduation.Several assessment methods, both direct and indirect, are used formeasuring the degree to which Student Outcomes are beingachieved and for continuously improving the program. Directassessment methods require students to demonstrate their knowledgeand skills, and provide data that directly measure achievement ofexpected outcomes. Indirect assessment methods, such as surveys andinterviews, gather reflection about learning. These methods are likely tosuffer from validity and reliability problems as individual perception oftheir actual performance may
Conference Session
Technology and Equipment to Improve IE Instruction
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Douglas H. Timmer, University of Texas, Pan American; Miguel Gonzalez, University of Texas, Pan American; Connie M. Borror, Arizona State University, West; Douglas C. Montgomery, Arizona State University
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Economy, Engineering Management, Industrial Engineering, Systems Engineering
the University of Texas – Pan American (UTPA)in MANE 4311 – Quality Control during the Fall 2011 semester. Sixteen students were enrolledin the course and eleven students completed the (voluntary) demographic information survey.Assessment results are provided in Tables 1-3.Table 1 contains the student demographic information. Participation in the demographic surveywas voluntary and only eleven students completed and submitted a demographic survey. Thedemographics are reflective of the UTPA student demographics. All students in this course wereHispanic. 55.6% of students reported a family income of $60,000 or less. An interesting statisticis that only 9.1% of the students responding had English as a first language. During the studyperiod
Conference Session
Innovative IE Course Content
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Connie Gomez, Galveston College; Heidi A. Taboada, University of Texas, El Paso; Jose F. Espiritu, University of Texas, El Paso
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Economy, Engineering Management, Industrial Engineering
, consider, and discuss society’s norms, society’s needs, and society’s Page 23.1251.11expectations of engineering solutions and technology. The ability to think beyond thetechnological design is crucial to developing engineers that are also leaders and promoters ofsustainable policy.AcknowledgementsThis project is funded by a grant received by the United States Department of Agriculture underthe Hispanic-Serving Institutions Education Grants Program. The findings and the viewsexpressed in this paper are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the position of theUnited States Department of Agriculture.References 1. ABET Criteria
Conference Session
Instructional Design
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Naveen Seth, New Community College at CUNY; Donald P. O'Keefe, Farmingdale State College
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Economy, Engineering Management, Industrial Engineering, Systems Engineering
measures. b. Ethical and professional responsibilitiesIssues such as ethics in engineering businesses are best addressed through context; otherwise thesubject essentially receives lip service. The conflict between quality product/process and costeffectiveness should be illustrated through examples of where this issue arose and was/was not Page 25.800.3addressed, e.g., costs of oil spills, externalities in production processes, social vs. out of pocketcosts. Ethics is becoming increasingly important in engineering and business courses and is afocus of ABET5 (2011) accreditation as reflected in the associate-level Criterion 3Ah andbachelor-level
Conference Session
Effective Tools for Teaching Engineering Economy
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Phil Rosenkrantz, California State Polytechnic University-Pomona
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Economy
is an attempt to provide credibleevidence that on-line technologies can produce learning outcomes that are at least equivalent toface-to-face classes.Part 2 - On-line Teaching Options, Strategies, and ConsiderationsThere are many books and articles that talk about on-line teaching and learning in highereducation. To provide context for the rest of the paper, it is helpful to reference a very excellentarticle that presents the usage of web technology as a ten-level continuum 1. Note: An emailresponse from one of the developers of the ten-level continuum indicated that there is really a 12level continuum. The Twelve Level Continuum is reflected in Table 2
Conference Session
Engineering Economy Division Technical Session 2
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Paul C. Lynch, Penn State University Erie, The Behrend College; James F. Kimpel, University of Pittsburgh; Karen M. Bursic, University of Pittsburgh
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Economy
Hosted by The University of Pittsburgh.Background from Prior LiteratureA challenge instructors often face is how to make abstract concepts concrete for their students.Drawing on experiential-learning theory (ELT), Baker, Jenson, and Kolb2 recommend aprocedure that moves students through a four-stage process of: experiencing, reflecting,abstracting, and acting. The incorporation of case studies in the classroom is one method ofsimulating experiencing, reflecting, abstracting, and recommending actions based on the realworld scenario depicted by the case. Additionally, engineering education literature hascontinuously shown that projects with industry can be helpful for undergraduate and graduatestudents, even