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Displaying results 1 - 30 of 70 in total
Conference Session
Integrating Social Justice in Engineering Science Courses
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
James L. Huff, Harding University
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Engineering Ethics, Liberal Education/Engineering & Society
Paper ID #12583Humanizing Signals and Systems: A Reflective AccountProf. James L. Huff, Harding University James Huff is an assistant professor of engineering at Harding University, where he primarily teaches multidisciplinary engineering design and electrical engineering. His research interests are aligned with how engineering students develop in their career identity while also developing as whole persons. James received his Ph.D. in engineering education and his his M.S. in electrical and computer engineering, both from Purdue University. He received his bachelor’s in computer engineering at Harding University
Conference Session
Ethical Reasoning and Responsibility
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Lorraine G. Kisselburgh, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Justin L. Hess, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Carla B. Zoltowski, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Jonathan Beever, University of Central Florida; Andrew O. Brightman, Purdue University, West Lafayette
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Engineering Ethics
Paper ID #17414Assessing a Scaffolded, Interactive, and Reflective Analysis Framework forDeveloping Ethical Reasoning in Engineering StudentsDr. Lorraine G. Kisselburgh, Purdue University, West Lafayette Lorraine Kisselburgh (Ph.D., Purdue University) examines organizing and communicative practices in sociotechnical contexts, particularly collaboration in engineering design teams, spatial and material in- fluences on organizing, and gendered practices in technological settings. She has backgrounds in com- munication, human performance, and computer science, and over twenty years experience designing and supporting
Conference Session
Critical Reflections on Engineering Ethics Education
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Claire Lynne McCullough P.E., High Point University; Svetlana Chesser, Auburn University; Brian J. O'Leary, University of Tennessee at Chattanooga; Bart L. Weathington, WECO Solutions
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Engineering Ethics
Conference Session
Critical Reflections on Engineering Ethics Education
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Rockwell Franklin Clancy III, Delft University of Technology; Andrea Gammon, Delft University of Technology
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Engineering Ethics
critical to engineering, reflected in an emphasis onethics in educational accreditation guidelines, as well as funding for research than addressesethics in engineering [1]–[3]. Curricula have tended to take an applied and case-based approach,where professional engineering codes and/or philosophical ethical theories are introduced, whichare then used to resolve questions that arise in cases concerning engineering and technology [4],[5]. In recent years, however, there has been a proliferation of novel approaches, as well asdisagreement concerning the form engineering ethics education should take, and criteria fordetermining what would count as success [1], [5]–[7]. In part, this confusion stems fromdisagreements about the goals of ethics
Conference Session
Moral Development and Ethics Assessment in Engineering
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Charles J. Robinson, Clarkson University; Loretta Driskel, Clarkson University; Erin Blauvelt, Clarkson University; Laura Perry, Clarkson University
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Engineering Ethics
abruptly transitioned from face-to-face instruction to completely remote in Spring2020 (S20), and as it reappeared as a hybrid course in Fall 2020 (F20) and Spring 2021 (S21).The focus of this present paper is not on the instructional changes required by COVID (anddiscussed in our companion paper), but rather on how those in turn changed the approach to thehandling of ethical questions and to the assessments of students’ responses to those scenarios.One hypothesis is whether the content or style of the pre-post scenario answers and of thereflections changed between an answer handwritten under time-pressure and one electronicallycaptured with little time constraint. Did the answers or reflections measurably change if moretime were to be allowed for
Conference Session
Industrial, Professional, and Practical Contexts of Engineering Ethics
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Dayoung Kim, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Shiloh James Howland, Brigham Young University; Brent K. Jesiek, Purdue University, West Lafayette
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Engineering Ethics
you can build a house so many different ways. So, knowing the right way to do it is often difficult because everyone has their own preference. Each client has their own preference. They all like it a different way, so it’s hard to know where we can allow the client’s preferences take over, or where we put our foot down and say, “No, this is the way it has to be done.” It’s really difficult knowing what to do sometimes.As the preceding account suggests, Beatrice’s remarks reflect an interesting dichotomy. On theone hand, she speaks to her company’s high standards and notes a lack of ethical dilemmas. Onthe other hand, she gives multiple examples where difficult structural design decisions dependheavily on
Conference Session
Engineering Ethics Division Technical Session 4
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Bhavna Hariharan, Stanford University
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Engineering Ethics
  Implementation in GEE  Collaboration with underserved community   Regular Skype calls with Community partners  Understanding the complexity of the Readings from multiple fields includingproblem space   gender studies, philosophy, economics, sociology  Equality of engagement by students and Articulation of what I care about andfield partners   employing a discourse on care  Active reflection   Journaling and reflection papers on class readings   Table 1: Summary of the
Conference Session
Research on Engineering Ethics Education and Practice
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Dayoung Kim, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Justin L. Hess, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Nicholas D. Fila, Iowa State University
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Engineering Ethics
identify distincttypes of incidents. Critical incidents have been sorted into 25 themes and seven categories whichrepresented potential causes of changes in ways of experiencing engineering ethics in the healthproducts industry. Categories included: (1) Cultural Immersion, (2) Acting Ethically, (3) EthicalFailures, (4) Interpersonal Encounters, (5) Mentorship and Management, (6) Reflection andAssociation, and (7) Prior Ethics Training. These findings suggest the importance of workplaceculture in changing or solidifying individuals’ ways of experiencing ethical practice. Thesefindings can inform post-secondary engineering ethics instruction as well as workplace training.BackgroundSince ABET EC 2000, interest in and emphasis on engineering ethics
Conference Session
Reimagining Engineering Ethics
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Yousef Jalali, Virginia Tech ; Scott A. Civjan, University of Massachusetts Amherst
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Engineering Ethics
reflect on how ethics instruction can be modified to incorporate imaginationconcepts. Examples of modifications to an ethics curriculum that is currently in use for thesenior-level engineering class, Design of Steel Structures, in the Department of Civil andEnvironmental Engineering at the University of Massachusetts Amherst in the United States arepresented to initiate discussion.We invite educators to engage with the questions of moral reasoning and reflect on the role ofimaginal capacity in designing and developing pedagogies. Treating imagination in connectionwith fantasy and images of the impossible downplays the significance of its importance inreasoning and understanding, as illustrated by the scholars whose works we briefly review in
Conference Session
Interactive Approaches to Ethics
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Leslie Dodson, Worcester Polytechnic Institute; David DiBiasio, Worcester Polytechnic Institute; Paula Quinn, Worcester Polytechnic Institute; John Bergendahl, Worcester Polytechnic Institute; Kristin Boudreau, Worcester Polytechnic Institute; Glenn Gaudette, Worcester Polytechnic Institute; John M. Sullivan Jr, Worcester Polytechnic Institute; Curtis Abel, Worcester Polytechnic Institute
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Engineering Ethics
, stakeholder analysis, mass balance, sewagetreatment, material properties and selection, sewage properties and conveyance, staticsand stress, filtration and chemical precipitation, and so on). These engineering concepts,though, are not abstracted from social, political, and economic considerations. Rather,engineering is imbued with social context. Through class events like town hall meetings,debates, and stakeholder analyses, students in character, are exposed to differentperspectives, values, priorities, and constraints. Additional out-of-class work such asindividual reflective essays and team-based projects also engaged them in ethicalreasoning and complex cognitive tasks related to empathy, ethics, and social justice. Inthe follow-on course
Conference Session
Engineering Ethics Division Technical Session - Ethics in the Engineering Curriculum
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Yousef Jalali, Virginia Tech; Christian Matheis, Guilford College; Vinod K. Lohani, Virginia Tech
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Engineering Ethics
first elaborate on the major elements of the liberatory struggle, relationships,understanding, transformation, and solidarity [22]. The first element, relationships, highlightsthe status of the oppressed and oppressor in oppression, “institutionalized dominance of one partof humanity by another” [23, p. 41]. There are oppressors who tend to reproduce the status quo,and there are the oppressed, who are target group in institutionalization of discrimination anddominance. Understanding, is the stage in which the oppressed acknowledge the fact that theyare oppressed and critically seek for the causes. As a result of such critical reflection on the stateof oppression, the oppressed may discover who they really are. However, the oppressed need
Conference Session
Innovative Approaches to Ethics Instruction
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
George D. Catalano, Binghamton University
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Engineering Ethics
, successfully accomplish and reflect upon an activityreferred to as a compassion practicum. The compassion practicum sought to begin thedevelopment of a critical consciousness in students. Students’ projects fall into two categories:(1) a service learning type project which must in some way improve the quality of life of othersand involves a minimum of 15 hours of actual service; and (2) a guided, extensive visit of ananimal rescue society farm in which students confront animals typically used in biomedicalresearch projects and reflect on the entire experience.IntroductionBiomedical engineering is the application of engineering principles and techniques to medicine.It combines expertise in engineering with expertise in medicine and human biology to
Conference Session
Cross-cultural Sensitivity, Moral Imagination, and Diversity in Engineering Ethics Education
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Yousef Jalali, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University; Christian Matheis, Guilford College; Marc Edwards, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
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Engineering Ethics
enhance the curriculum of a graduate-level engineering ethics course, Engineering Ethics and the Public, at Virginia Tech, a large land-grant, Research 1 university. The course is a three-credit elective course offered annually to engineering students. The overall course itself was originally co-conceived and co-developed by an engineer, one of the authors of this paper, and a medical ethnographer, with the support of the National Science Foundation (NSF) [1]. The learning objectives, topics, and assignments are presented in Table 1. The course aims to address relationships between engineering, science, and society by incorporating listening exercises, personal reflections, individual
Conference Session
Assessing Social Responsibility & Sustainability
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Mark H Minster, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology; Richard A House, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology; Patricia Brackin P.E., Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology; Corey M. Taylor, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology
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Educational Research and Methods, Engineering Ethics, Liberal Education/Engineering & Society
applied, transformative, purposive knowledge and growth.51, 52Because professionalization is also an important goal in engineering education, our listculminates with several goals that build from affective, ethical, and cognitive foundations to themore specific abilities we expect of graduating engineering students. Each student and program instructor will be able to 1. recognize in context, discuss, and demonstrate attitudes, behaviors and personal reflection about their rights and responsibilities to themselves, others, society, and the natural world 2. recognize in context, discuss, and demonstrate attitudes, behaviors and personal reflection about their habits and growth, as well as others’, and the implications of
Conference Session
Socio-Technical Issues in Engineering
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
George D. Catalano, Binghamton University
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Engineering Ethics
Paper ID #14502Engineering Education: Moving toward a Contemplative Service ParadigmDr. George D. Catalano, Binghamton University Professor of Biomedical Engineering, Binghamton University Previously member of the faculty at U.S. Military Academy and Louisiana State University. Two time Fullbright Scholar – Italy and Germany. c American Society for Engineering Education, 2016 Ten Steps for Improving Critical and Reflective Thinking Skills in the Engineering Classroom: Moving towards a Contemplative Paradigm AbstractThe present work seeks to develop and implement
Conference Session
Engineering Ethics Division Technical Session 4
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Elisa Warford, University of Southern California
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Engineering Ethics
. in English from the University of Maryland. c American Society for Engineering Education, 2018 Toward a More Caring Code of Engineering EthicsAbstract: Despite recent scholarly work that emphasizes the importance of the ethic of care inengineering practice, care ethics are not reflected in most engineering codes of ethics. Rather, thecanons of these codes more often reflect traditional “universal” moral principles. Since despitetheir limitations, the codes of ethics are important aspirational and normative value statementsfor the profession—and are frequently used to teach engineering ethics—this paper proposes thatthe codes should include canons that reflect the ethic of care. The paper
Conference Session
Reimagining Engineering Ethics
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Grant A. Fore, Indiana University Purdue University, Indianapolis; Justin L. Hess, Purdue University; Andrew Katz, Virginia Tech
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Engineering Ethics
other words, the experience of relationality and ethical concern are ontologically priorto defining engineering’s role in a given moment. Returning to one of our recent publications [1],I would argue that we first feel and experience what is going on before we can reflectively thinkabout such experience. We feel and experience relationships with all that we encounter in a givenevent, and we are affected by those encounters. Responsibilities, obligations, and valuations arisetherefrom. In being affected by the multiplicity within an encounter, there is significant potentialfor conflict and difficulties associated with assigning/identifying value(s). Once the experienceoccurs, we objectify it, mine it for information, and seek to address it
Conference Session
Engineering Ethics Division Technical Session 1
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Sara A. Atwood, Elizabethtown College; Brenda Read-Daily, Elizabethtown College
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Engineering Ethics
to teach,especially in ways that capture students’ interest and attention. A variety of approaches areimplemented including dedicated courses inside and outside of engineering, as well as weavingethical case studies throughout the curriculum 3-5. Creative approaches to teaching engineeringethics including argumentation, eye-witness role playing, videos, engineering ethics lunches, andeven an engineering ethics board game have previously been presented 6-10. The objective of thisassignment was to combine the common practice of integrating an ethics unit into a first yearIntroduction to Engineering course with the innovation of a creative fiction assignment requiringthe students to generate and reflect upon an ethical dilemma of personal
Conference Session
Engineering Ethics Division Technical Session - Classroom Practices
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Angela R. Bielefeldt, University of Colorado, Boulder; David Zhao; Alexandra Danielle Kulich, Tufts University; Madeline Polmear, University of Colorado, Boulder; Nathan E. Canney, CYS Structural Engineers Inc.; Chris Swan, Tufts University; Daniel Knight, University of Colorado, Boulder
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Engineering Ethics
differences in the interests and/or training indifferent majors. The very short responses from many students are somewhat troubling, giventhat all students should be able to readily answer these questions with more complex and detailedresponses after having taken a course that included ethics content. This raises interesting issuesaround students’ feelings about the importance of these topics, and indicates that these questionsmay reflect on the affective domain (e.g. value) to an equal or greater extent than the cognitivedomain (e.g. knowledge, reflected in the response to Q2).IntroductionEngineering has significant and important impacts on society, being critical to providing basicnecessities (e.g. access to clean water) as well as contemporary
Conference Session
Engineering Ethics Division Poster Session: Neuroethics and Secondary STEM Classrooms
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Kristen Clapper Bergsman, University of Washington ; Sara Goering, University of Washington; Eric H. Chudler, University of Washington
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Engineering Ethics
variety of pedagogical approaches. As a model for other engineering centersto explore, this paper also describes the cases of two high school science teachers who wereembedded in a neuroethics research group for their summer research experience. Finally,program evaluation findings show that RET participants reported increases in knowledge relatedto ethical and responsible conduct in research and knowledge of core concepts in neuroethics.Some teachers in particular reflected that learning about neuroethics was impactful to their ownprofessional learning and their students’ learning. Integrating the study of ethics into scientificresearch, as well as into science and engineering education across all levels, is imperative fordeveloping a citizenry
Conference Session
Engineering Ethics Division Technical Session 1
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Angela R. Bielefeldt, University of Colorado, Boulder; Madeline Polmear, University of Colorado, Boulder; Chris Swan, Tufts University; Daniel Knight, University of Colorado, Boulder; Nathan E. Canney
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Engineering Ethics
40 Environmental impacts 66 35 Ethical theories 59 23 % teaching ESI in types of courses: First-year design focused 35 12 Full course on ethics 24 6 % using particular methods to teach ESI: In-class discussion 93 67 Reflection 59 24 In-class debates
Conference Session
Engineering Social and Human Ethical Impacts
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Mark L. Bourgeois, University of Notre Dame
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Engineering Ethics
. This omission is especially troubling given that the impactof the work, and the resulting responsibility, is arguably larger in cutting-edge research than inthe routine practice of engineering. Yet reflection on the traits and skills necessary for a scientistor engineer to productively engage with the social impact of his or her work reveals anotherreason why relevant training is usually missing: the difficulty in specifying what such trainingmight look like, much less how to provide it.SRR at Notre Dame For these reasons, in 2013 the Reilly Center for Science, Technology and Values at theUniversity of Notre Dame applied for and received an NSF EESE award to research, pilot andassess training in the Social Responsibilities of
Conference Session
Engineering Ethics Division Technical Session - Ethics Across Contexts
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Gokhan Egilmez, University of New Haven; Phillip A. Viscomi, University of New Haven ; Maria-Isabel Carnasciali, University of New Haven
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Engineering Ethics
end, student takes the final challengeassignment, which consists of multiple choice 10 questions. In addition to the 3 self-assessment and onefinal challenge quiz-type assessments, the students complete two reflection essay papers in the 9th an 10thweeks of the semester.Research Survey and Data collectionThe students in the 4th year seminar were asked to complete the online module in the 9th week of the courseduring fall 2018 term and the survey was administered in the last week (Week 10). The online module wasintegrated as a take-home assignment, where students were able to complete the online ethics module onBlackboard (the University’s Learning Management System). A survey consisting of 10 sections with 18questions was given to the
Conference Session
Reimagining Engineering Ethics
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Jessica Koehler, Wake Forest University; Olga Pierrakos, Wake Forest University ; Michael Lamb, Wake Forest University; Alana Demaske, Wake Forest University; Carlos Santos, Wake Forest University; Michael D. Gross, Wake Forest University; Dylan Franklin Brown, Wake Forest University
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Engineering Ethics
Performance Virtues Autonomy Compassion (Empathy) Citizenship Confidence Critical Thinking Courage Civility Determination Curiosity Gratitude Neighborliness Motivation Judgment Honesty Service Perseverance Reasoning Humility Volunteering Resilience Reflection Integrity Community Teamwork Resourcefulness Respect Awareness (Collaboration) Justice (Equity, Equality)It
Conference Session
Interactive Approaches to Ethics
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Craig E. Beal, Bucknell University; James G. Orbison Ph.D., P.E., Bucknell University
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Engineering Ethics
the case study method with an interactive approach intended to increase the realism ofthe experience and enhance student engagement. Data are presented from voluntary studentsurveys completed prior to and after completion of the activity. Results suggest that theinteractive approach is at least as effective as a traditional case study and provides anindividualized experience, even in a large-class setting.IntroductionCase studies are a preferred vehicle for professional ethics education and are used by bothacademic programs and professional societies. (Richards & Gorman, 2004) note that “Casestudies often reflect real world concerns, situations, and issues managers and engineers encounterin practice; they are often open-ended, with no
Conference Session
Engineering Ethics Division Poster Session
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Rider W. Foley, University of Virginia; Araba Dennis, University of Virginia; Kathleen Eggleson, Indiana University School of Medicine-South Bend; Anderson Sunda-Meya, Xavier University of Louisiana; Kathryn Haas, Saint Mary's College, Indiana
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Engineering Ethics
verbal;active to reflective; and sequential to global. Notably, the Felder-Soloman Index does notencompass personality traits, e.g. introversion/extroversion. Roy and colleagues [7] assessed best practices in administering Massive Open Online Courses(MOOCs, e.g. Coursera), and endeavored to analyze learner patterns that emerge from the“tremendous amount of data” originating from the amount and quality of participation inMOOCs. The authors assert that data often considered demographic—such as socioeconomicstatus, race, or gender—constitute essential components of building an effective tool forexamining learner patterns. Roy et al. [7] propose the following MOOC learner patterns basedupon clustering, supported by statistically significant T-tests
Conference Session
Engineering Ethics Division Technical Session - Ethics Across Contexts
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Sharon Tsai-hsuan Ku, University of Virginia; Xiafei Yang, University of Virginia; Sitong Wang, Chongqing University
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Engineering Ethics
conduct mutual interview through which they developboth reflective and reflexive understanding toward each other’s profession, cultures as well as biasduring the communication. The paper is organized in four parts. First, it reviews engineering education in the US andChina, identifying their ontological foundations and differences/similarities in terms ofpedagogies, curriculum and objectives. Seconds, it introduces the design and implementation ofthe Global Classroom in the context of US-China trade war, in particular, how teaching moduleswere concocted to situate ethics discussion in the world with growing hostility, and how themutual interview between US/Chinese students along with the self-evaluation of bias were builtinto the
Conference Session
Non-Canonical Canons of Engineering Ethics
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Donna M Riley, Virginia Tech; Yanna Lambrinidou, Virginia Tech
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Engineering Ethics, Liberal Education/Engineering & Society, Technological and Engineering Literacy/Philosophy of Engineering
, emotional, and self-reflective livesof engineers themselves that fail to “fit into” prevailing professional paradigms of thought andpractice.Cannons refers then not only to military annihilation but also to the systematic drowning out ofvoices/perspectives that diverge from, challenge, or oppose the engineering status quo. Wepropose that these voices and perspectives are essential for the development of technically andmorally robust engineering research and practice. In fact, they are the very thing that wouldenable engineering to truly hold paramount the safety, health, and welfare of the public, andrealize philosopher Charles Harris’ proposed ideal of bettering “the material basis of humanwell-being or quality of life.”3This paper engages in a
Conference Session
Assessing Social Responsibility & Sustainability
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Justin L Hess, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Sarah Aileen Brownell, Rochester Institute of Technology; Richard A House, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology; Alexander T. Dale, Engineers for a Sustainable World
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Educational Research and Methods, Engineering Ethics, Liberal Education/Engineering & Society
implement the SSDS and illustrate the findings when usingthis survey pre- and post- course with students who participated in WPSI across threeuniversities during the Fall of 2014. Results from these components are triangulated withstudents’ end-of-semester written reflections and participating instructors’ course experiences.This qualitative component allowed us to consider how WPSI might be improved in future Page 26.508.3iterations, as well as broader implications of the SSDS and WPSI for engineering educationcourses and curriculum.For anonymity, throughout this paper we will refer to course offerings as Course 1, 2, and 3. Thisframing puts the
Conference Session
Socio-Technical Issues in Engineering
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Megan Kenny Feister, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Carla B. Zoltowski, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Patrice Marie Buzzanell, Purdue University, West Lafayette; David H. Torres, Purdue University
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Engineering Ethics
human users of such design.10This approach is reflected in the design process model the program uses and teaches to itsstudents, shown in Figure 1. Figure 1: Program Design Process (EPICS, 2010) We use a communication lens to explore the influence of this design approach onstudents’ engagement in their design work. This project contends that a communication lens isnot only appropriate, but is needed to provide insight into the study of ethics in the engineeringeducation context. Ethics is a subjective and fluid concept, which we argue does not exist inisolation, but rather is communicatively constructed through language and discussion withinproject teams. Just as interdisciplinary identities are negotiated and