. This difference is reflected in business and educationalpractices, as discussed above. Cultural adversity also affects institutional support for initiativesperceived as sustainable or “green.”Dennis (2011a)11, (2011b) 12 suggests that institutions and culture are two major levers used toinfluence SME growth and entrepreneurship culture. He suggests that a lagging culture can beled by institutions, such as universities (Ylinenpaa, 1998;13 Siegel, 200714). Engineeringeducation at universities provides one such avenue for institutional leadership in light of globalcompetition for (1) employment, (2) sustainable projects, (3) international students, and (4)natural resources.The Education – Entrepreneurship – Sustainability - Policy ConnectionSmall
public policy theories and givenassignments that required these theories to be applied to power engineering situations. Thecourse was well received by the students and is currently being offered in the Spring 2012semester.After reflecting on the progression of the course, it is the instructors’ observation that studentsfound the discussion of policy theory uninspiring. However, they were actively engaged withclass exercises and homework problems that allowed the students to apply the theories to “realworld” situations (e.g. renewable energy, nuclear power, the Keystone XL pipeline). In futurecourse offerings the instructors may consider covering only one public policy theory (likely theKingdon multi-stream theory) but cover the theory in more