groups. The results showed that the intervention positively impactedstudents, particularly in how students' prejudices changed. However, the expected impact ontheir commitment to and awareness of equality was not as expected. Reflections made within thecourse assignment were relevant when taking an informed stand. A single course moduleintervention indicated that students improved sensitivity to sustainable development goals, but itwas insufficient. The authors recognized the importance of including contextual problems withsocial and environmental considerations in future course modules, especially at the beginning ofthe course. The incorporation of other approaches during engineering training requires intentionon the teacher's part and must be
discussed thenegative health impacts to the locals cited by LYG (38%). Few students discussed the more‘emotional’ side of LYG in relation to the situation.Overall, requiring the students to tie the code of ethics to the situation described by LYG on theTampa highway system seemed to work moderately well. If the instructor had time to read thestudent reflections in the homework prior to class, a richer discussion could have been facilitated.It was interesting to see what elements students picked up on. For example, some misinterpretedor seemed to minimize the situation.The ethics assignment was followed by a lecture and homework assignment on JEDI. JEDI wasintegrated into the course as a required CU101 topic for all first-year students. The
students’ labor market outcomes. Whether macro or microscale, however, these examples reflect educational practice firmly anchored to the experiences ofstudents journeying through the real problem spaces of our time.In this paper, we take the school-to-work pathways view one step further and place ourinvestigation in a specific real world context: the pathways of environmental engineeringundergraduate students within a time of environmental decline and climate crisis. We see thistime as a revealing societal moment in which beliefs, decisions, and leadership about ourenvironment move us towards sustainable solutions or away from them. We considerenvironmental engineering students as designers and agents of these sustainable solutions, aswell as
focused on their perception of their learningexperiences and well-being. The importance of this next set of questions was that it shifted theirevaluation away from their expectations of the Flex Model and the instructor’s ability to utilize ittoward a reflection on how the shift from traditional in-person classes has impacted theirperceived ability to learn, retain concepts, and personal well-being.The pre-survey results for the experiential set of questions can be found below in Table 4. TheLikert scale ranged from 1 to 7 which correlated with the labels “Much Better In Person” to“Much Better Online”. The averages for item found in the last column all skew toward apreference for in-person classes as the more positive experience for understanding
competency. 9Fig. 2: Comparison of IDI scores pre- and post- program. Eleven students showed an increasingtrend and seven students showed a decrease.Conclusions The Sustainability Across Sectors – Sweden program impacted students’ short- and long-term academic and professional paths. The summative teaching evaluation scores reflect thatstudents gained new cultural perspectives and that the program integrated Swedish culture intothe curriculum. Students also recognized the program in the larger context of their engineeringmajor at Purdue University. The short-term benefits continued and evolved to shape studentschoices regarding graduate school, thesis research topics, additional intercultural