, the Mixed Circuits LogicControls Lab is using the latest modeling hardware and software, the NI Elvis II workstations withMultisim electrical simulation environment. However, these workstations are prohibitivelyexpensive for home use by students.The course student learning outcomes (SLOs) with their connections to ABET Student Outcomes,as well as grading policies and metrics, are described in [22 and 23]. Students start labs by workingin pairs. When done, students write lab reports consisting of two parts, design descriptions (writtenas a pair) and self-reflections (written individually).Digital Logic Controller Lab Design Problem and Laboratory Environment Changes The Digital Logic Controller Lab consists of two design problems. The
and exploring the sensor response for different relevant testparameters such as sensor (probe) size and characteristics such as frequency and type (absolutevs. differential) as well as test material properties (see the example for ET in Figure 1). In thisexercise, the students are first asked to predict the sensor (probe) response (based on what theyhave learned in the lectures and reading materials) and then calculate the response using thesimulation software (Figure 2). Afterwards, the students are asked to analyze the response inlight of their initial predictions and reflect on any mismatch. In this first exercise, the studentsonly study the probe physics and not the probe interaction with a flaw, which will be explored inthe second
and Physiology I 25 Heart rate Measurement CEGR 324 Structural Analysis and Lab (Sec 1) 9 Stresses and Strains CEGR 324 Structural Analysis and Lab (Sec 2) 6 Stresses and Strains IEGR 305 Engineering Thermodynamics (Sec 1) 10 Specific Heat Capacity IEGR 305 Engineering Thermodynamics (Sec 2) 23 Specific Heat Capacity PHYS 206 University Physics II 23 Sound/Reflection and Refraction of Light TRSS 414 Traffic Engineering 30 SoundMSLQ AnalysisThe Motivated Strategies for