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Displaying results 1 - 30 of 45 in total
Conference Session
IED Technical Session: Preparing Students for the Future
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Lisa Miller, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities; Daniel Emery
Tagged Divisions
Industrial Engineering
Documents 1 Lisa A. Miller – Associate Teaching Professor, Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, University of MinnesotaDaniel Emery – Assistant Director, Writing Across the Curriculum, University of Minnesota1. INTRODUCTIONThe collaborative nature of the engineering discipline is often translated to the classroom viagroup project work. The positive impact of project-based learning (PBL) has been welldocumented in the research literature and in previous ASEE proceedings, including successfulapplications as described in Yousaf et. al, 2010, and Figges and Vogt, 2017. Peer response tostudent writing and team-based learning are well established, evidence based practices thatimprove student learning (Cho and
Conference Session
IED Technical Session: Preparing Students for the Future
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Elizabeth Kovalchuk, Montana State University; William J. Schell IV P.E., Montana State University
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Tagged Divisions
Industrial Engineering
Paper ID #21934Writing as a Method to Build Better Engineers: Examining Faculty Percep-tions of Writing’s ImportanceElizabeth Kovalchuk, Montana State University Elizabeth Kovalchuk received her BS in Industrial and Management Systems Engineering from Montana State University in 2017 while serving as a writing tutor and peer coordinator at the campus writing center. She currently works for Naval Undersea Warfare Center in Keyport, WA as an Industrial Engineer. Her research interests include engineering education, engineering management, and narrative training.Dr. William J. Schell IV P.E., Montana State University
Conference Session
Systems Engineering Education and K-12
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Pablo Biswas, Texas A&M International University; Runchang Lin, Texas A&M International University; Ramesh Hanumanthgari, Texas A&M International University; Sri Bala Vojjala
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Management, Industrial Engineering, Systems Engineering
Web toenhance students' learning has been recognized, and to this end a pilot web-based system hasbeen developed as an online interactive resource for the teaching and learning of anundergraduate module on Communications within the Department of Electrical Engineering andElectronics. Rüschoff and Ritter[28] discussed the current state of the art with regard to the use ofnew technologies in the classrooms. Lu and Bol[20] found that peer review has becomecommonplace in composition courses and is increasingly employed in the context oftelecommunication technology. The results of their research from both semesters showed thatstudents participating in anonymous e-peer review performed better on the writing performance taskand provided more
Conference Session
Industrial Engineering Division Technical Session 2
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Justine M. Chasmar, Clemson University; Brian J. Melloy, Clemson University; Lisa Benson, Clemson University
Tagged Divisions
Industrial Engineering
notes, working or reworking problems, andwriting down important equations. Students also mentioned making flashcards and utilizingmemorization techniques.To prepare for future assignments or exams, students set Reviewing records goals of readingassignments, reviewing class materials, examples, homework, notes, etc. One new thingmentioned included discussing materials to review them.After attending the Study Cycle workshop, students set Seeking social assistance goals to attendtutoring or other learning center programs and utilize campus resources, such as professors,advisors, teaching assistants, peers, and the Writing Center. Utilizing these types of resources oncampus was not mentioned as a strategy pre-workshop, with the exception of one
Conference Session
Student Development and Assessment in IE Programs
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Terri M. Lynch-Caris, Kettering University; Jonathan Weaver, University of Detroit Mercy; Darrell K. Kleinke, University of Detroit Mercy
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Economy, Engineering Management, Industrial Engineering, Systems Engineering
the importance of developing their professional identity by integrating classroomresources and experiences with work/life applications. In addition, learning is enhanced throughthe preparation of a professional presentation. Critical thinking is encouraged through theassessment of peer presentations. The authors believe that students need to be strong not just atsolving well defined technical problems, but should be able to identify problems worth solving,be able to generate a wide array of possible alternatives to a given design problem, andunderstand the commercialization considerations associated with a given design alternative.The prototype Biomimicry Innovation Tool (BIT) described herein is an attempt to integratethese other aspects
Conference Session
Systems Engineering Education and K-12
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Reid Bailey, University of Virginia; Joanne Bechta Dugan, University of Virginia; Alexandra Coso Strong, Georgia Institute of Technology; Matthew E. McFarland, University of Virginia
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Management, Industrial Engineering, Systems Engineering
-LEPpeers on real world projects. Finally, a performance activity will be used to directly observe ifand how LEP students approach systems integration problems differently from their peers.IntroductionEngineering majors at East Central State University are similar to those at other schoolsthroughout the nation – students choose to major in one area and they follow a curriculum that islargely specified but has a few electives of various types sprinkled throughout. The primarycommonalities to all majors are a set of math, physics, chemistry, writing, and technology andsociety courses. With this structure, it is not surprising to learn that students in different majorsdevelop different sets of rigorous technical skills and that these skills do not
Conference Session
Industrial Engineering Division Technical Session 3
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Heriberto Garcia-Reyes, Tecnologico de Monterrey; Cesia de la Garza Garza
Tagged Divisions
Industrial Engineering
frameworks in education. Section 3 describes the conceptual model used tointegrate the framework. Section 4 discusses the proposed framework. Section 5 describes theframework validation process. Finally section 6 concludes with a summary of the researchfindings and future work.2. Literature ReviewCurrent trends in higher education make more complex the learning process for the learners andinstructors. This complexity demands the commitment of the learners in a dynamic role in theknowledge acquisition process. Every learner is motivated to enter in proactive participationexperience through a variety of processes, alternating from self-directed learning to groupdiscussion, to peer teaching, to teacher guidance4. A useful way to understand and
Conference Session
Systems Engineering Curriculum and Programs
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Adeel Khalid, Southern Polytechnic State University
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Management, Industrial Engineering, Systems Engineering
student and their peers (independence). The emphasis in writing is on the process or development of the piece, whereby the student controls the various versions, not the instructor. 4. Use the tools – In languages the best way to learn is to continue to use it. Several tools are taught in systems engineering classes. The best way to learn and retain them is to use them. Again, the instructor is there pointing the way, and the student has to gather up the courage to go places theretofore unknown. They learn how to think about the engineering tools not from memorized rules, but through their use.ArtsThere are many activities that are used with art appreciation/visual art classes to engage studentsin active and
Conference Session
Industrial Engineering Division Technical Session 3
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Alexandra Chronopoulou, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign; Kelly J. Cross, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign; Douglas M. King, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign; Ehsan Salimi, University of Southern California
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Industrial Engineering
(e.g.independence, expectation, variance), identify and analyze discrete and continuous randomvariables, and formulate and conduct statistical analyses of observed data.One key innovation that we implemented is the introduction of real-world data-driven casestudies. We wish to expose our students to engineering problems that will help them relate thematerial taught in class with their own major. The primary enabling technology is statisticalprogramming with Python. The case studies are introduced as group assignments and aremotivated in class or discussion sessions. Students select their own groups and in the end of eachcase study, they do a peer-evaluation in order to assess the degree of in-group collaboration. Inthis way, students build valuable
Conference Session
Industrial Engineering Division Technical Session 1
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Aimee T. Ulstad, Ohio State University; Lora Mavrouli, Ohio State University
Tagged Divisions
Industrial Engineering
minds.Project Operational/Business Plan: Appendix #1 shows the students assignment, which was tocreate a complete business plan for a start-up company planning to make the cookies for the icecream company using the template provided. A phased approached was used to create the finalreport with 2 intermediate assignments and 1 peer review before the groups had to turn in theirfinal report at the end of the 2 months. Assignment #1 (Green Report) was an outline of the business objectives and the key performance metrics the students would recommend for this company. This was due approximately 2 weeks after the cookie production lab. This section was completed after these topics were covered in class. About 45 minutes of class time was devoted to
Conference Session
Industrial Engineering Division Technical Session 1
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Masud Salimian, Morgan State University; Yaseen Mahmud, Morgan State University
Tagged Divisions
Industrial Engineering
coaching system we implemented. Finally, section 5 reports the observation andanalysis of the experiment and our plans for future experiments with the model.Section 1: The OR Course StructureThe course is divided into ten topics. These topics are mostly what majority of the textbooksconsider as essential elements of OR curriculum for an undergraduate OR class. Each topic isbuilt on knowledge and skill gained in prior topics while building the foundation skill andknowledge set for succeeding topics. Page 24.696.2These topics are:  Finding Feasible Regions  Extreme Points, LP and Its Standard Form  Writing LPs from Feasible
Conference Session
Industrial Engineering Division Technical Session 2
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Imelda Olague-Caballero, New Mexico State University; Delia J. Valles-Rosales, New Mexico State University
Tagged Divisions
Industrial Engineering
theirincorporation to the project; monitoring students’ progress by supervision of peer & industrymentors and class instructor; continuous evaluation and assessment of the learning experiencethrough weekly reports and a final project presentation to the company’s CEO. Completing theeducational cycle, cultural competencies are developed throughout the model components byexposing the students to interactions with industry personnel at several levels including staffengineers, technicians, and blue-collar operators with different cultural and ethnical backgrounds.The whole experience ensures the development of the students’ ability to value diversity and towork effectively across cultures, while learning and practicing fundamental concepts ofindustrial
Conference Session
Industrial Engineering Division Technical Session 2
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
McKenzie Landrum, University of Florida; Austin Hayes, University of Florida; Josefina Giamichelle; Sima Sabahi, University of Florida; Sanaz Motamedi, University of Florida
Tagged Divisions
Industrial Engineering
ANOVA. Not only does thiscourse teach the fundamental concepts, but it includes teaching common software that is used inindustry or higher education, specifically RStudio. Different pedagogical approaches were usedto teach fundamental concepts along with software to students in this study and each approachwas randomly assigned to a single module. The first pedagogical approach is the InstructorGuided Method in which the instructor taught RStudio to students after each topic. The secondpedagogical approach is the Think-Pair-Share Method in which students were assignedmandatory readings and instructor dedicated class time for peer-to-peer discussion. Self-efficacysurveys and conceptual/computational assessments were given for each method to
Conference Session
Instructional Design
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Naveen Seth, New Community College at CUNY; Donald P. O'Keefe, Farmingdale State College
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Economy, Engineering Management, Industrial Engineering, Systems Engineering
a real-world frameworkfor classroom concepts and building students’ research and writing skills, such practicesreinforce business related professional skills such as communication (as recommended by theIACBE4, 2011).A few semesters back, one of the authors used these ideas in one section as a projectmanagement assignment and gave more artificially constructed, abstract assignments to studentsin another section. The degree of student engagement and quality of assignments were markedlyhigher in the section where students were able to tie what they were learning in class to what washappening in the world outside. In other respects, the class requirements were identical—otherassignments, exams etc.—and students fared equally well on those
Conference Session
Industrial Engineering Division Technical Session 2
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Nadiye O. Erdil, University of New Haven
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Industrial Engineering
three courses offered in fall 2016 and fall 2017.The results reviewed as a whole and individually provided insights on student preferences,engagement and learning particularly from the perspectives of the two courses, Quality Analysisand Design of Experiments, which have substantial practical applications within the IndustrialEngineering discipline.IntroductionScaffolding is an instructional strategy that is based on L. Vygotsky’s Zone of ProximalDevelopment (ZPD). The range between the ability level of a person achieved by individualefforts versus under adult guidance or in collaboration with more capable peers denotes ZPD [1].With scaffolding, the materials that the learner has to absorb are broken down into smallercomponents so that the
Conference Session
Industrial Engineering Division Technical Session 1
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Lisa Bosman, Purdue University at West Lafayette; Nathalie Duval-Couetil, Purdue University at West Lafayette
Tagged Divisions
Industrial Engineering
development. Here, it is important to remember that theentrepreneurial mindset focuses on one’s mental attitude and belief system, which is acquired andnurtured over time with continued practice, reflection and feedback. As explained by Carol S.Dweck, a change in mindset requires effort, practice, and challenging tasks [7]. Regardless ofwhether it is the entrepreneurial mindset or the growth mindset, practice and more practice canchange one’s beliefs and attitudes, which in return can instill and reinforce the entrepreneurialmindset. Common methods for integrating practice, reflection, and feedback into the curriculumcan be through semester-long scaffold projects, journaling, peer feedback, and formativeassessments.#4: Curriculum Design for Best
Conference Session
Capstone Design Projects and Courses
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Tim L. Brower, University of Colorado, Boulder
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Management, Industrial Engineering, Systems Engineering
water tower apparatus must be easily drainable 7 Power input must be typical 110 V 8 Device must be fully automatedEach team was allocated a role and a set of responsibilities, viz: 1) Integrating Contractor Team a. Acts as the Project Manager for the project b. Acts as budget officer c. Assures an adequate amount of energy available and characterizes flow d. Determines timeline, tracks progress e. Assembles integration specifications from each team f. Writes final report 2) Sensor Design Team a. Responsible for sensor, pump, & shut-off system specification and design b. Computer interface and readout, coding and formatting c
Conference Session
Industrial Engineering Division Technical Session 1
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Elif Akcali, University of Florida; Wayne C.W. Giang, University of Florida; McKenzie Landrum, University of Florida
Tagged Divisions
Industrial Engineering
course in industrial and systems engineering. DTSDcurriculum includes a series of idea generation exercises that the students completed individuallyor in teams. In each divergent thinking exercise, students were asked to generate multiple ideas fora given “problem” under a strict time constraint. After each exercise, a facilitated reflection sessionallowed for students to learn the idea generation approaches that were used by their peers. Weexamined the effectiveness of the DTSD module using two measures: (1) changes in self-perceptions of creative ability and mindsets and (2) reflections on the influence of DTSD training.Questionnaires containing the Short Scale of Creative Self and Creative and Fixed Mindsetmeasures were administered before
Conference Session
Improving IE Course Content
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Yosef S. Allam, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Daytona Beach; Scott Sink, Ohio State University; Joseph M. Cerrato, Ohio State University; John A. Merrill, Ohio State University
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Economy, Engineering Management, Industrial Engineering
lab activity favorable and were happy to be actively doing and problemsolving with peers. Students cited the open-ended and collaborative nature of the in-lab problemsolving session where the mock organizations convened to discuss how they could improveproduction and cut costs. Some students wrote that this was their favorite lab. Other studentsremarked on enjoying getting insight on the workings of both the product and the productionprocess. Page 25.66.10Student outcomes, as gauged from submitted student technical reports, were generallyencouraging, with most students completing the writing assignment competently, and studentswho mastered the
Conference Session
Innovative IE Curricula
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Yunchen Huang, Mississippi State University; Lesley Strawderman, Mississippi State University; John M. Usher P.E., Mississippi State University
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Economy, Engineering Management, Industrial Engineering
-inon one or two lectures during the semester (preferably about midway and near the end of thesemester). These experiences help build the administrator’s confidence in the skills of thegraduate student, indicate if adjustments need to be made in the mentoring relationship, andprovide a second source of feedback for the student that can be shared through subsequentmeetings one-on-one with the student. This direct exposure to the graduate student’s teachingexperience will also help provide details that the administrator can use when writing futurerecommendations. Page 23.81.5Given the current experience with this mentoring system and other
Conference Session
Pedagogical Advancements in Engineering Management
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Mysore Narayanan, Miami University
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Economy, Engineering Management, Industrial Engineering, Systems Engineering
of ASME, SIAM, ASEE, and AGU. He is actively involved in CELT activities and regularly participates and presents at the Lilly Conference. He has been the recipient of several Faculty Learning Community awards. He is also very active in assessment activities and has presented more than thirty five papers at various assessment institutes. His posters in the areas of assessment, Bloom’s Taxonomy, and Socratic Inquisition have received widespread acclaim from several scholars in the area of cogni- tive science and educational methodologies. He has received the Assessment of Critical Thinking Award twice and is currently working towards incorporating writing assignments that enhance students’ critical thinking
Conference Session
Evaluation and Assessment of IE Programs
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Shantha Daniel, Iowa State University; Devna Popejoy-Sheriff, Iowa State University; K. Jo Min, Iowa State University; Leslie Potter, Iowa State University
Tagged Divisions
Industrial Engineering
emphasizedthroughout IE 441.The students’ first task is to write a project proposal that clearly defines the problemsthey are trying to solve. Their initial proposals include identifying measurable objectives,relevant assumptions and constraints, their intended statements of work, tangibledeliverables, project schedules, and an expected project costs. Formal written proposalsare submitted during the third week of class, and then presented formally a week later.Once the students’ proposals have been accepted, the teams are essentially independentthroughout the completion of their projects. The instructor and teaching assistants TA’sare available whenever needed but they allow the students as much autonomy as isdesired. During the semester, progress is
Conference Session
Systems Engineering Education and K-12
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Eva Andrijcic, University of Virginia
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Management, Industrial Engineering, Systems Engineering
to the newspaper articles on the nuclear crisis16-18, and they either confirmedtheir initial suggestions on how to improve the risk communication process addressed in thearticles, or they refined them with more sophisticated ideas learned from the summary sheets.Lesson 6 was a summary session in which students presented their group projects to an audienceof peers and teachers. Students were broken into groups of four and required to present an Page 25.675.5original project of their choosing that integrated some of the concepts and models that they
learned in class. While students were given the liberty to choose a problem of their liking
Conference Session
IED Technical Session: Preparing Courses for the Future
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Javier Rubio-Herrero, St. Mary’s University, San Antonio
Tagged Divisions
Industrial Engineering
. Rubio-Herrero worked at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, where he applied optimization and machine learning techniques to a diverse array of areas such as national security, deep learning, and energy. He also has experience in industry (in the context of supply chain and manufacturing) and in the public sector, where he was part of the Transport and Energy unit at the Institute for Prospective Technological Studies. Dr. Rubio-Herrero has published articles in journals and conference proceedings, and serves as an active reviewer in peer-reviewed publications. His research interests deal with the applications of optimization and operations research techniques to solve engineering problems
Conference Session
Industrial Engineering Division Technical Session 1
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Lesley Strawderman, Mississippi State University; Shuchisnigdha Deb, Mississippi State University
Tagged Divisions
Industrial Engineering
time helping to fill a community need. Service-learning combinescommunity engagement, critical reflection, reciprocity, and public dissemination in an effort tocreate effective partnerships2-3.Studies have shown that service-learning is a high-impact practice that increase student effort ina course through the process of solving real-world problems4-6. The application of service-learning to the classroom allows for students to participate in “active, challenging, learningexperiences, experience diversity, interact with faculty and peers about substantive matters,receive more frequent feedback, and discover the relevance of their learning through real-worldexperiences.”2 Additional benefits of service-learning have been found related to
Conference Session
Engineering Management Applications
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Gene Dixon, East Carolina University
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Economy, Engineering Management, Industrial Engineering
projects, teams and teamwork and reflective writing, this university will teachleadership identity development along with the knowledge, skills and abilities required of thenext generation of engineering leaders.IntroductionKouzes and Posner1 suggest that leadership is “everyone’s business”. East Carolina University(ECU) has committed to distinguishing itself by taking a unified institutional approach topreparing leaders. The ECU has identified itself as “The Leadership University” in its strategicposition and its marketing. As part of this position, the university seeks to define studentlearning outcomes related to leadership development in a way that is straightforward andadaptive while allowing academic units the flexibility to identify and
Conference Session
Industrial Engineering Division Technical Session 2
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Michael Daniel Sherwin P.E., University of Pittsburgh
Tagged Divisions
Industrial Engineering
determine if changes in the course affected the studentexperience.1 IntroductionLike many of their peers in other engineering disciplines and at other universities, IndustrialEngineering students at the University of Pittsburgh culminate their undergraduate experiencewith a Capstone Design Course (IE1090). The course provides students with a hands-on learningexperience in a relatively unstructured environment as they prepare to enter the workforce aspracticing engineers. Course outcomes and curriculum align with Criterion 3 and Criterion 5 ofthe ABET Criteria for Accrediting Engineering Programs [1]. Students enrolled in the class,which is traditionally offered each Spring and Fall term, are matched in teams consisting of 4-6students and tasked
Conference Session
IE Program Design I
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Leslie Potter, Iowa State University; K. Jo Min, Iowa State University; Frank Peters, Iowa State University
Tagged Divisions
Industrial Engineering
developed through an understanding of the concepts of professionalism, businessand cultural etiquette, and other related topics.”5The capstone course format is designed to require extensive teamwork. Typically, teams of fourstudents (though occasionally three or five) have fourteen weeks to move through all the steps ofproblem definition and solution generation at an industrial partner facility. Teams write andpresent a formal proposal during the third and fourth weeks of the semester. After instructoracceptance, they spend ten weeks researching, designing, and justifying solutions, which theymust then formally write and present to the industrial partner during the last week of thesemester. The only individual evaluations throughout the entire
Conference Session
Industrial Engineering Division Technical Session 2
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Letitia M. Pohl, University of Arkansas; Edward A. Pohl, University of Arkansas
Tagged Divisions
Industrial Engineering
online discussion can never be as effective as an in-class discussion, andbased on the survey results discussed later, the students in these courses tended to agree. We feel,however, that both online and in-class discussions can have a place in hybrid course delivery. In-class discussions offer a synchronous flow of ideas and allow the students to react toextemporaneous questions. Online discussions allow the students to form thoughtful responsesover time and supplement their comments with research. In addition, some students, particularlythose whose first language is not English, often are more comfortable writing their thoughts thanexpressing them orally in front of a classroom of peers. The online discussion board draws outthe student who
Conference Session
Industrial Engineering Division Technical Session 1
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Lisa Bosman, Purdue University at West Lafayette; Ebisa Wollega, Colorado State University - Pueblo; Usman Naeem
Tagged Divisions
Industrial Engineering
environments.Autoethnography uses self-reflection and writing to understand and explore anecdotal and personalexperiences which allows for a deeper connection across individual educator stories as well ascontribute to a wider understanding of perspectives. Using a collaborative autoethnographicapproach allows educators to discuss their experience, coming together to make sense of theirsituation, context, and experiences. The study concludes with highlighting best practices andlessons learned for applying each of these teaching and learning formats, providing compellingjustification for continued use of all or parts of these teaching and learning formats as a goodpractice (regardless of a pandemic). Examples are provided for these engineering courses:Leadership