important tool for imaginative or creative self-expression. Infact, the use of poetry for the cultivation of creative thinking, imagination, reflection, andcommunication skills has been widely recognized in several scientific fields, including medicine[2, 3, 4], nursing education [5, 6], science education [7], mathematics [8], neuroscience [9, 10],biology [11], and conservation science [12] among others. Hence, it can be argued that poetry canbe an effective teaching and learning tool in engineering education as well.The remainder of the paper is organized as follows: In the next section, we provide a review of therelated literature. The following section describes the course and the specifics of the poetryassignment. We then present an overview of
Kern EntrepreneurialEngineering Network (KEEN) portal ( Also, several booksfocus on teaching, including “Teaching Entrepreneurship: A Practice Based Approach [2],” “Howto Teach Entrepreneurship [3]” and “Classroom Exercises for Entrepreneurship: A Cross-Disciplinary Approach [4]”. These resources provide many examples of entrepreneurial learningactivities, yet, are limited in two ways. First, most of the learning activities are grounded withinthe business discipline, and second, they do not reflect a holistic design approach, whereby theinstructor considers the entire learning process from curriculum development to delivery toassessment. Thus, instead of considering the learning experience from a holistic
environments.Autoethnography uses self-reflection and writing to understand and explore anecdotal and personalexperiences which allows for a deeper connection across individual educator stories as well ascontribute to a wider understanding of perspectives. Using a collaborative autoethnographicapproach allows educators to discuss their experience, coming together to make sense of theirsituation, context, and experiences. The study concludes with highlighting best practices andlessons learned for applying each of these teaching and learning formats, providing compellingjustification for continued use of all or parts of these teaching and learning formats as a goodpractice (regardless of a pandemic). Examples are provided for these engineering courses:Leadership
testing were discussed inthe class. Topics covered several products drawn from different industries including surgicaltools, surgical simulators, chair controls, display monitors, using virtual reality in usabilitytesting, and more.The weekly paper (self-reflection) was a weekly assignment in which students discussed themain key takeaways from the lecture and the in-class research review discussions. They alsolisted the main concepts that they will include in their usability portfolio.Usability Portfolio was the last assignment that students completed by the end of the semester.Students were asked to build an e-portfolio to use as a resource when conducting future usabilitystudies. In completing this assignment, students used information from
Survey: Self-efficacy statements regarding three different aspects of thecourse - statistics, RStudio, and theory - were included in the survey. Since each methodinvolved RStudio and theory, it was crucial to look at each of those measures in thesurvey. Likewise, quality control is part of the statistics curriculum for industrial andsystems engineering so we found it important to include a few statements on statisticsself-efficacy as well.A. Statistics self-efficacy: The survey asked students to reflect on their comfort with statistics as well as their feelings about learning more statistics. Although quality control is a specific type of statistics, we were interested in how the course changes students’ perspectives on statistics in
contrasted againstwith the varying technological abilities of the older generations. With academic successdependent on the instruction of the generations before Generation Z, the need for clear,consistent, well delivered eLearning services becomes very significant.Limitation. It is worth noting that this study has some limitations. All of the participants are allISE students at University of Florida located in Gainesville, FL. This creates several limitationsfor this study. First, the age range is limited to the older population within Generation Z. Forthis reason, the results of this study are only a reflection of the user acceptance of this age range.Second, all participants are learning in the state of Florida the region could impact a