program model and driven by a set of well-chosen learning outcomes. This curriculumuses the IS2002 model curriculum as a basis and is designed to reflect the UAE needs forgraduates that are well prepared to enter the workforce and to assume their place ofresponsibility in the nation. The goal of the College is to produce graduates having strongtechnology and communication skills as well as a good understanding of business practices andwork ethics.The academic program model is driven by two sets of learning outcomes at both the college andUniversity levels. All IS courses are developed to address College and University level learningoutcomes. Master course syllabi are developed to show the course contributions to variouslearning outcomes. During
were diverse due to the varyingcircumstances of interference in the 2.4 GHz band. The outcomes reflected the fact that thereis some sort of interference that will occur depending on the different sources of interference.As the Bluetooth and IEEE 802.11 continue to grow and gain popularity, it becomes apparentthat more studies should be conducted to avoid the interference issue in the 2.4 GHz band. Toachieve this, IEEE 802.15.2 Task Group has been formed specifically to consider proposalsfor mechanisms to improve the level of coexistence between Bluetooth and IEEE 802.11devices and to come up with recommended practices derived from these.Although different authors discussed the effect of Bluetooth on IEEE802.11b and vice versa,none of them have
Page 12.878.4As is good practice, the highest risk aspects of the project were investigated first. To begin with,this was to determine the plausibility of a portable, bootable hard disk. Setting up an externaldrive to boot from is not difficult, but this project required that the disk be mobile to varioussystems, and easily boot them all. The operating systems of interest to the project wereWindows XP and Linux, so these were both investigated for suitability.When attempting to install Windows XP on a USB drive, problems immediately arose, when theinstaller halted before loading the OS. A call to Microsoft Technical Support revealed thatinstalling to an external disk is purposely disabled. A moment’s reflection brought therealization that boot
by the Bro-ids and transformed into the Network connection datasuitable for data mining.Bro is an intrusion detection system that works by passively watching traffic seen on a networklink. It is built around an event engine that pieces network packets into events that reflectdifferent types of activity. Some events are quite low-level, such as the monitor seeing aconnection attempt; some are specific to a particular network protocol, such as an FTP request orreply; and some reflect fairly high-level notions, such as a user that was successfullyauthenticated during a login session. Bro runs the events produced by the event engine through apolicy script supplied to it by the administrator. Bro scripts are made up of event handlers thatspecify