better than satisfactory ratings, respectively. Having limited number of offcampus bus services at SIUE was reflected on the survey as poor. The program coordinator atSIUE brought the issue to the attention of student affairs office to remedy the situation. The localmunicipality now offers improved services, especially on Sundays. Table I - Service component survey results1-not important, 2-important, 3-very important, 1-not satisfied, 2-satisfied, 3-very satisfied Rank Aspect Importance Satisfaction 1 Friendliness and helpfulness of the program coordinator at ITU 2.88 1.63 2 Friendliness and helpfulness of the program
that these models changedover the five weeks of instructions. After the five weeks of instruction, the models were moresophisticated and complex, reflecting deeper thinking and understanding of engineering and technology.In 2014, the definitions of engineering and technology, and the examples of the latter showed expansionon the students’ views. These results are consistent with prior findings. Shumway et al. (2011) showedthat over the five weeks of instruction students developed more sophisticated and deeper understanding ofengineering and technology.While how the students actually explained the concepts of engineering and technology may not reflecttheir full understanding, it is possible to infer that the mental models that emerged from
time. Understanding the pros and cons of the lecture method is a helpful startingpoint.Lectures have a number of characteristics that does make them, for the right subject matter,desirable in the classroom (14) .It does, to a great extent, depend on the abilities and experience ofthe lecturer. An able and committed lecturer can accomplish the following: 1. Relate the material proficiently and effectively, in a manner that reflects lecturer’s personal conviction and grasp of the subject matter; 2. Provide students with a thoughtful, scholarly role model to emulate; 3. Supplement the subject matter with current developments not yet published, or interject lecturer’s own views derived from his/her own experience whenever