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Conference Session
Imagining Others, Defining Self Through Consideration of Ethical and Social Implications
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Idalis Villanueva, Utah State University; Louis S. Nadelson, Colorado Mesa University; Jana Bouwma-Gearhart; Katherine L. Youmans, Utah State University; Sarah Lanci, Colorado Mesa University; Adam Lenz, Oregon State University
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Liberal Education/Engineering & Society
Paper ID #21891Exploring Students’ and Instructors’ Perceptions of Engineering: Case Stud-ies of Professionally Focused and Career Exploration CoursesDr. Idalis Villanueva, Utah State University Dr. Villanueva is an Assistant Professor in the Engineering Education Department and an Adjunct Pro- fessor in the Bioengineering Department in Utah State University. Her multiple roles as an engineer, engineering educator, engineering educational researcher, and professional development mentor for un- derrepresented populations has aided her in the design and integration of educational and physiological technologies to research