malintent, thatassociate people of color with negative concepts, even though most people self-report havingminimal to no bias (Greenwald et al., 1998). These unintentional beliefs, often referred to asracial microaggressions, communicate hostility toward people of color. Pierce (1974)conceptualized microaggressions as subtle, cumulative mini-assaults. Sue and colleagues (2007)define microaggressions as "brief and commonplace daily verbal, behavioral, or environmentalindignities, whether intentional or unintentional, that communicate hostile, derogatory, ornegative racial slights and insults toward persons of color" (p. 271). The current literatureexpands the definition of microaggressions to include "acts that reflect superiority, hostility
college, so we can more easilyimplement evidence-based practices with potential to improve retention, of which there are several.Recently, we have focused on implementing formative assessment, which has been shown to improveretention of at-risk students and under-represented minorities [3], [4]. This paper presents and reflects onthe implementation of formative assessment in our Calculus I course for engineering students.Theoretical Framework: Formative assessmentFormative assessment is an instructional technique in which teachers quickly assess students during oroutside class for minimal reward/penalty, with emphasis on improving learning. Formative assessmenthelps both students and teachers to identify knowledge gaps and misconceptions, and
effects with care, and the surveyasked students to reflect back to the beginning of the term.Implications and Non-Implications We end by emphasizing some implications of this work, and perhaps more importantly,some non-implications of this work. First, we see an important implication in the hiring of morediverse faculty. In order for students to experience positive MRMEs, there is a need for morefaculty that can serve as role models based on a variety of social markers and personal identities.To draw on the vaccine metaphor, we emphasize that while increasing instructor diversity amongmultiple
workshop but rather a year-long teacherprofessional development program that provides teachers with 100 contact hours to acquire andapply new knowledge and reflect on their teaching practices. Several studies emphasizecontinuous PD that occurs periodically throughout the school year to best support teachers asthey make adjustments to their lessons and teaching practices. [17,18,19,20]. In addition to PDduration, teachers in AMP! learn how to shift their current lessons to include more effectivestrategies such as inquiry-based and team based lessons [21,22]. Inquiry based teaching can bedescribed as an open communication between teachers and students to freely ask questions topromote conceptual understanding and puts an emphasis on lesson