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Conference Session
Nuclear and Radiological Division Technical Session 1
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Samuel A. Heider, U.S. Military Academy; Bryndol A. Sones, U.S. Military Academy; Brian E. Moretti, Department of Physics and Nuclear Engineering
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Nuclear and Radiological
Paper ID #10874Multi-Disciplinary Teams and Collaborative Peer Learning in an Introduc-tory Nuclear Engineering CourseSamuel A. Heider, U.S. Military Academy BA Physics from the Universty of Nebraska at Lincoln, 2004 PATRIOT Missile system Fire Control Officer 2004-2007, PATRIOT Fire Direction Center Officer 2007, BCT Company Commander 2007-2008, Validation Transition Team Leader (AFG) 2008-2009, Engineer Captain Career Course 2010 MS Nuclear Engineering from Kansas State University, 2012 Instructor United States Military Academy 2012-PresentCol. Bryndol A. Sones, U.S. Military AcademyDr. Brian E. Moretti, Department of Physics
Conference Session
Nuclear and Radiological Division Technical Session 1
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Bryndol A. Sones, United States Military Academy
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Nuclear and Radiological
organized into groups of 2-3 with a direct faculty mentor andan external client who is recognized as a subject matter expert doing current workin that field. In the fall of senior year, the course starts deliberately slow andexhaustive in identifying, analyzing, and communicating design options to peers,faculty mentors, and external clients. Throughout the course, a thread that ties thetwo semesters together is the writing and presenting for an engineeringconference which usually occurs within a month of graduation. All studentsfinish the experience with a publication in the conference proceedings. Ratherthan assess all ABET SOs a-k, the course has a central focuses on assessing theability to design a system, component, or process (SO c) and
Conference Session
Nuclear and Radiological Division Technical Session 2
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Bryndol A. Sones, U.S. Military Academy
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Nuclear and Radiological
with a solution for a peer. This paper discusses an example for executing these MCNP demonstrations and provides preliminary assessment plan in improving student gains in understanding these topics. Key words: modeling & simulation, education research, nuclearIntroduction In 1996, The American Association of Physics Teachers (AAPT) began holding newfaculty workshops to help new faculty “understand how to become more effective educators andsupport their quest to gain tenure.”1 The next year, Harvard University physicist Eric Mazur Page 24.1040.2published his manual on peer instruction and began a campaign to question
Conference Session
Nuclear and Radiological Division Technical Session 1
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Masoud Naghedolfeizi, Fort Valley State University; Sanjeev Arora, Fort Valley State University
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Nuclear and Radiological
and Online Teaching (MERLOT) is perhapsthe most centralized source of obtaining web-based learning and teaching resources for variousscience and engineering disciplines4. These resources include tutorials, simulations, lecturenotes, demonstrations, and/or online classes/labs. MERLOT also includes a peer-review ratingsystem to evaluate web-based resources based on content, quality, technical presentation, andease of use. Page 26.682.2The MERLOT site includes relatively rich amount of resources for engineering disciplines.However, the resources available for nuclear engineering are limited and only include onlineclasses from major universities
Conference Session
Information Technology in Nuclear and Radiological Engineering Education
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Altaf Memon, Excelsior College; Li-Fang Shih, Excelsior College; Byron Thinger, Diablo Canyon Power Plant
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Nuclear and Radiological
gudielines addressing various issues related to online education including syllabus writing, online course design and instruction, and facilitating class discussions, etc. An online faculty success guide for online teaching is available to all teaching faculty as well. The new faculty will also be assigned to a well experienced online instructor as a Page 11.447.6 mentor through the progression of the online course. In addition, every faculty member can also get access to the B&T faculty cyber common room, a virtual community for B&T faculty, in which the faculty member can get access to the most up to date
Conference Session
Topics in Nuclear and Radiological Engineering Education
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Mary Lou Dunzik-Gougar, Idaho State University; Michael Lineberry, Idaho State University; Karen Leibert, Idaho State University; Anne Mollberg, Idaho National Laboratory
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Nuclear and Radiological
substantiallyreducing or even eliminating the related threats of nuclear weapons proliferation by eithernational or sub-national groups.Final Report Topic 3: Programme of Action for Cancer Therapy (PACT)Fellows working on the PACT project will be given data about four different countries,each on a different continent, from which to choose. After deciding which country’s needsto address, the team will have the opportunity to gather more data and information and thendetermine what is the most appropriate next step for that country in providing adequateradiotherapy for the diagnosis and treatment of cancer. Based on your research, your teamwill write a proposal to the IAEA requesting funding for the initiative your teamrecommends.The result . . .The enthusiasm
Conference Session
Curriculum Development & Assessment in Nuclear and Radiological Engineering
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Robert Long, Nuclear Stewardship, LLC; Altaf Memon, Excelsior College; Li-Fang Shih, Excelsior College; Byron Thinger, Diablo Canyon Power Plant
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Nuclear and Radiological
accomplishment of each objective with individualized learning statementsdrawn from their own academic, professional, or life experiences. The portfolio is to also containevidence supporting these statements; examples of such evidence may include copies ofexaminations or laboratory reports, design drawings, citations from supervisors or peers, honorsor awards, or similar documentation. The faculty mentor evaluates the body of information in theportfolio and provides the student with feedback throughout the process, and ultimately aquantitative grade.The ITA is a primary assessment tool with several important functions. It fills in the picture ofthe student, whom the school may know only from dialog at a distance to this point. It serves as aquality check